
4 Best Practices For Leading Worship For Easter

The most important day of the year for Christians is nearly here! Easter celebrates the pivotal event that gives meaning to our faith – the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But how can we make the most of this holy day in worship? Dan Wilt provides four key practices to make…

Easy Ways to Boost Your Worship Team’s Morale This Easter Season

The Worshipflow team encourages worship leaders to show appreciation to their teams in personal ways as Easter approaches, beyond just digital communication. Specifically, they suggest handwritten notes to express gratitude more meaningfully. Small gift cards, even just $5-10 for coffee, are another thoughtful gesture. Phone calls or voicemails to check…

Worship’s One-Trick Pony

The sole emphasis on music in worship has been detrimental. It has hindered understanding of biblical worship and exacerbated conflicts. Music alone cannot fix dissension; a healthier theology of worship is needed. David Manner argues worship is more than music. Scripture, prayer, communion, and the arts are all important expressions…

[PODCAST] Protecting Your Church’s DNA

Jon Delger joins the unSeminary podcast! Whether your church is growing a little or a lot, change to the people making up your church will change your culture. How can you protect your church’s DNA and reinforce culture during growth? Tune in as Jon shares best practices for guarding and…

More US Christians Are Hungry for ‘Authenticity in the Community’

Choosing a new church home can be a daunting but necessary transition. What causes people to make this major switch? A recent study uncovers surprising insights. Many Christians will change churches at least once in their lives. While moving locations is the top reason, a Lifeway Research survey reveals 40%…

Top Easter Worship Songs 2024 [With Tutorials]

Easter is one of the most important worship services of the year! Choosing a setlist can feel intimidating. This list is here to help. Along with included online tutorials, you’ll be off to a great start to help your people encounter the risen Christ. See the full list.

8 Keys To ‘Next Level’ Sunday Worship

Worship is meant to be an encounter with the living God that stirs the soul. But for many, Sunday morning worship can feel routine or passionless. What’s the secret to igniting fervent, heartfelt praise? Mark Cole provides 8 keys to taking your worship team and congregation to the next level.…

50 Questions Worship Leaders Should Ask Before Sunday

Worship leaders often don’t evaluate their own leadership until complaints come in. But preemptive self-evaluation can prevent problems down the road. Here are 50 thoughtful questions you as a worship leader can ask yourself to assess your leadership. 50 questions may sound intimidating, but that number ensures a very thorough…

Charles Spurgeon’s Insights Into a Church’s Hymnody

The question of whether churches should sing songs from controversial sources is not new. Even famed 19th century preacher Charles Spurgeon wrestled with it when compiling a hymnal for his congregation. Kenny Lamm explores Spurgeon’s perspective to glean insights for modern worship leaders. When selecting hymns, Spurgeon prioritized songs that…

The 10 Best Books for Worship Leaders

Worship leaders seeking to grow in their craft and calling would do well to pick up a book or two. Reading expands our perspectives, equips us with new ideas and skills, and renews our sense of purpose. This article recommends ten must-read titles covering a range of topics vital for…

4 Reasons Why Churches Become Insider-Focused

It’s rare for churches to start out insider-focused—but over time, many drift from reaching new people to solely caring for those already in the pews. This article explores four of the most common reasons churches become inwardly fixated. Mitigating risk, clinging to old methods, over-planning, and lacking vision can all…

7 Metrics Every Church Marketer Must Track

Metrics matter for church growth and outreach, but diving into the data can seem overwhelming for pastors. This guide breaks down seven must-know metrics into practical takeaways for ministry. Kenny Jahng explains unique pageviews, percentage of new visitors, and other website analytics that reveal a church’s digital reach and resonance.…

Worship Leaders: The Power of A Smile

Can a genuine smile really transform the worship experience for your congregation? A smile is an incredibly powerful, yet often overlooked tool for worship leaders. There is universal appeal in a smile; no matter one’s culture or language, everyone understands a smile. So put one on! They broadcast warmth and…

10 Things Every Worship Leader Needs To Work On

Worship leaders know that excellence requires constant growth and improvement. Mark Cole shares ten ways to take your leadership to the next level. You’ll learn specific tips on developing your musical skills, building your team, choosing impactful songs, strengthening your spiritual life, loving your church, prioritizing your family, and more.…

The Three “I’s” of Public Scripture Reading

Many churches have a renewed interest in reading Scripture publicly within their worship services. As the quantity of Scripture has increased, the quality often has not. This video considers a simple yet effective method for training Scripture readers. Watch the video.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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