
5 Benefits of Homegrown Worship Leaders

In the ever-evolving landscape of church ministries, one role stands out as a beacon of authenticity and deep-rooted connection – the homegrown worship leader. More than just a musical maestro, these locally cultivated talents offer a unique blend of insights and advantages that can propel your congregation’s worship experience to…

21 Popular Young Adult Ministry Ideas & Activities

Keeping young adults engaged and passionate about their faith can be a daunting task. But fear not! We’ve got an electrifying list of 21 red-hot ideas guaranteed to breathe new life into your young adult ministry. From organizing soul-stirring worship nights and unforgettable mission trips, to hosting game nights that…

It Is A Privilege To Lead Worship!

From singing as a child in the congregation to leading worship for over 40 years, Mark Cole shares his profound connection to musical worship. Relating deeply to the biblical figure David, he bares his soul, revealing the profound highs of encountering God’s presence through music and the humbling lows of…

Tech Directors: The Unsung Heroes of Worship ⁤

Let’s be real, tech directors are the backbone of our worship ministry. Without them, we’d be drowning in a sea of feedback and awkward silences. Building Bridges, Not Walls Want to empower your tech director? Encourage them to build relationships like a pro! They need to connect with their team,…

How to Make Worship More Than a Spectator Sport

Ready for a revelation that will change the way you approach worship planning? Tired of passive, mindless worship experiences? Discover the cure for spectator-style services that leave your congregation uninspired! Learn the secrets to intentional worship planning that ignites active participation and life-changing encounters with the Holy Spirit. Forget the…

A Simple Checklist for Healthy Worship

Embark on a transformative journey that will revitalize the way you approach worship music in your church! This comprehensive guide offers a fresh perspective on curating a spiritually nourishing and personally resonant worship experience. Like a skilled physician, you’ll learn to conduct an in-depth health check on the songs you…

Is Your Ministry Leveraging Online Giving Effectively?

Brace yourself for a financial revolution within church walls! In an era where technology reigns supreme, a staggering 49% of churchgoers now prefer to give digitally. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg; this eye-opening article dives deep into the tangible impact of embracing online giving platforms. Unlock secrets…

How To (Really) Convince Your Team Members To Practice

Tired of seeing your worship team buried in music stands during services? As a leader, you know there’s more to worship than just going through the motions. But how do you inspire your team to truly prepare and prioritize practice? Discover the profound “why” behind dedicated practice! Backed by biblical…

10 Top Worship Leading Tips

Worship leaders – we know the struggle is real. Keeping your team engaged, your congregation connected, and your heart centered on God amid the weekly whirlwind. What if we told you there are battle-tested strategies to revolutionize your ministry? From managing the little things (like actually starting on time!) to…

9 Reasons Your Church Might Need a Choir

Choirs in Church: A Relic of the Past or a Missed Opportunity? Most churches have long abandoned choirs, seen as stale and outdated. But could they actually revitalize worship? This article makes a compelling case for why every church should consider resurrecting the choir. From fostering multigenerational fellowship to offering…

[PODCAST] Calling the Next Gen to Leadership

“How do you identify and find high caliber leaders, particularly from the next generation? Too many churches wait for young leaders to be trained in other places instead of raising them up from within their church. Listen as Brad shares how The Journey is raising up young leaders and providing…

[PODCAST] Developing the Platform Presence of Your Worship Team

Would you love to see your worship team improve at expressing their worship more freely? Do you want them to engage the congregation with more confidence? The Worship Workshop podcast is here to help in their episode all about platform presence. Get your congregation more involved through the influence of…

10 Service Ideas for the Creative Church

Does your church service feel stuck in a rut? Same old routine week after week? It’s time to shake things up and engage your congregation in fresh, innovative ways! Find 10 brilliant ideas to breathe new life into your worship experience. From mini-movies and powerful testimonies to themed worship media…

How to Lead Worship Gracefully When Things Go Wrong

Flubbed lyrics? Mic cuts out? Band falls apart? Every worship leader has been there – those cringe-worthy moments when things go horribly wrong in the middle of leading. Don’t let the next inevitable mishap throw you into a panic! You’ve gotta learn to gracefully navigate those worship snafus. Find vital…

[PODCAST] Where Modern Worship Comes From (And Why It Matters)

Episode 13 of the Worship Workshop Podcast. “Today we dive into where modern worship comes from—and why it matters—with Dr. Lester Ruth. During the discussion, we also discuss the fourfold order of worship—the history of it and why it’s still critical for today.” Listen to the podcast.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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