
10 Ways to be a Better Worship Audio Engineer

Tips from a top Hillsong Engineer. 1. Be approachable! Build relationships with the team on stage. Learn to work in context of service outcomes and consider the needs of the wider creative team. Example: if a mix needs to sound like something other than what you are creating, be open…

Worship Leaders, Take This Challenge From Isaiah

Kristen Gilles shares wisdom from her grandmother. Five years ago I was helping my mom clean out my grandparents’ house after my papaw passed away. I discovered a trove of treasures in my mamaw’s nightstand: a box full of scripture cards handwritten or typewritten by my mamaw and organized by…

10 Things I’ve Learned About Worship Leading

Hillsong’s Taya Smith offers suggestions from her experiences. 1. The difference between preparing and not preparing is MASSIVE. Apart from knowing the songs and learning the lyrics, setting aside time to prepare my heart before God is the most important thing — it allows the Holy Spirit to speak, puts…

Worship Design: Template or Blank Sheet of Paper?

Nancy Beech discusses pros and cons of predictability. I have been thinking a lot about templates lately – the Pros and the Cons. When I was leading a Worship/Arts team, our mantra was to surprise the congregation every week. We believed our job was to treat every Sunday like a…

Your Church Is More Than a Worship Service

Kelley Hartnett says those folks who don’t attend church aren’t interested in attending any church. So I’m just going to come right out and say it: It’s more than likely the people in your community who aren’t “attending church” have no interest in attending yours. None whatsoever. It doesn’t matter…

3 Steps To Leading The Most Incredible Worship Service

“Wow, that worship service was amazing.” It’s a phrase we all hear, all the time. Whether you’re leaving the arena after a Jesus Culture concert or driving to the buffet after Sunday’s worship, we’ve all said it. But what is it, I wonder, that constitutes “incredible” worship? Because you may…

Why High Capacity Children’s Pastors Are So Hard To Find

Danny Watterson asks “what’s the fastest way to wreck your church?” I can think of a ton of ways to do it: bad message content, miserable music, little to no connection opportunities, or a scandal. But one of the primary characteristics we see in churches that are not thriving is…

3 Reasons Church Choirs Are Dying

James Merritt spent years as senior pastor of an Atlanta-area megachurch that featured a mighty choir. Then he changed his tune. At 50, he left First Baptist Church Snellville to plant a new church—200 people in a rented space at a high school 12 miles away—focused on reaching a young…

As Number of Church Organists Declines, Fears of a Dying Art

A vicious circle is playing out across the religious landscape, to hear church musicians tell of it. Fewer young people are studying the organ, which has led some churches to remove the instrument for lack of practitioners. And without the physical presence of an organ to spark interest, even fewer…

Singles Outnumber Marrieds in U.S.

Time to hire a single’s pastor? Most churches don’t have ministries for the now-largest demographic. Never before have there been more single adults in the United States than married ones, indicating that the times are changing. Tipping the scales at 50.2 percent, 124.6 million singles now form the majority of…

Divine Photos of America’s Most Epic Churches

Photographer Christoph Morlinghaus takes us on a grand tour of the very best Modernist religious architecture in Form/Faith. From Eliel and Eero Saarinen’s Midwest churches to Marcel Breuer’s austere concrete to the far-out experiments of Pietro Belluschi, the series is a beautiful study of how religion has long spawned many…

Trends: Unbelief Backlash

In wake of the unbelief propagated by worship leaders and CCM artists like Michael Gungor, Vicky Beeching and Jars of Clay’s Dan Haseltine, it’s interesting to note that for the past several weeks, two top songs on, often #1 and #2, are Hillsong’s This I Believe (The Creed) and…

How Megachurches Are Spending Their Tithes and Offerings

Leadership Network and Vanderbloemen are releasing what they claim to be “by far the biggest-scale, cross-denominational response anyone has ever collected about church finances.” Specifically, they interviewed 727 megachurches about how they spend their finances, and the report has some interesting findings, all of which are free to download here.…


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