
The Top Five Reasons Your Church Could Land in Court

A review of 12,000 court rulings from 2012 reveals the most-common reasons that American churches were taken to court last year. Legal expert Richard Hammar compiled the rulings and analyzed which types are rising and falling for Church Law and Tax, CT’s sister publication. His top five categories: 5) Zoning…

5 Things Worship Leaders Need To Remember Each Sunday

Kristen Gilles encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus: If we’re honest, we’ll admit that most of us struggle to look up and fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Sometimes our hearts even want what belongs to Jesus. We want our performance to…

Avoiding Volunteer Burnout

Tiffany Deluccia on top problems churches have when trying to build a volunteer force: Tell me if this sounds familiar: Your nursery workers look…irritated. They had a passion for ministering to young parents by providing a safe and nurturing environment for their little ones, but that fire is gone. They’ve…

Why do One-Third of Pastors’ Kids Drop Out of Church?

What do Rick Warren, Katy Perry and Jessica Simpson have in common? They’re all pastors’ kids. A fascinating new study of children of the clergy is making news today, with some remarkable insights for us all. You’ve probably heard of the stereotypical prodigal pastor’s kid who was raised in the…

Stopping Church Decline

From Mark Powers, Director, Worship & Music Office SC Baptist Convention: There is good news and bad news for the modern Evangelical church. The bad news is that we are in a rapid statistical decline in almost every category of evangelical life: 80% of our churches have plateaued or declining…

Worship Planning: Song Types

Hoss Hughes on selecting songs and organizing your set list. There’s many creative ways to plan the music for any worship service: drawing songs out of a hat, throwing darts at your pile of sheet music, singing whatever feels good on Sunday morning and hoping the band can keep up.…

4 Technology Options that Might Kill the Church Bulletin

Lauren Hunter: What happens when printing costs rise, volunteer help is down, and people look less and less to paper and more to their iPhones? The church bulletin is a staple, tried and true, trusted in and relied on by all. Bored by the announcements? Peruse your well-loved bulletin. Looking…

How to Lead a Creative Team

Michelle Dunn on producing a worship experience: Accepting the position to lead a creative team really took some pondering, prayer and research for me. I am a person who plans, schedules, sticks with a plan and lives within the “box.” I have found that creative people seem to “dance to…

Repetitious Worship Songs

Stephen Newman offers a Biblical example of repetition: For years we have all heard the arguments about choruses and how meaningless it seems to repeat over and over. I came out of a traditional background and could definitely sympathize with the argument. It seemed we felt that repeating a phrase…

Five Things Church Members Want in a Church Bulletin

Thom Rainer took a poll: When you walk in most church worship services, you are typically handed some printed material. It goes by different names, but the most common and the longest standing name is “bulletin.” There was a time that you could expect consistency in bulletins among many churches.…

3 Eras Of Church Music Vital To Sunday Planning

Tim Swanson on planning praise sets for the generations: How much time do you spend trying to plan music that speak to the beating heart of your congregation? That’s what I do. When I plan services at Moon Valley Bible Church, I look for music that will connect with people…

4 Words of Encouragement for Worship Leaders in Small Churches

Rob Rash on struggling with where you are and where you would like to be: We’ve all been there haven’t we? We model our ministries after the mega churches and worship conferences. In fact, we even long to be in one of ‘those’ positions someday don’t we? We’ll before we…

Thoughts On Firing People In Ministry

Ron Edmondson on making a very difficult descision in ministry: I came out of a business background, so some things that are done in ministry are different for me. And, frankly, many should be. Ministry isn’t business…it’s ministry. At the same time, we should never use “ministry” as an excuse…

Why Men Have Stopped Singing In Church

David Murrow writes an article right in line with an ongoing theme here at WorshipIdeas: It happened again yesterday. I attended one of those hip, contemporary churches — and almost no one sang. Worshippers stood obediently as the band rocked out, the smoke machine belched and lights flashed. Lyrics were…


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