Five (Fixable) Things That Keep Your Team From Practicing

Uh-oh… You know that look. The guitarist’s furrowed brow, the drummer’s oblivious crash into the chorus, the vocalists fumbling for harmonies. Yep, your team didn’t practice. Again.

But before you unleash your inner Simon Cowell, hold up! This might actually be on you.

In this eye-opening article, discover:
• 5 sneaky ways YOU might be sabotaging your team’s preparation
• The practice-killing mistake most leaders make (hint: it’s about timing)
• Why your “creativity” could be driving your team nuts

Plus, get the scoop on building a rock-solid “system of preparation” that’ll transform your rehearsals from cringe-fests to worship-ready sessions.

Don’t let another Sunday go by with half-baked performances. Unlock your team’s full potential!

Read the full article.


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