Mark Cole

10 Tests Of A Good Worship Leader

How are you doing as a worship leader? How do you know if you are a good worship leader? Let me suggest a few guidelines that will help to quantify your leadership.

1. Is the congregation singing with you?

When you look out at the congregation, are they singing? Do you have a way to quantify how well your congregation is participating? Can you hear the congregation from the stage? Special note: There are some people who rarely sing and that’s between them and God. But is the majority of your congregation singing?

2. Is the congregation worshiping God with you?

The Biblical actions of worship are singing, playing instruments, lifting hands, clapping, shouting, dancing, bowing down and standing. Is your congregation worshipping God in these ways in your corporate worship times?

3. Is the congregation growing in their worship of God?

Is your congregation growing? Are there more people here this year than last? Are more people participating in corporate worship this year than last? Do you get reports that the congregation senses God in the midst of your corporate worship time?

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