Worship Planning: Refining Your Song Canon

Need help building a meaningful worship song collection that truly serves your congregation? This insightful article explores the powerful concept of viewing worship songs as “flags” – markers of God’s movement in your church’s journey. Learn how to thoughtfully curate a song canon that honors both your church’s history and its future, while staying true to God’s current movement in your congregation.

In this article, you’ll discover:
• How to view your song selection through the lens of “flags” that mark God’s work in your church
• Why incorporating your lead pastor’s meaningful songs can bring added blessing to your worship ministry
• The importance of regular song canon evaluation (including a practical DRTC meeting framework)
• How to balance preserving significant songs while staying open to new movements of God
• Tips for involving other leaders in your song selection process
• Ways to identify and address gaps in your worship repertoire

Build a more intentional and spiritually significant song collection for your congregation!

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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