
4 Ideas for Leading Worship In A Kids Ministry

Jesse Saunders offers ideas for children’s worship. My name is Jesse Saunders, I am the Austin Stone KIDS band coach, and I lead worship with our grade school students (1st-5th grade) at the St. John campus. In our KIDS large group worship times, we have 4 primary goals. Teach sound…

Figuring Out Your Worship Leader Salary

Jaime Brown on awkward salary conversations. Several years ago I posted some thoughts on a “worship leader’s job description and pay“. And of all the posts I’ve ever written in almost five years, that one post has gotten the most hits, the most Google searches, prompted the most interesting conversations…

Vampire Churches

Greg Steir talks about those churches who are stealing your congregations. I’m not talking about churches full of red-lipped, pale-skinned Draculas (that would be creepy!) No, I’m talking about churches that live off the lifeblood of other churches (well, I guess that’s creepy too.) This breed of church flies into…

Five Benefits of Corporate Worship

Just why is congregational singing so important? David Mathis answers. Worshiping Jesus together may be the single most important thing we do. It plays an indispensable role in rekindling our spiritual fire, and keeping it burning. Corporate worship brings together God’s word, prayer, and fellowship, and so makes for the…

How To Transition Your Team To Memorize Sunday’s Music

David Santistevan encourages praise bands to play from memory. When you hear the word “memorize”, you probably have one of two reactions. I can’t do that. Not a chance. There’s something about memorizing that is scary to us, but I don’t think it has to be. We all know there…

Top 10 Reasons to Live Stream Your Church Services

Shawn West offers ideas to help your church stay connected in the digital age. “Why should we stream our church services?” People often ask me this question, usually followed by a quote from their pastor saying, “If people can stay at home and watch church in their pajamas & slippers, why…

Five Qualities of a Congregational Song

Matt Boswell from asks: can we sing any kind of song when gathered together? Christians are a singing people. Muslims don’t gather to sing. Neither do Hindus, Buddhists, or Rastafarians. Christians do. Also, while not everyone preaches, or leads in prayer, or publicly reads Scripture, we all sing.[1] But…

Worship Planning: The Core and An Angle

Jamie Brown offers helpful tips for your praise set. Each week, worship leaders are given a fresh opportunity to choose songs to put on people’s lips when they come together on Sunday. In a church with an informal liturgy, the slate is more blank than at a church with a…

My Top Reasons For Asking A Worship Team Member To Step Down

David Santistevan tackles a difficult topic. I’m hoping this post will help you process why, when, and how to approach this difficult experience we all face. 1. Lack of Respect for Leadership – Something I look for in a high pressure rehearsal setting is the “rolled eye”. If a musician…

Sing a New Song

David Mathis: new mercies, new music. We all love old music. Whether it’s centuries old or even just a few months, the tunes we enjoy most are unavoidably the ones we already know. And there’s no getting around it. Music has a strange power to capture thoughts and feelings from…

Can We Trade Sexual Morality for Church Growth?

Russell Moore asks: Do we choose Millennials or Jesus? From time to time we hear some telling us that evangelical Christianity must retool our sexual ethic if we’re ever going to reach the next generation. Some say that Millennials, particularly, are leaving the church because of our “obsession” with sexual…

Fresh Ideas for Mother’s Day

Diana Davis has complied a list of ideas. It happens every year in May, and pastors anticipate it expectantly. Mother’s Day promises a high energy, high attendance Sunday, with a smiling, eager congregation. There’ll be extra guests galore — sons, daughters and grandchildren attending worship services with their mother. There…

Creative Mother’s Day Ideas for Church

Well it’s that time of year again.  Here’s a collection of Mother’s day video clips and creative ideas of how you can celebrate Mother’s day in your Sunday Worship service. Continue reading.

Mother’s Day Worship?

Leaders weigh in on whether churches should celebrate Mother’s Day in worship services. “I certainly think we should want to support motherhood; parenthood is the cornerstone of the family. We should be celebrating cultural rhythms liturgically. I think we can choose secular holidays to blur the line between secular and…


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