
Can’t Get the Mix Right: Blame Your Eyes

Chris Huff addresses common mix complaints. One sentence. One sentence should drive music mixing. Close your eyes and listen. What you SEE affects what you THINK you should HEAR. “I can’t hear the keyboard.” “I can’t hear the bass.” “I can’t hear my wife.” Ah, words spoken by the seeing.…

Can Megachurches Deal With Mega Money in a Christian Way?

The Atlantic: Where is the line between a pastor promoting his own career and promoting the ministry of his church? By any measure, pastor Mark Driscoll is wildly successful in the contemporary evangelical world. Mars Hill Church, which he co-founded in 1996, in Seattle, now boasts 15 locations from Seattle…

See How the Result Source Campaign Made Mark Driscoll a Half Million Dollars

A fascinating explanation of how Mars Hill pushed Driscoll’s book to the top of the NYT Best-Seller list. By tracking the Amazon sales rank of Real Marriage, we can actually see the effects of the bestseller listing. Using archives of Amazon’s Real Marriage page, I tracked the book’s overall Amazon…

The Most Important Thing You Can Do This Easter

Rob Rash encourages us to do more than “put our best foot forward.” We all know the statistics about Easter and Christmas right? People are more open to coming to church on Christmas and Easter than at any other time of the year. We look at these times of worship…

So What’s With the Robes?

Ever wonder why some Protestant pastors wear robes? Robert Cunningham explains. I spent last weekend with a great group of people interested in joining our church. I gave them an opportunity to ask me any questions they might have about Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, and one person raised their hand…

Worship Pastor: A Biblical Job Description

Matt Mason explores the qualifications of a worship pastor. I realize that many who have the joy of leading in musical worship are not elders in their local church context. That said, the Apostle Paul tells us that it is a noble aspiration to be an elder-pastor (1 Timothy 3:1).…

Google Has 5 Secret Hiring Principles. What Are Yours?

Hiring is very serious business at Google. For a long time, the search giant was known for lobbing complicated brainteasers at applicants–puzzles such as how many golf balls fit into a school bus?–in the name of hiring the smartest people around. But last year, VP of people operations Laszlo Bock…

10 Pop Stars You May Not Have Known Were Pastor’s Kids

There are a lot of different stereotypes about PK’s—some more fair than others—but maybe the safest thing you can say about being a PK is that it sets you up with some expectations. Every Sunday morning, you’re on a stage (sometimes literally), with members of the congregation going through a…

Churches and Obamacare

As Obamacare looms, I’ve been reading much about how business are cutting employees from full to part-time in order to avoid the enormous health care costs. Some restaurants are even starting to add an Obamacare fee to your bill. I’ve wondered how this debacle will affect churches. Sure enough, I’m…

How the Worship Leader’s Job Is Changing

Carols Whittaker explains how the full-time worship leader job may be vanishing: I’ve been a “worship leader” for a looooooong time. Started full time circa 1998. Now I’ve been blessed to be able to do many things in the ministry and now worship leading is probably only 1/5th of my…

Create A System For Coaching And Developing Worship Leaders

David Santistevan shares his Worship Leader Checklist: What would you say? Would you have a process in place to help me? If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know we are all about discipleship. But discipleship can be difficult if you don’t know how to disciple. What are…

5 Questions to Ask When Considering a New Projector

Tim Adams offers projection advice: More and more churches are moving towards using projected content of some kind in their services and this post is aimed at heading off the purchasing of the wrong projector for your specific application. Below, I’ve assembled my top 5 questions to ask when considering…

The Day We Visited a Dying Church

Tony Morgan visits a dated, traditional ministry: It’s hard to believe, but it was over ten years ago. Our family was out of town. While we were away, we went to a service at a church that was very different than our church. We had three kids at the time.…

4 Secret Tips For Rocking Your Whiteboard

Kerry Bural explains how his church creatively brainstorms: At Resonate Church, there’s a method to our creative and strategic madness. And today we’re giving you an exclusive peek at a Resonate secret weapon for fostering strategic, creative, and team collaboration. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes tour of our top-secret…

How to Have a ‘Church as a Choir’ Mentality

Rob Rash explains that your congregation is the choir. In a recent post I brought up the idea, that regardless of whether or not your church has an official choir, your church does have a choir. The people that make up your congregation, are in fact a choir. The biggest reason…


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