(Original article by Jonathan Howe)
A recent trend catching on around holidays in churches is the use of photo stations. Easter, Mother’s Day, and Christmas seem to be the top times churches use photo stations to capture pictures of families.
There are several benefits to these stations, but churches should consider some key factors:
1. Use a hashtag so people can track shared pics online.
2. Post the photos in an album on the church’s Facebook page so people can easily tag themselves and share.
3. Set up multiple identical stations to prevent long lines and impatient kids.
4. Locate the stations near children’s areas for convenience.
5. Announce the photo opportunity ahead of time to boost attendance.
6. Have outgoing volunteers engage people waiting in line.
7. Consider having visitors fill out connection cards while waiting to get follow-up information.
8. Think carefully about the background design – incorporate the church website and avoid props that could slow things down.
With intentional planning around these factors, photo stations can become a fun tradition that provides families with memories and gets the church’s name out there. The key is setting them up in a convenient, efficient way that connects with newcomers.