
10 Ways for Your Worship Team to Succeed

Worship leader Jordan Holt offers practical wisdom for strengthening your worship lifestyle. He advocates that worshipers must make an intentional commitment to spiritual and creative growth. Holt suggests beginning by inviting God’s voice into your daily routine through journaling and listening prayer. He advises worship leaders to take risks, step outside musical habits and comfort zones, and find new inspiration from varied genres. Learning songs rapidly, mastering music theory like the Nashville Number System, and investing in unusual musical gear can all expand creativity. Holt recommends generosity – consider giving away gear rather than acquiring more. Cultivating honor on your team through encouragement and praise is also key. He reminds worshipers to let go of self-doubt and believe God’s truths about their identity.

Overall, Holt provides 10 tips for worship leaders to see breakthrough in their music ministry. He views worship as a holistic lifestyle, not simply limited to corporate musical expression. Holt offers wisdom on how to partner with God in new territories this year by pursuing spiritual disciplines, artistic risks, musical education, and team honor. This practical article will inspire worship leaders to approach their craft with fresh perspective and renewed commitment.

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