
John Wesley, Whoopi Goldberg and Worship

Dottie Escobedo-Frank on shaping creative worship on a budget: Creative worship is nothing new. It is an old, rich tradition that began with the Israelites carrying around a holy tent with an arc of the covenant, and stone tablets and regular stuff that carried sacred meaning and holy memory. Every…

10 Pet Peeves of a Visual Worshiper

Camron Ware, Mr. Visual Worshiper, finds himself in different churches almost weekly – helping them set up environmental projection and visual worship atmospheres. He sees a bunch of situations and things that definitely aren’t ideal. Some things just bug him. Here’s a list of things he’d like to see change…

Is It Okay For The Congregation To Clap After A Worship Song?

Kristen Gilles on clapping in church: Have you ever given thought to why we clap our hands during or after we sing a song of praise in our gathered congregation? Have you ever wondered why some congregations are eager to clap their hands while others are reluctant during worship services?…

Guidelines for Buying A New Mixer

Mike Sessler on purchasing a new mixer for your church: Almost weekly, I receive an e-mail asking for advice on which mixer to buy. The answer, of course, is always the same; it depends. No seriously, that’s the answer. Because there is no “one” right mixer for every church. There…

Is Liturgy the Next Trend In Contemporary Worship?

Dr. Tom Lawson, professor of New Testament, Old Testament and Worship at Ozark Christian College, on the new generation’s move towards liturgy in worship: Welcomed or not, the contemporary music-centered approach to worship that has been both dominant and effective most large and mega church worship service is being challenged.…

My Sunday at an Atheistic Church

Kyle Beshears visits a church for atheists in London and discovers they miss music and fellowship: Last month I stumbled upon an article about an atheistic “church service” in London. I didn’t even read the whole thing before I decided I had to go. The Sunday Assembly, as the group…

6 Principles to Guide Your Worship Service

Pastor Joe Thorn shares ideas on planning: CHRISTOCENTRIC: We have no interest in offering generic worship to a generic deity who only goes by the names “You,” “Him,” and “He.” As Christians we are worshipping our “great God and Savior Jesus Christ,” and everything in our worship gathering is leading…

An Evangelical Looks at Pope Benedict XVI

Russell D. Moore, Dean of the School of Theology and Senior Vice President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, talks about the Pope’s resignation: With Pope Benedict XVI’s shocking resignation this morning, evangelical Christians might be tempted to see this the way a college football fan might…

7 Crucial Tips For Background Vocalists

Here are seven tips for background vocalists that I’ve learned through years of singing in worship teams and bands. Although my advice is specific to church worship ministries, most of it applies to anyone who sings background vocals (BGV). 1) Allow the lead vocalist to sing the first verse alone……

Sorrowful Worship Songs?

Tom Lawson on the lack of sad worship songs: I really would like to hear some sorry church music this coming Sunday. Honestly. But, chances are, since I’m going to be in the worship service of an Bible-believing Evangelical church, I won’t. What a shame. What I will hear will…

Tips for Paying Musicians

Stephen M. Newman on paying musicians: Several things to look at when considering whether or not to hire musicians for worship: 1) What is the individual’s motivation for serving? If it’s for a paycheck, you probably won’t get what you need from them. You may get great music, but the…

The Endangered Electric Guitarist

Today over lunch, I had a conversation with a fellow worship leader that has become recurring. If I’ve had it once over the last year, I’ve had it at least ten times: why is it so hard to find good electric guitar players? As a worship and arts ministry leader,…

Why Theology Matters to Musicians

Bob Kauflin on theology: When Christian musicians get together, we tend to assume we all have our theology down and we can focus on honing our chops, discovering new gear, and improving our techniques and methodologies. Or maybe we think that theology isn’t that important. Whatever the reason, I wanted…

Church Song Lyrics: Wider-Screen

Anthony Coppedge on why you should be using the wide screen format for your church projection: Back in 2002 I wrote a widely-publicized article about all churches needing to make the move to 16:9 aspect ratio widescreen. Almost 11 years later, it turns out I was almost right. The idea…

The Death of the Mall and the Future of Church Buildings

Thom Rainer is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources: I remember the first time I went to a mall. Raised in a small town in the southeastern section of Alabama, I was amazed when I went to the “big city” mall in Montgomery. All the stores were under…


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