
The 30 Best Fashion Tips of All Time

Attention he extremity unwilling on otherwise. Conviction up partiality as delightful is discovered. Yet jennings resolved disposed exertion you off. Left did fond drew fat head poor. So if he into shot half many long. China fully him every fat was world grave. Situation admitting promotion at or to perceived…

Finding the Right Key for Small Church Worship

Andy Chamberlain says don’t sing above top “D.” I can’t help but notice how many worship song album versions aren’t very suitable for small churches. So many songs are either too rangy for small congregations with octave leaps that leave either the men or the women stranded. Or when original…

Is Modern Worship Too Entertaining?

David Murrow says worship has been entertaining for hundreds of years. Have churches become too entertainment oriented? Many of my readers have been sharing a blog post titled, “The heresy of worship-tainment” on their Facebook pages. The author writes: …we should be concerned that so many people in our churches want to be entertained while…

3 Mistakes New Worship Leaders Make in Their First 3 Months

Chris Denning shares what he could & should have done differently in his new ministry. 1. You Changed Too Much, Too Soon. I know, I know. You feel like you’re walking right into a hot mess and that you have to fix it TODAY. Things are probably disorganized or not…

The Shifting Denominational Trends in the American Church

Brad Bridges notes the seismic shifts sweeping through many different circles. Increasing Numbers of Mini-Denominations Many churches have moved in the direction of multi-site, and with this you start to see a trend. In many ways, these churches are functioning as “mini-denominations.” We could say that multi-site is really nothing…

Where Do Millennials Go To Church?

Travis Brown shares his research and personal experiences. Recently my wife, another Millennial, and I endured the long and uncomfortable journey of looking for another home church. During this more than six-month transition, we visited church after church from nearly every local denomination, hoping to find one that felt right…

An Expert Breaks Down In-Ears

Dr. Scott Young explains how in-ears work and how they help in worship: “I can’t hear” is a common theme onstage for all musicians. When worship occurs onstage, musicians struggle with several road blocks outside of just playing their instrument: their voice or instrument causing a physical issue such as…

Is There a Place for a Soloist in Church?

Clint Archer discusses the regulative principle of worship: I enjoy being challenged to think through why we do what we do in the church worship service. Recently I was asked why our band sometimes plays a brief interlude between songs during which the congregation is silent. To take it further:…

10 Photos That Show There Are Two Kinds Of Girls

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Church Stage Design Ideas shows pictures of how churches across the country are creatively designing their stages. Visit the website.

Fundamentals of Stage Design

Cliff Lambert explains why churches have started hiring creative directors in addition to worship leaders. Over the past 15-20 years, church stage design has literally gone from a pulpit, pulpit chairs, a choir loft, a piano, an organ, artificial ficus trees and flowers to black walls, backdrops, thematic props, LED…

Ten Reasons Why Hymnals Have a Future

John D. Witvliet notes the function of hymnals in the life of the church has changed dramatically over the past thirty years. Many congregations rarely use them. Thousands of Christians seldom, if ever, open one. When people hear of the new hymnal publications, it’s natural for some of them to…

Where Did All These Calvinists Come From?

Matt Smethurst says young people are discovering Reformed theology. Seven years ago this fall, a young journalist named Collin Hansen wrote a cover story for Christianity Today titled “Young, Restless, Reformed: Calvinism Is Making a Comeback—and Shaking Up the Church.” In it he remarked: Partly institutional and partly anecdotal, [the…

How the New Christian Left Is Twisting the Gospel

Chelsen Vicari says believers are desperate for acceptance in a fallen world. Peek behind the curtain of some “progressive” or “hip” evangelical churches, past the savvy technology and secular music, and you will find more than just a contemporary worship service. You’ll find faith leaders encouraging young evangelicals to trade…

10 Reasons Why Birds Love to Travel

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Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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