
Are You Good Enough To Write A Worship Song?

Rob Carona says worship music culture is starting to stagnate because of our fear of releasing our own sound. As I meet with more and more worship leaders and teams, teaching them about songwriting, I have noticed a certain mentality amongst musicians and in worship services that troubles me. It’s…

What Is an “Average” Sized Church?

Fascinating statistics from Michael Bell: You may have heard people say that the “average” sized church in the U.S. or Canada is about 75 people. You also may have heard someone say that the “average” sized church in North America is about 185 people. Who is right? It all depends…

2014-2015 Church Conference Calendar List

JULY 2014 Jul 8 :: North American Christian Convention (Indianapolis, IN) Speakers: Vince Antonucci, Craig Groeschel, Tim Harlow, Tim Hawkins, Liz Curtis Higgins, Kevin Holland, Cal Jernigan, David Kinnaman, Ben Merold, Daryl Reed, Lee Strobel, Rick Warren, Brian “Head” Welch Length: 4 days Cost: $10-$250 Jul 11 :: 001 Reorient…

3 Songwriting Tips Gathered from John Newton’s Hymn Writing

Scott Corbin examines the methods of one of the great hymn writers: I love hymns. Hymns have ministered to my life in a number of ways when I was feeling broken or downtrodden. And one of the things I look forward to most on Sundays is getting to sing with…

How to Tell If Your Small Church Is Strategic Or Stuck

Karl Vaters explains that for a lot of pastors and church members, small works. What if Small Churches aren’t a problem to be fixed, but are part of a strategy God wants to use? How many of us have even considered that possibility? And if it is possible, shouldn’t we know that…

The Value of Diverse Song Choices

Ryan Hebel encourages worship leaders to have variety in their music: Here’s the thing. I have menu anxiety. The moment I open the cover to reveal a myriad of great options I can feel the pressure of a looming culinary decision rolling in like a summer thunderstorm. And those giant…

4 Keys to Unlocking Your Team’s Potential

Rob Carona suggests strategies to see your team reach their full potential: As we all know, church ministry gets busy and can be overwhelming, especially as a volunteer and/or bivocational worship leader or pastor. It can be easy to fall into the rut of putting out the schedule each month,…

Redefining Success as a Worship Leader

Brendan Prout cautions against following the path that resembles worldly success: There’s a temptation among many worship leaders to follow the path that resembles worldly success – seeking the ability to share your music with millions, the ability to tour and lead the thousands & ten thousands in worship experiences.…

3 Ways to Re-Engage the Lost Millennial Audience

Robert Coletti suggests reaching people through online video: Young people are leaving the church. Research proves this, and churches know it and feel it every week. Millennials, the current 20-somethings, are the least religiously active age group with an overall 43% drop-off in church engagement for the 18-29 age group.…

Megachurch Promises to Refund Tithe

A Texas megachurch believes so much in the promise of God’s blessings that it’s offering a full refund to tithers who don’t experience it. Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, has launched “The 90-Day Challenge,” which promises churchgoers, “that if you tithe for 90 days and God doesn’t hold true to…

Four Rules for Teaching New Songs in Corporate Worship

Stephen Miller offers helpful hints to help your congregation sing: Imagine yourself standing in an ornate church building as beautiful music washes over you from the platform. As gorgeous as the songs are, you notice that no one is singing along. It’s not because the song is too high or…

The “Secret Weapon” to Service Planning

Shalon Palmer asks if being relevant is simply copying ideas from cool concerts and TV shows: Now-a-days in church, the big thing in service planning is being “relevant.” You know you’ve heard this. It seems everywhere I go, people are using all of their resources to make their services cool…

4 Trends for Churches to Consider

Ed Stetzer says the next 20 years are going to be a challenge for churches. Despite what many think, the church in America is not dying (and no serious researcher thinks that). However, there are some challenges and changes to be considered. When we consider missiology, part of the discipline…

5 Keys To Making A Song Singable

Most worship leaders agree that songs for congregational worship should be “singable,” a made-up word that means “easy for a congregation to sing together.” But it is tempting for many of us to subtly change that definition to “songs I want to sing.” And so worship leaders who dislike hymns…


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