
Tweak Your Rehearsal in 20 Minutes

Rob Rash is working to find better and more efficient ways to communicate and practice. I’m always tweaking things. I tweak my phone, my computer, my office, and even my house. I’ll work at something until it fits, works, or just looks right. As a guitarist, I’m never satisfied with…

Missional Churches and Mega Churches

Ed Stetzer talked with about 60 staff members from three megachurches. What do you think of when you hear the word megachurch? Maybe polished productions, big personalities, an expansive building, stellar programs (lots and lots of programs) and crowded parking lots with orange-vested attendants, come to mind. Maybe a great…

10 Things No One Tells You About Church Audio

Chris Huff explains that audio production is hard work and mixing is only part of it. What They Don’t Tell You About Church Audio 1. Worst-case scenarios really do happen. If it can break, blow up, catch fire, power down, or in any way outright fail at the worst time…

The First Step in Taking Your Church Live

Tim Adams: The leadership has asked you to tell them how much it will cost to get a live stream of the service out to the Internet…now what?!?!? Ok, first off, you’ll need to figure out your signal flow. Let’s assume that you’ve got a couple video cameras, some kind of recorder…

Be a Master Storyteller: Leading Worship

Joshua Watts likens worship leading to storytelling. One thing that was drilled into me through my communications and theatre classes in my schooling was that “art tells a story.” An artist is simply a storyteller. Many artists struggle to find a story to tell, and undoubtedly some stories are worth…

Can Bad Husbands Really Be Good Pastors?

Consider John Wesley, one of the greatest Christian preachers who ever lived, as an example. Nathan Busenitz, at the Cripplegate Blog, recently wrote an article titled “John Wesley’s Failed Marriage.” In this passage from Stephen Tomkins’ biography on Wesley, he quotes a couple biographies about Wesley, and some statements about Wesley’s marriage…

Post Easter Blues

Todd Rhoades on why you can’t stop now. Whew! Easter is over. For many dynamic churches, this meant extra services and quite possibly the highest attendance of the year. And now you’re probably exhausted. But you can’t stop now. You see, it’s pretty easy to get people to come to…

Is It Safe to Teach Children to Sing?

Vocal coach Chris Beatty answers this question from a concerned mother. Your Question: My daughter’s school trains children on musical instruments, which is great. But there’s no systematic voice training because they are afraid of injuring the undeveloped voice. I get that, but can’t a qualified teacher teach a lot of…

Rethinking the Way We Market Churches

Garrison Smith: you might be in the wrong job if you don’t want to try every available strategy to share the Gospel. In college I was taught McCarthy’s 4 P’s of Marketing. Product. Price. Promotion. Place. The product is what you are selling to the consumer (i.e. candy bar, life…

3 Simple To-Dos for a Better Easter

Kevin D. Hendricks: It can be a crazy week for church communicators. Yesterday we remembered Christ’s triumphant march into Jerusalem with waving palm branches. And so begins the inevitable march to Easter, your last-minute, last-ditch effort to get everything done during Holy Week and before Easter Sunday. It can be…

6 Ways to Manage Easter Expectations

Ava Pennington: Realize things will go wrong. Basketball has March Madness. Football has Superbowl Sunday. Baseball has the World Series. The Church has…Easter. Christmas may be an eventful season for churches and ministry leaders. But the busyness and ministry stress of Christmas is often surpassed by the church version of…

How to Have a Powerful Easter Worship Service

In just a few days, thousands of churches all over the world will celebrate Easter. Some churches will have Easter egg hunts for the kids. Other churches will have elaborate cantatas, drama productions, or extended times of music. Some churches will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In some assemblies, the pastor…

The 20 Most Influential Evangelicals in America

Todd Rhoades comments on Thom Rainer’s list. Recently, LifeWay President Thom Rainer compiled a list of 20 of what he thinks are the most influential evangelicals in America. The list, he says, is subjective (he just asked about 30 friends for input). Here were the criteria: –They had to be…

3 Bad Tests Pastors Use to Measure Ministry

Tony Morgan: how do most churches measure the health of their ministry? Very few leaders have an accurate method. Most rely on an unhealthy test to determine whether or not they are leading well. Have you ever used any of these three tests? 1. The Full Room Test Ever looked…

Is an Online Church Really a Church?

Ed Stetzer says every church should have an online presence, but a physical presence is necessary as well. Come on—it’s 2014. Every church should have an online presence. Your church people and your community are there, so you should be as well. But that is different than referring to something…


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