
Five tips for leading worship when tragedy strikes

Paul Baloche shares tips for troubled times: These days it seems like every other week there’s a breaking news crisis that sends shocking images to the front pages, spreads fear like a virus and gives us all pause for thought. So what do you do when tragedy strikes in the…

We Need More Seeker-Friendly Churches

Paul Rezkalla challenges the idea that unbelievers will come to church when we make church less “churchy.” The day has finally arrived for us to not only entertain the idea of the “seeker-friendly” church, but also to embrace it. This move isn’t made in order to capitulate to culture; rather,…

How to Respond When Things Go Terribly Wrong On Stage

Allen Paul says to maintain your poise: The moment is usually brief, but it feels like it lasts forever. It is the moment in a performance where something goes very, very wrong. Far from a missed note, or a mistaken melody, it usually involves a musical issue that is painfully…

Worship Singers: What Is Your Role?

Branon Dempsey says our job is to help lift up the spirits of those in the Body. No, the church does not depend on the worship team solely, our job is to help point them to the Holy Spirit. He is the real Worship Leader, as we are the facilitators.…

Hold the Cheese

Professor John Witvliet offers insights from his college students about what helps and hinders worship: I recently taught a class on worship and theology to an insightful group of 30 undergraduate students. They came from churches all over the stylistic spectrum, from eight denominations, twelve states and provinces, and three…

Animals in the Wild

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How to Plan Engaging Christmas Worship Services

Jason Hatley says great moments in worship don’t have to be accidental: With the right spoken transition, the right lighting or the right stage change (just to name a few), your worship set can go from unremarkable to irresistible. Here’s how: #1 – Be true to the feeling of the…

The Aim of Worship

Aaron Flores encourages 24/7 worship: As a child growing up in church I never thought much about worship happening outside the “4 walls” of a church building. I really assumed it was just another word for the music we played during service. Little did I know then that the word…

Memorizing Your Music

Laura Blankenship talks about her memorization techniques. LYRICS STEP 1 – Listen to the song and sing along learning the melody and the flow, if you don’t already know it. STEP 2 – Take it a line at a time and memorize while you are doing something else. I always…

3 Reasons to Build a Choir

Ray Jones asks if it’s time to incorporate a choir into the worship-leading team. Biblically there are many references to the choir, in fact, 54 of the Psalms are addressed to the choir director. When the new house of worship was dedicated in 2 Chronicles 5:13-14, it was the choir…

7 Social Rules of Engagement for Worship Leaders

Kory Pence helps worship leaders build relationships in their congregations. The man behind the coffee counter bellowed at me, “I don’t have a sign that says ‘EAT AND GET OUT’ but I’m looking for one!” As I reached for my wallet, I judged his comment as more truth than sarcasm.…

4 Reasons Why Pastors Should Help Lead Worship

Philip Nation encourages pastors to find ways to join the worship leader from time to time: astors who preach are probably not the most likely candidates for leading worship music. Some have wonderful singing voices but most have no training in leading worship music. But every now and again, we…

Leading Worship through Song List Curation

Adam Kurihara offers tips to navigate endless options and choose the right songs for our specific congregations. Continuity: Cultivate, curate, and protect your song list. Shorten it. Think restraint. Though you may sing these songs three times in rehearsal, a couple times in a sound check, and once in each…

Pros and Cons of Live vs. Delayed Church Video Streaming

Matthew Fridg looks at differences between Live and VOD applications to better understand the impact in churches today. For our purposes, we are going to define live video as event based productions delivered to our viewers in real time. This would be services, sermons, conferences, concerts, or other event made…


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