Doing Less to Reach More: Trevor DeVage on 160% Church Growth in 18 Months

PODCAST: Learn about Trevor DeVage, the lead pastor of Pantano Christian Church, and how his church has experienced significant growth in recent years. To better understand where this growth was coming from and maintain momentum, Pantano’s leadership established clear metrics for expansion.

To prepare for their future development, the staff at Pantano began to simplify their ministry programs. They listed all their activities and eliminated those that didn’t align with the church’s mission or weren’t producing results. This simplification process included shortening their discipleship program from 42 weeks to just 10 weeks using a tool called Rooted.

By doing less in terms of programming but focusing more on what truly matters, Pantano Christian Church has seen impressive growth in various areas like baptisms, kids’ ministry, and weekend attendance. They continue to evaluate and streamline their offerings regularly to stay effective and avoid burnout.

One key aspect they’ve focused on is evangelism – encouraging church members to reach out individually to people in need rather than relying solely on organized programs. By sharing personal stories of redemption during services, the church can celebrate these successes together.

While the process of simplification has been challenging for Trevora’s team, they’ve found it crucial in achieving sustainable growth within their congregation. It’s essential for lead pastors like Trevor to embrace simplification as part of a mission-focused church model carefully cultivated by everyone involved.

Hear the podcast and read the transcript.


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