
7 Megachurch Trends

Thom Rainer on Megachurch trends: The fascination with megachurches is, at least to some extent, related to the sociological impact on the community in which it resides. Outreach magazine, in partnership with LifeWay Research, just released its annual “Largest and Fastest Growing Churches in America” issue. In addition, the magazine…

7 Ways I Protect My Sabbath

Ron Edmondson on church burnout: This is a hard word for some pastors, but after a recent post I was asked about how I protect my Sabbath. That’s a great question, because many pastors struggle in this area. In fact, many pastors I know who would teach their church to…

3 Things Churches Underestimate About the Web

Building and maintaining good, useable websites are a struggle for churches of all sizes. Large and small alike have websites that don’t accurately represent who they are and don’t help people better connect with their church. There are many reasons why websites don’t reach their potential, but here are three…

The Backward Way To Plan a Worship Service

Scott McClellan on worship planning: Churches everywhere should be thinking carefully and critically about how their local bodies worship week in and week out because, according to the triple-lex, our worship practices and patterns have lasting affects on individuals, families, and communities. But maybe, instead of thinking first about what…

Ten Worship Leading Myths

There isn’t a worship leader in the world who doesn’t struggle with regular, persistent, frustratingly silly (but still dangerous) moments of doubt/fear/anxiety/self-consciousness/jealousy. We start to believe myths that tell us we should be different, or we aren’t talented enough, or we shouldn’t uphold certain principles. These myths weaken our ministry…

Abrupt Worship

Recently I was visiting a church with a non-musical friend and he commented the music wasn’t that great. It wasn’t – and I explained to him why. The band was good – above average, actually, but the problem wasn’t musicianship – it was worship flow. The praise team led three…

Megachurch ‘Come and See’ Movement Fizzling?

The number of megachurches may have exploded in the U.S. over the last few decades but the landscape is changing and people are seemingly less attracted to the big box churches or the “come and see” experience, two pastors observed. “The megachurch is kind of like the great shopping malls…

Evangelistic Worship?

NYC’s Redeemer Church Pastor Tim Keller: One of the basic features of church life in the United States today is the proliferation of worship and music forms. This in turn has caused many severe conflicts within both individual congregations and whole denominations. Most books and articles about recent worship trends…

Contemporary is Getting Old

from Tom Lawson: Contemporary getting old? Well, certainly for some people this may be true. But there is another sense it which it is true for everyone. Contemporary music is increasingly tapping into the ancient history of worship to recover lyrics and thoughts the move beyond the “dating Jesus” lyrics…

Avoiding Experiments at Christmas

Christmas planning at your church is most likely underway. And while some churches may be further along in the process than others, there’s one thing I want you to think about this year. Are your services going to be an experiment or something tried and true? The inspiration for this…

Why New Churches Should Sing Old Songs

Stephen Miller on using hymns in contemporary worship: While it is important to continue to sing new songs to the Lord and to continue to write new songs to the Lord, I am often grieved to hear people say, “I don’t like hymns,” or, “That’s for the older people.” Perhaps…

Create Effective Slides for Projecting Worship Songs

Apart from a substandard worship team on stage, the 2 biggest distracters during the worship session are: Badly mixed overall sound Onscreen lyrics that are not easy to read Here are some tips to take care of potential distractions: 1. Font. There are fonts which are glitzy and look hip and…

Better Song Backgrounds

Len Wilson on worship backgrounds: My favorite way to do song backgrounds in worship is not shifting blobs of color. Most large, contemporary-style worship services have settled into a routine for worship projection that displays individual lines of songs over random colors, shaped and lines. Continue reading.

How to Write Music for a Congregation

Artist Michael Gungor on songwriting: While crafting is important for most songwriting expressions across genres, it is particularly important for congregational music. The songs we sing in our churches don’t just express our theology; they help form it. When we write songs for people to sing as a spiritual act…


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