
The Alpha Church Pastor Succession Plan – Maybe Just Let It Die?

Carlos Whittaker muses on the demise of the megachurch: For as long as I have been a part of the evangelical “megachurch” the looming question has always been… “What happens when Alpha Mega Personality Pastor X dies or retires?” That one question has caused people to question the validity of…

What Does The Worship Leader Do All Week Anyway?

by Carlos Whittaker I’ve been a “worship leader” for a looooooong time.  Started full time circa 1998. Now I’ve been blessed to be able to do many things in the ministry and now worship leading is probably only 1/5th of my job. Yet I’ve seen the “job” change in various…

Hired As The New Worship Leader? 5 Tips To Start On The Right Foot

Laura Blankenship offers excellent advice on how to start that new WL position: Your dream job has arrived! Long hours, little pay, no benefits, weekly critiques from your customers…welcome to worship leading! Okay, I promise it’s not that bad. It’s great actually. Even though you have just begun your Worship…

Multisite Church is New “Normal” in America

Jim Tomberlin says church models are shifting to better support today’s church-goer. The multisite strategy has become the “new normal” for healthy and growing churches in urban, suburban and rural communities. leadership network reports that an estimated 5 million people attend one of the more than 8,000 multisite churches across…

Why Pastors/Teachers Should Be Shaken Up By Brian Williams

Nancy Beach warns against embellishment: I have been a fan and faithful viewer of NBC News Anchor Brian Williams for the last decade. Throughout the recent controversy, I continue to hope that some new revelations will explain his actions and even exonerate him. But I am also sobered by the…

Church Tech Equipment Upkeep Tips

Tim Adams offers a checklist for your equipment maintenance: One of the oft forgotten realities of using technical equipment is that it will break, fail or otherwise develop issues and will need to be repaired. The question is, what are your next steps? Here’s what I recommend: Check Your Warranty…

5 Ways to De-Professionalize Your Worship

Doug Lawrence says the primary complaint he hears from congregants is that the worship is too much of a show. Here are some ways to put the corp back in corporate. Stop being a slave to glitz! It is a commonly held belief among worship leaders that the expectations are…

The Secret To Effective Worship Leading

Dan Wilt says few have learned the real secret to the most effective worship leading on planet earth today. The following is my observation, gathered over 25 years. Many worship leaders are skilled in leading worship. A smaller number are strongly gifted to lead worship. Even fewer still, in my view, are distinctly…

What Should A Worship Leader Wear?

Worship leaders, we’ve put together the definitive fashion guide for you as we enter into the new year. We know that choosing which upbeat praise song or what key to do your closing response time can take a lot of planning and energy, so we’ve put together an easy-to-follow step…

10 Reasons Many Contemporary Worship Leaders are Spiritually Bankrupt

Editor’s note: Yet another backlash article about Rock Star Worship Leaders. Joseph Mattera has come to the conclusion that many involved in Christian worship seem to have a very superficial relationship with the Lord and His Church. The past several years there has been no shortage of prominent contemporary Christian…

10 Distractions Regarding Worship Music

Church consultant Chuck Lawless offers observations on worship. A few weeks ago, I posted findings on common worship distractions. Since that time, some readers have questioned me more specifically about our findings regarding the musical component of worship. So, the goal in this post is to respond to that request.…

So You Want To Be A Worship Leader? Here’s Where To Start

Russ Hutto offers several helpful tips for learning how to be an effective worship leader. 1) FIND A MENTOR Know that every step along the way, we all have room to learn and grow. There is no such thing as a worship leader who is perfect in every aspect. There…

4 Ways to Bring New Life Into Church Worship

Phil Haydn reacts to negative worship blogs. Recently I have came across a few articles that focus heavily on “Why church worship is not as engaging as it used to be.” To say these blogs were disheartening would be an understatement. Why? Because worship is my lifeline to God’s heart,…

5 Tips On How to Grow Your Church Choir

Mary Crowson says certain practices that can lead to health and growth in a church choir. Will you join the choir? While I have been blessed with more faithful musicians than I can say grace over at times, some choirs languish. Let me say at the outset that this not…

Rehearsal Downbeat Time

Dan Wilt introduces the phrase that will revolutionize your rehearsals. It’s Sunday morning, and rehearsal was supposed to begin at 8:00 am. Your electric guitar player shows up, as requested, at 8 on the dot – but then takes 20 minutes to set up his gear. Is there a better…


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