last minute

5 Last Minute Ideas to Improve the Music’s Ministry for THIS Sunday

Mark J Martin lists some small things you can do to improve your ministry to people on Sunday:

What can you do today that will make a difference in how the music leads in worship and serves the people?

Here are a few last minute ideas to improve the ministry of the music for this Sunday:

  • Pray. I’ll be honest, I typed out the other four first, then added this one. I put it up here at the top because it should be first, but I didn’t think of it first. Don’t we do that a lot? We work and plan, but forget prayer. But nothing can replace prayer in preparing us to lead worship.
  • Think about the words to your instrumental song. Pull out the hymnal, and look at the words. Meditate on what they mean. Pray through the text. Are you communicating it accurately? Have you internalized the message (instrumentalists should do this just as much as vocalists)?

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