
Why You Need To Add Tithing Online

Jeremy Smith asks if we really need to have the offering plate present to make our regular gift to the church holy. It would seem that tech is being used for many great ways in church including youth ministry games, digital communications, and safety checks for our children. Yet, I…

10 Best Practices For Worship Vocalists

Dan Wilt helps take your vocals to the next level. 1. Vibrato Is Out – Tight Blend Is In. When microphones were first put in front of church vocalists back in the day, chorally or folk-bred singers brought their vibrato to the microphone. If you’re the only one singing, or…

3 Critical Mistakes Many Worship Leaders Make

Doug Lawrence says most churches move through worship leaders like he goes through firewood in the winter. Like pastors, worship leaders take lots of critical “hits” in their vocation; they just make a lot less money and are often not as well trained as traditional clergy. Oh, and they are…

Worship Leader Stage Presence

Katie Eckeberger offers ideas for being confident, while still honoring God with humility. You might think it odd that I’m addressing stage presence in a worship leading context, but all too often I see worship leaders struggling to maintain a leading presence for their congregations. It might be a confidence…

Do You Have a Case of Big Church Envy?

Brian Gowing says be better stewards of God’s money by looking at what could be done with what you have. Prepare to be uncomfortable. You have fallen prey to Big Church Envy. You know who you are and what I’m talking about and you’re starting to squirm in your seat.…

Are You Leading Worship In A Church Plant?

James Tealy gives practical advice to the church plant worship leader: Cake? Is a birthday cake at the end of worship the right way to celebrate your first year as a new church plant? I didn’t know I would ever have to make that decision. For the first time in…

An Encouragement to the Church Plant Worship Leader

Scott Clayton offers encouragement from one worship leader at a church plant to another: Keep going I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. In case you didn’t know, that was written by Paul, a guy who had it way…

Rediscovering Worship In The Old Testament

Brian Sigmon says worship in the Old Testament is more than bloody and fearful. Be honest. You read that title and expected me to talk about sacrificing goats, didn’t you? Before you start reminding me of Hosea 6:6 or Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice, hear me out. Because worship in the Old…

6 Great Reasons To Study Doctrine

Tim Challies says doctrine leads to worship: I love doctrine. Doctrine is simply the teaching of God or the teaching about God—the body of knowledge that he reveals to us through the Bible. I guess I’m one of those geekly people who loves to learn a new word and the…

In-Ear Monitors: 10 Best Practices For Worship Musicians

Dan Wilt offers in-ears tips: Many churches these days have moved to IEMs (In-Ear Monitors) to reduce stage clutter, tighten up sound, and heighten musicality in the band. The sound and individual control of IEMs is fantastic, but it takes some getting used to – especially because the relational, community…

What Makes “Authentic” Worship Authentic?

Nick Law wonders when did we start assessing authenticity in worship based upon a style of music? One morning, not long ago, whilst doing the usual scroll through Facebook in an attempt to shoehorn myself into a brand new autumnal day, I saw this caption accompanying a video for a…

Do Lyric Statistics Indicate a Shift in Worship?

Duke scholar Lester Ruth tweets interesting figures about CCLI songs. Duke scholar Lester Ruth (someone whose work every worship leader should pay attention to) tweeted this interesting stat: Continuing hymn/CCLI song comparison. Most frequent human verbs in hymns? “sin” and “see”; in CCLI songs? “sing” and “praise” His sources for…

The In-Between: Transitions In Worship

Andy Lee with ideas for creating a smooth flow. As a worship leader, leading within a song is a given… But what about the in-between? Transitions are a great way to help create a seamless time of worship and reduce potential awkwardness between songs. The truth is that we practice…

What Makes a Song Congregational?

Joshua Watts offers a worship checklist. So, what makes a song “congregational”? Is the content of the song applicable to a majority of your church? Make sure that the theme of the songs you select are broad enough to apply to a variety of individuals from many different walks of…

Is Your Church Worship More Pagan than Christian?

Todd Pruitt says musicians are given priestly status. There is a great misunderstanding in churches of the purpose of music in Christian worship. Churches routinely advertise their “life-changing” or “dynamic” worship that will “bring you closer to God” or “change your life.” Certain worship CD’s promise that the music will…


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