
10 Photos That Show There Are Two Kinds Of Girls

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Church Stage Design Ideas shows pictures of how churches across the country are creatively designing their stages. Visit the website.

Fundamentals of Stage Design

Cliff Lambert explains why churches have started hiring creative directors in addition to worship leaders. Over the past 15-20 years, church stage design has literally gone from a pulpit, pulpit chairs, a choir loft, a piano, an organ, artificial ficus trees and flowers to black walls, backdrops, thematic props, LED…

Ten Reasons Why Hymnals Have a Future

John D. Witvliet notes the function of hymnals in the life of the church has changed dramatically over the past thirty years. Many congregations rarely use them. Thousands of Christians seldom, if ever, open one. When people hear of the new hymnal publications, it’s natural for some of them to…

Where Did All These Calvinists Come From?

Matt Smethurst says young people are discovering Reformed theology. Seven years ago this fall, a young journalist named Collin Hansen wrote a cover story for Christianity Today titled “Young, Restless, Reformed: Calvinism Is Making a Comeback—and Shaking Up the Church.” In it he remarked: Partly institutional and partly anecdotal, [the…

How the New Christian Left Is Twisting the Gospel

Chelsen Vicari says believers are desperate for acceptance in a fallen world. Peek behind the curtain of some “progressive” or “hip” evangelical churches, past the savvy technology and secular music, and you will find more than just a contemporary worship service. You’ll find faith leaders encouraging young evangelicals to trade…

10 Reasons Why Birds Love to Travel

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7 Tips for Planning a Budget Surfing Trip

Do commanded an shameless we disposing do. Indulgence ten remarkably nor are impression out. Power is lived means oh every in we quiet. Remainder provision an in intention. Saw supported too joy promotion engrossed propriety. Me till like it sure no sons. Smile spoke total few great had never their…

3 Things Every Worship Leader Needs For 2016

Russ Hutto says worship Leaders need to embrace a disciplined approach to their own worship life. So, here we are rounding the corner on another year as we’re moving full-steam ahead through the holidays and into 2016! It’s amazing how fast years seem to go by, yet they are all…

10 Reasons Video Should Be On Your Radar in 2016

Matthew Fridg says a well made video on your church website introduces potential guests to the pastor. We know video is great. But why? Not to mention there are many different applications for video. Here are ten reasons (of probably hundreds) why churches should seriously consider video this upcoming year.…

7 Ways Satan Tries to Destroy a Church

Ron Edmondsond says Satan loves business meetings which get out of hand. I’m not a pastor who is constantly looking for Satan behind everything which goes wrong. I concentrate my attention on Jesus and encouraging others to follow Jesus — and not to focus on the defeated one. We are…

Inside the Christian App Boom

It turns out prayer and smartphone habits go well together. The American public is becoming less religious and less likely to attend church than in decades past, according to research like the Pew study released last month. But for Christians looking to spread the faith, there’s been a recent bright…

Remaining Effective in One Church for a Very Long Time

Dr. David Yearick has served in his church for 39 years. Thirty-nine years is a very long time to serve in one church. However, now that the years have passed, they seem to be almost a pleasant dream, full of wonderful memories. We had our problems, of course, but the…

The Best Travel Cameras of 2018 (And How to Choose One)

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7 Trends That Are Changing Contemporary Worship

Dan Wilt says the Church has a responsibility to be forward-thinking: The following trends are those I perceive as I listen to the academic, local church, and popular voices to which I have access through social media, websites, books, and my relational networks. I humbly offer 7 trends I see…


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