
How To Use Timeless Songs In Your Worship Setlists

Gary Durbin looks for three qualities: As constructing a sermon is to a pastor, so constructing a worship set is to a worship leader. You want to have solid content and memorable hooks that will stick with your church as they walk away. For a worship leader, song selection is…

Three Portable Church Sound Systems for Every Budget

Brian Gowing created this list around budgets and skill sets: Do you load in and load out your system every weekend? Does your church meet in a school, movie theater, community center, or other location that requires the church to provide the gear? There are three categories of portable audio…

What Kind of Media Director Does Your Church or Ministry Need?

Phil Cooke offers a simple guide to help you find the right person: Most pastors, evangelists, and ministry leaders have a vision for media, but aren’t sure how to make that vision happen. The key to success is hiring the right person to create, shape, and lead your media outreach.…

Should We Pay Church Musicians?

Joshua Weiss offers ideas to help you decide. If you have spent any amount of time working on a church worship team, you have inevitably encountered the discussion of paying musicians to play. This is a conversation I have had more and more lately. I should preface this blog by…

5 Keys to Growing a Healthy Student Worship Team

Andrew Holt gives his feedback on the importance of growing student worship ministries. I have lead worship for student ministry in different capacities for almost six years, and it has become one of my favorite ministries to be a part of. One of the trickiest parts of building a strong…

Is It Time for a New Worship War?

Rich Birch wonders if the “Modern Worship Crowd” is holding onto its approach in the same way the “Hymns & Organ Crowd” did? The first church I served at was in the middle of a worship war when I started there. It was like a cold war with a lot of passive-aggressive…

The Demise Of The Electric Guitar In Music

Forbes’ Bobby Owsinski writes about the latest news in the new music business. There are times when a trend happens so fast that it’s just like being hit in the face with an ice cold towel, and then there are times when it’s so slow moving that you can feel…

Why You Need to Sing Loudly in Church

Keith Getty lists five of the many reasons we should all sing passionately in church this Sunday: Each week, upwards of 100 million people in America attend church, listen responsively to the sermons, and pray sincerely. But when it comes time to sing the hymns, the level of engagement drops…

Eight Simple Principles of Worship Planning

Mark Powers offers a planning framework: How can worship leaders enable others to fall deeply in love with God? Here are eight principles that can enable a vertical vortex of Spirit and Truth: 1. Gather God’s family. Whatever your worship tradition or style, liturgical or free, we must allow our…

5 Things Starbucks Can Teach Christians about Evangelism

Debbie Holloway says churches outnumber Starbucks 25-1: If I ever want Starbucks, I know one will always be close. There’s one in my grocery store. There’s one a few intersections away from my apartment. There are four within two square miles of my parents’ house! If anything in this country…

Bobby Schuller On The Crystal Cathedral Exodus

Robert Schuller’s grandson talks about the lasting parts of his family’s ministry. When Bobby Schuller’s grandfather, Robert Schuller, founded Garden Grove Community Church in Southern California in 1955, he immediately attracted attention. The church met in a drive-in theater, and the novelty of it generated both local and national news…

Easter Worship Ideas for Kids’ Church

Mimi Bullock shares ideas for providing kids with unique ways to worship the Lord. Easter is on its way — are you ready for an influx of children? Share the joy and hope of Easter by providing kids with unique ways to worship the Lord. Prepare ahead of time and…

5 Reasons a Church Stops Growing

Ron Edmondson’s thoughts on leadership, church and culture. I was talking with a church recently that had explosive growth, but things have slowed. They wanted to know why they were not growing any longer. Honestly, I don’t know. There are probably different reasons for every church that stops growing. But,…

A New Sound in Christian Rock

MercyMe lead singer Bart Millard almost quit the band, but instead reinvented the group’s style. If you grew up listening to Christian rock music, chances are a few songs from the band MercyMe have a spot on your most-played list. The Texas-born group features lead singer/songwriter Bart Millard and band…

Free Easter Song from Hillsong

Download a free chord chart, lyrics, lead sheet, vocal demo and instrumental track for Hillsong’s “O Praise The Name (Anástasis.)” Read more about the song.


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