
Church Song Lyrics: Wider-Screen

Anthony Coppedge on why you should be using the wide screen format for your church projection: Back in 2002 I wrote a widely-publicized article about all churches needing to make the move to 16:9 aspect ratio widescreen. Almost 11 years later, it turns out I was almost right. The idea…

The Death of the Mall and the Future of Church Buildings

Thom Rainer is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources: I remember the first time I went to a mall. Raised in a small town in the southeastern section of Alabama, I was amazed when I went to the “big city” mall in Montgomery. All the stores were under…

The Decline of the Organ

The following material was presented in the doctoral colloquium at Southwestern Baptist Seminary on October 20, 2012. Do you think there’s hope for organs? I doubt it – they’re too expensive, few musicians can play it properly and, most importantly, the average person simply doesn’t like organ music. What are…

Five Things You Should Know About Pastor’s Salaries

Dr. Thom S. Rainer on paying pastors: In many churches, the pastor’s salary is a quiet issue. There is a sense of discomfort from both the pastor and the members when the topic is broached. Such discomfort is unfortunate, however, because a number of churches will not seek every year…

The Church In 2062

David Murrow gives some fascinating and believable predictions about the the church in 50 years. I’m hoping for a robotic praise band who will show up on time and play in time! Only God knows the future. But if current trends in Christianity continue, we can expect great change in…

Ten Common Things Church Members Communicate to Pastors

Pastors are like information sponges. If they aren’t studying, they are receiving a regular deluge of information from church members. I asked twenty-two pastors to share with me the most common items they hear from their church members. In the past, this information came in the form of letters, in-person…

Does Your Church Lobby Turn Off Visitors?

Steve Law on musty church lobbies: Your church lobby tells new people in about 3 seconds the kind of people that your church wants to have. Okay, maybe just 2 seconds. It is really, really, really fast and most churches do not even know what they’re doing. I walked into…

Poll: Christmas Music Enjoyed by 70 Percent of Americans

Does your church think it’s too cool to sing Christmas music… at Christmas? You might want to rethink that. Christmas music is nearly inescapable every December — and according to a new LifeWay Research study, most Americans enjoy it, Baptist Press reports. According to the poll, 70 percent of Americans…

A Salute to the Average Worship Leader

Bob Kauflin on worship leaders: Overemphasizing or consistently focusing on technology, skill, and excellence can leave most us with a nagging feeling that our musicians, our leaders, our equipment, and our songs are never quite good enough. We resign ourselves to the thought that we’ll never be as successful, used,…

Cutting Back on Bulletin Printing

Justin Wise on church bulletins: Most churches print a bulletin because it’s the way things have always been done. To change that means to change a process. A process that someone is familiar and comfortable with. So if the communications team is in charge of printing the bulletin, you might…

How One Church Does In-Ears On the Cheap

Trevor McMaken from Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, IL shares his search for affordable in-ears: Unfortunately, an Aviom system for IEMs can be really expensive—too expensive for many small and medium sized churches to afford. We just quoted one for our church at $ for 8 channels. To transition…

Tips for Solving Church Sound Debates

Brian Gowing shares ideas for solving sound issues: If I had a nickel for every time I’ve gone into a church and heard 3 or more different perspectives on the way things sounded I’d be pretty well of by now. Every church thinks that they’re unique in the sound problems…

10 Steps to Better Tweeting

For those interested in learning what Twitter is all about, or those wanting to improve their Twitter popularity, LifeChurch’s Scott Williams offers 10 excellent tips. I’ll be using them! 1. Share A Quote: There is something about quotes that seem to have a profound impact on people and the way…

Kid’s Worship

For years, children’s choirs have taken the same path as most church choirs – learn a piece and perform it in a service. It’s no secret church choirs are dying – the fact that the choral music industry has dried up is one indicator. Choirs who insist on performing are…

How Advent Can Be Much More Than “The Christmas Season”

Christmas ideas from Glenn Packiam: For the longest time, I thought “Advent” was just a fancy word for “the Christmas season,” a holier, maybe more spiritual-sounding word for an otherwise hectic and overly-commercialized holiday stretch between Thanksgiving and December 25. What I’ve discovered in the past few years of observing…


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