
Embrace The Click-Track

David Gutekunst on tighter praise bands: I fought it for a long time but finally caved. I am now a proud user of the click-track when I lead. The first few weeks were tough and brought back some painful memories of sheet music, scales and a metronome when I was…

10 Reasons Why We Should Sing the Psalms

Uri Brito on Psalm singing: Many of us grew up in theological backgrounds where the psalms were known, but not sung. These theological backgrounds are anomalies throughout the history of the Church. E.F. Harrison observed that “Psalmody was a part of the synagogue service that naturally passed over into the…

7 Alternatives to Sunday Morning Announcements

Rich Birch on managing your announcements: Ministry leaders think if they just get their event or program “promoted from the stage” people will flood into it. Church communications people are peppered with requests all the time for people wanting to get “their deal” in the announcements. The urgency from those…

Top 10 Rudest Things People Do in Church

J. Lee Grady compiled a list: 1. Talking during a service. 2. Texting or surfing the web during a service. (One person mentioned seeing people playing video games on their phones.) 3. Sleeping—or snoring!—during a sermon. 4. Clipping fingernails during church. (I was amazed at how many people listed this…

Seven Steps for Cleaning Up Your Music Mix

Mixing tips from Chris Huff: Saturday, I was conducting an audio training session and I was given the opportunity to work on their mix with the worship band. The mix was pretty good so instead of re-building their full mix, I focused on cleaning up the mix. There are seven areas…

Kids Leaving the Church: What You Can Do to Turn the Tide

Jon Nielson provides insightful and practical tips: “What do we do about our kids?” The group of parents sat together in my office, wiping their eyes. I’m a high school pastor, but for once, they weren’t talking about 16-year-olds drinking and partying. Each had a story to tell about a…

Dealing with a Difficult Drummer

Jaime Brown on drummer drama: This is a post I can write at the moment, since (praise the Lord) I have the joy of working with several gifted drummers on my church’s worship team who do a great job and are joys to work with. But sometimes drummers can be…

Spurgeon Tackles Performance Worship

The famed preacher spoke on a contemporary topic over 100 year ago: “How much public singing, even in the house of God, is of no account! How little of it is singing unto the Lord! Does not the conscience of full many among you bear witness that you sing a…

8 Signs of ‘Hypergrace’ Churches

Joseph Mattera on the decline of doctrine: The following are signs of a hypergrace church: 1. The preachers never speak against sin. If you are in a church like this, you will notice that the word sin is usually only mentioned in the context of forgiveness of sins in Christ…

Handling the “It’s Too Loud” Complaint

Ray Deck on using a dB meter: At some point, every pastor will face criticism about music volume. A few preemptive steps will go a long way to prepare you for the inevitable noise complaint. Noise complaints are usually subjective, made on feeling or impression. It’s important to measure the…

The Benefits of Homegrown Worship Leaders

Tim Price on promoting from within: Worship leaders, more than most other church staff roles, seem to come from within. With a higher rate than pastors, youth pastors, etc., many worship leaders seem to have attended their church before serving on staff. There are probably many factors for this: culture…

Top 16 Worship Music Typos

Jon Acuff on church misspelling: Recently I did a post about noticing typos in the worship music. The comments on that post were funnier than the post. Here are the best, completely real, typos people have noticed at church: 1. “Lord, You are more precious than silver… Lord, You are…

Church Sign Tips

If you’ve ever driven by a church with a clever saying on its marquee, you know how important a sign can be. “Call 911: This Church is On Fire!” “Exercise Daily: Walk with the Lord.” “Exposure to the Son May Prevent Burning.” All of these signs say different things about…

How to Spot a Pastor Stealing Church Funds

One of the dirty secrets of Christianity is that there are numerous crooked pastors, priests and church financial secretaries embezzling funds. The International Bulletin of Missionary Research projected that $37 billion would be stolen by Christian religious leaders in 2013 and this fraud will reach $60 billion annually by 2025.…

How to Disciple Your Worship Ministry

Bruce Benedict on shepherding your team: I recently had a worship leader ask me how I disciple my worship ministry. It’s a great question and one to which I’ve floundered quite successfully over the years. There are a surprising number of ways that we can gently and consistently disciple our…


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