David Walker

The Myth of Seeker-Sensitive Worship

Worship leader David Walker on seeker worship:

There are legitimate “seekers” of the Truth out there, but when it comes to musical worship, we’ve defined “seeker” as someone who wants a show, who we don’t want to offend. We do this in an attempt to lead them to make a decision for Jesus through our musical worship simply being the holster for the message.

Somehow, we’ve watered down our expression of worship in order to give them a sport to spectate instead of an expression that leads them to participate. Whether you’re attractional, missional, in-between, charismatic, liturgical…and the list goes on…the Church has got to start processing through the worship of our King and the people the Church would define as seekers.

I think for a lot of us, we’ve decided to react to this issue instead of respond. In our generation, more than any other form of expression found in the Church is music. It’s a centerpiece of our culture at large that we gather around.

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