
3 Spiritual Growth Check-Points Your Worship Team Needs

As worship leaders we can get so distracted with the nuts and bolts of the job – creating the perfect praise set, charts, rehearsals and administration tasks –  that we forget to spiritually lead our people. Jason Hatley at gives three steps for helping your worship team grow spiritually.…

Top 10 Pet Peeves About Worship Leaders

Worship leader/blogger Carlos Whittaker recently asked people to name their peeves about worship leaders. summed up the responses into the 10 top pet peeves. I’d have to agree with all of them. My two top peeves are worship leaders who order me to stand, sit and raise my hands.…

Why Your Church Is Small: Leadership

Tony Morgan is dissecting church growth – something I’ve very interested in myself. I’ve always believed the size of a church is directly proportional to the leadership in that church. In my own experience, I recall being at an exciting, growing young church only to see progress halt when the ministry became…

Ten Signs You Are Near A Burnout/Meltdown

Pastor Perry Noble of Newspring Church talks about burnout in ministry: My counselor shared a statistic with me two years ago that floored me…90% of the people entering ministry DO NOT RETIRE from ministry, they either quit or have some sort of moral/ethical failure that disqualifies them. Continue reading at…

Who’s Driving?

I was recently talking to a worship leader with a dilemma: everyone in his band plays their instrument for all they’re worth, all the time, for every song. It’s a typical problem – volunteer musicians want to be doing something on stage every minute. But good music is about dynamics…

Worship Shoes?

Flying back from recording in LA a few weeks ago I sat next to a guy with the most unusual shoes. “Where’d you get those?” I asked. “They’re my company!” He replied. He’d been at some shoe trade shoe showing off his product – Piro Shoes. He was quite proud…

4 Fast Measurements To Tell If Your Worship Is Going South

A tape measure is the carpenter’s best friend. As the saying goes, “Measure twice, cut once.” Knowing where you are and what you’ve got can go a long way in reevaluating your worship strategy for the future. This might help. Did you recently start including the children (you know, Sunday…

Church Sign Madness!

These links are good for a few chuckles: 15 Hilarious Church Signs 11 Funny Church Signs from Reader’s Digest Make Your Own Virtual Church Sign Online Database of Church Sign Sayings! Igniter Media Church Sign Countdown

Massive Cathedral to be Rebuilt with Cardboard

Cardboard may play a key role in resurrecting a New Zealand landmark that was leveled in a natural disaster earlier this year. In the aftermath of a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in February that rattled Christchurch, New Zealand, officials for the quake-ravaged ChristChurch Cathedral — which had served as the city’s centerpiece…

3 Common Contemporary Worship Problems

Over my career I’ve visited and played in countless contemporary churches. I’ve noticed a few reoccurring problems that can easily be fixed to help the quality of your contemporary worship. A Stale Sameness. We all have our favorite worship leaders, but if you’re a Joel Houston fan, does every song in your…

Music Biz Trials

The story of Evanescence member and former worship leader David Hodges shows that getting a record deal may not be all it’s cracked up to be. My drummer friend Jon Skaggs has moved to LA and joined the new band of Grammy award winning writer/producer David Hodges, and I’ve had the…

Evangelistic Worship

Dr. Timothy Keller of Redeemer Church in New York City writes that worship isn’t just about honoring tradition or keeping up with culture, it’s about attracting nonbelievers through comprehensible worship and leading those people to personal commitment. One of the basic features of church life in the United States today…

Do You Have Blended Or Modern Vocals?

I had dinner with some friends the other night – we had formed a singing group around the turn of the century and led worship in churches with some of my songs. For old time’s sake we gathered around the keyboard and sang our “hits.” One in particular, Grace to…

Pendulum Swing: Horizontal Worship

I remember a few short years ago when the contemporary worship wave hit the church, the big thrill was that we actually got to sing TO God (vertical) instead of singing ABOUT God (horizontal). I worked at one church where the worship leader enthusiastically threw out all the horizontal songs.…


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