
Seven Elements of a Successful Pastoral Resignation Letter

Todd Rhoades offers tips for the process of leaving your ministry:

Pastoral resignation letter writing is tricky. No one ever wants to write them. Everyone knows what they’d like to say (deep down), but many times don’t know how to say it.

Well, it’s 2014… time to gear up for another year of ministry.

Some were so excited this morning that they couldn’t wait to get out of bed.

Yet others reading this are not so excited about 2014 because you know that this will be a big year of change for you and your family… a time of transition.

So we start out this new year with advice…

What should you write in your pastoral resignation letter?

Even if you are THRILLED with where God has you right now… it’s always a good exercise, particularly at the beginning of the year, to think through what you’re thankful for. In fact, those are usually the things you try to put into a letter of resignation (even if things have gone sour).

I’d encourage you to think about what you’re thankful for today… and maybe even (as an exercise) write down some thoughts about what you would put in your letter.

Here are some suggestions from Jeremy Postal, who just a couple of years ago left his position of ten years at his home church.

1. Express Your Emotion:

Give some indication to your church the inner struggle you’ve had in coming to the decision you have. If you love your church, and I hope you do, express that love, care, and concern for them and ensure to articulate it well.

2. State Your Move:

Don’t save the announcement to the end or sidle up to it. Make clear your intention near to the start so that the rest of everything you say/write comes in the context of your move.

Continue reading.


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