
How to Put Together an Engaging Setlist

Creating the perfect worship setlist week after week can feel overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be! This comprehensive guide takes the pressure off and helps you rediscover the joy in crafting engaging worship experiences. Whether you’ve been leading worship for years or just getting started, you’ll find practical…

What Exactly Does a Worship Band Music Director Do?

Behind every smooth-flowing worship service is an unsung hero – the Music Director who orchestrates it all. From calling transitions on the fly to managing complex tech setups, your MD is the glue that holds the band together. Whether you’re curious about what really goes into this crucial role or…

Culture Killer // Tardiness (A Volunteer’s Perspective)

Late again? From leaders rushing in last-minute to no-show volunteers, tardiness can silently poison your worship team’s culture. This eye-opening article flips the script on the age-old punctuality problem by letting team members speak their hearts about one of the biggest culture killers in worship ministry. Instead of another lecture…

Answers to Common Sound System Questions

Audio systems can cause some serious brain malfunctions if you aren’t prepared. So… how do you prepare? We’ve got you with a guide that breaks down everything about facility sound systems into bite-sized, understandable pieces. From managing wireless mics to tackling that dreaded feedback screech, we’ve got you covered with…

Worship Planning: Refining Your Song Canon

Need help building a meaningful worship song collection that truly serves your congregation? This insightful article explores the powerful concept of viewing worship songs as “flags” – markers of God’s movement in your church’s journey. Learn how to thoughtfully curate a song canon that honors both your church’s history and…

Speaking Between Songs and Other Elements of Worship

Ever felt like your transitions between songs fall flat? Want to make your worship services more engaging and impactful? This article will help worship leaders who are looking to level up their speaking skills. Packed with practical tips, you’ll learn how to: • Craft powerful verbal transitions that enhance, not…

Phil Wickham: “I Want to Practice What I Preach”

Think you know Phil Wickham? Think again! In a raw, emotional interview, the Christian music superstar bares his soul about his wildest dreams – and they’re not what you’d expect. Forget Grammy awards and sold-out arenas. Phil’s got his eyes on a different prize: • The secret to his 16-year…

Choosing Cymbals for Worship

Ever wonder why your pastor keeps giving you *that look* during worship? It might be your cymbals that are sounding not so heavenly. Read on to discover: • The shocking truth about bright cymbals (and why they’re sabotaging your mix) • The drumstick hack that’ll make sound guys love you…

Serving The Church And Your Family

Ever wonder how to juggle serving God and raising a family without dropping the ball? Meet Mark, a husband, father, and grandfather who’s cracked the code. In this heartwarming testimony, you’ll discover: • The daily habit that became Mark’s secret weapon • How adventure and mission trips shaped his kids’…

Five (Fixable) Things That Keep Your Team From Practicing

Uh-oh… You know that look. The guitarist’s furrowed brow, the drummer’s oblivious crash into the chorus, the vocalists fumbling for harmonies. Yep, your team didn’t practice. Again. But before you unleash your inner Simon Cowell, hold up! This might actually be on you. In this eye-opening article, discover: • 5…

5 Powerful Arrangement Strategies for Small Worship Bands

Feeling the pinch of limited resources? Worried your band’s sound isn’t quite hitting the mark? Leading worship in a small church is a hard ask. But take heart! This article is about to change your whole perspective on leading worship with a small team. Unlock the hidden potential in your…

The Real Reasons the Unchurched Don’t Attend

Empty seats on Sunday. Ever wonder what the person who could be sitting there is doing that Sunday? We’ve got some eye-opening insights that might just change your entire approach to reaching the unchurched. This research from the Church Answers team is about to flip your assumptions upside down. Discover…

Characteristics Every Worship Leader Wants on Their Team

Ever wonder what’s really going on in your worship pastor’s mind? Time to reveal the secret wishlist of every worship leader out there. This isn’t your typical “5 Ways to Be a Better Worship Leader” article – nope, this one’s for you, the dedicated volunteer strumming that guitar or hitting…

What The Band Needs To Know About the Sound Engineer’s Job

Ever feel out of sync with your sound engineer? One week you’re best buds, the next you’re ready to launch your guitar pick straight at the sound booth. Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the often misunderstood world of sound engineering and why it’s crucial for your…

3 Challenges to Prepare Well for Worship During the Week

Is your Sunday morning prep more of a frantic scramble than a spiritual warm-up? Time to get a handle on your worship readiness. This eye-opening article challenges everything you thought you knew about preparing for Sunday service. Discover why Monday might just be your new favorite day of the week…


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