
The 20 Most Influential Evangelicals in America

Todd Rhoades comments on Thom Rainer’s list.

Recently, LifeWay President Thom Rainer compiled a list of 20 of what he thinks are the most influential evangelicals in America. The list, he says, is subjective (he just asked about 30 friends for input).

Here were the criteria:

–They had to be American

–They had to be living

–They had to be ‘evangelical’ (whatever that means)

–The nominees had to be influential (not necessarily those whom the person agreed with).

Here are the results… see what you think. (These are in alphabetical order):

Matt Chandler
Wilfredo De Jesus (Pastor Choco)
Ross Douthat
Tony Evans
Louie Giglio
Franklin Graham
Craig Groeschel
Bill Hybels
T. D. Jakes
Tim Keller

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