What The Band Needs To Know About the Sound Engineer’s Job

Ever feel out of sync with your sound engineer? One week you’re best buds, the next you’re ready to launch your guitar pick straight at the sound booth. Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the often misunderstood world of sound engineering and why it’s crucial for your worship experience.

This is all about bridging the gap between the stage and the sound booth. Let’s unpack the secret life of sound engineers and why their job is way more than just twiddling knobs.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover:

• The shocking truth about why your perfectly crafted guitar tone might need tweaking
• Why your laid-back rehearsal style could be sabotaging your Sunday sound
• The real reason behind those last-minute tone adjustments that drive your engineer crazy
• How rotating band members can throw a wrench in the mix (and what to do about it)
• Why your sound engineer might just be the unsung hero of your worship team

Prepare to have your perspective flipped upside down! By the time you finish reading, you’ll see your sound engineer in a whole new light. You might even start to appreciate those 700 Hz tweaks that keep the congregation’s ears from bleeding (trust us, it’s a thing).

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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