The Real Reasons the Unchurched Don’t Attend

Empty seats on Sunday. Ever wonder what the person who could be sitting there is doing that Sunday? We’ve got some eye-opening insights that might just change your entire approach to reaching the unchurched.

This research from the Church Answers team is about to flip your assumptions upside down. Discover why those pews aren’t as full as you’d like, and more importantly, what you can do about it!

Here’s a taste of what you’ll uncover:

• The surprising truth about why the unchurched aren’t showing up (spoiler: it’s not what you think!)
• The secret catalyst that turns indifferent bystanders into eager attendees
• Why your killer worship set might not be the draw you think it is
• The simple, yet powerful tool that trumps all your fancy programs and charismatic preaching
• How the churched and unchurched differ in what they’re looking for in a congregation
• The one strategy that works wonders for both the churched and unchurched alike

This data-packed article will arm you with the insights you need to bridge the gap between your church and those elusive unchurched folks. By the time you finish reading, you’ll be itching to implement these game-changing strategies. Time to turn those empty seats into a vibrant, growing congregation.

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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