
Paul Baloche: 23 Years In One Church

By Melissa Riddle Chalos “There are a lot of songs about the Cross on this record. People are almost apologetic about it, and yet I feel challenged not to shrink from it. Our tendency is to make our language inclusive and seeker friendly. And I get that, but we also…

McDowell: Church’s #1 Threat Is Porn

Apologist and author Josh McDowell launched, a new website to raise awareness about online pornography which he says is a problem big enough to cause the downfall of the church. Continue reading.

Church Staging From Start To Finish

Daniel Connell from Church On the Move in Tulsa explains how he plans and creates staging concepts. Read more. See additional staging ideas.

10 Inexpensive Staging Ideas

Russell Reid from offers ideas to spruce up your stage: One of the most immediately noticeable renovations you can make to your worship center is to the stage area. When people walk into an auditorium, the first thing they see is the platform. Any change to it grabs attention…

5 Ways to Overcome Church Boredom

Question: I think I understand why our church isn’t reaching new people or creating any kind of noticeable impact: It’s boring. To be honest, I’m the pastor and even I’m bored. Obviously, the solution is to fix it, but I’m not sure how. Suggestions? Know this: You’re not alone. This…

It’s Okay to Be an Uncool Church

Is your church defined more by its reaction to “boring” churches than by its response to a needy world? You may be too fashionable if: – You look around at church and notice that everybody is the same age and looks and dresses pretty much like you do. – You…

Top 10 Reasons for Growth of Evangelicals?

I enjoy reading articles written by people in mainline denominations who are baffled/amazed by contemporary church growth. Here, a retired Methodist minister lists his observations on the reasons behind the growth of Evangelical churches: 1. Music. The first half hour of worship often resembles a rock concert as talented vocalists…

Worship Moviemaking

Doug Lawrence at compares worship planning to the movie making process: Classic Story: There is no story as compelling as God’s Word. There is no human emotion or troubling dilemma left out of its vibrant chapters. Producers always have to start with a really good story—not a problem for…

20 Most Influential Worship Albums

Worship Leader Magazine lists their picks for the top 20 worship albums of the past 20 years: 20. Offerings Third Day Essential Records (2000) 19. Break Through: Live At Saddleback Tommy Walker (2006) 18. Eternity Misty Edwards Forerunner Music (2003) 17. Worship Michael W Smith Reunion Records (2001) 16. Hungry…

Planning Powerful Worship Sets

Worship leader Rob Still offers ideas for richer worship. My experience is that planning worship is a mixture of practicing theology, musical artistry, and understanding human dynamics. I’d like to add these morsels to the buffet of ideas. Bon appetite! 1) Express Our worship must proclaim theological truth. We tell…

3 Radical Worship Ideas

Doug Lawrence of offers 3 unique ideas for shaking up your service. Especially touching is the video about the end of a particular Methodist ministry. When I was a child, I thought as a child, and had lots of ideas, but when I grew up and worked in a…

Does Your Church Have These Barriers to Visitors?

Recently I visited a church where I had to jump over a few unnecessary hurdles before I finally took my seat in their worship service. Does your church have any of these barriers to visitors? Ineffective website. Right off the bat, I almost couldn’t find this church’s website – it…

Why You Should Record The Sermon

BJ McCurdy from Media Outreach explains why you should be recording your pastor’s sermon: Most churches these days will record the audio of all or at least some portion of their worship service. I am going to spend a few weeks describing some tips, hardware and wisdom on recording audio…

Using Scripture In Contemporary Worship

Worship leader Gary Durbin shares how he makes an effort to use Scripture in his praise sets: About 10 years ago I started my first job as a worship leader in a church. I was 24, green and eager to grow. I went to my first music conference shortly after,…


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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