
Kari Jobe On Worshipping, Songwriting and Ministering to Girls

Kari Jobe was born to sing. Since she was 3 years old, this daughter of a traveling Texas minister has felt called to write songs for people hurting for the Lord, people who couldn’t find the words themselves. Jobe spent time studying at Oral Roberts University, Christ for the Nations…

How Do You Leave Your Ministry?

Nick Farr writes about resigning from a ministry job: How do you leave something that you love? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself for the past couple of weeks. On October 4th, I put in my 60 day notice at my church. I’ve been here four years and have…

What’s Right With the Church in 2011

Brandon Cox, editor at, offers his assessment of the Church in 2011. One point is on worship: “I see a church beginning to tear down some old walls. It seems that the worship wars, though alive and well within pockets, has on the whole subsided a great deal as we’ve come…

Thanksgiving: The Forgotten Holiday

I call Thanksgiving “The Forgotten Holiday.” Retailers are so eager to get Christmas sales they overlook it and worship leaders are so busy getting ready for Christmas they neglect it. In hard times when many people are unemployed it might seen counterintuitive to give thanks – especially when you’re having…

Are You a Worship Leader or a Worship Pastor?

David Santistevan writes about the role of a worship leader: Worship leader, I have an important question for you today. How do you view your role? Worship leading isn’t just for those with exceptional musical talent and the charisma to “work a room”. It’s all about being a pastor. When…

Meet Worship Songwriter Bob Kilpatrick

Bob Kilpatrick is a communicator based in Fair Oaks, California whose achievements and gifts are nothing short of head-spinning. He is the composer of one of the most popular worship songs of the modern age, “In My Life Lord Be Glorified”. He is a radio presenter whose Time Out With…

What Is a Successful Worship Leader?

Worship Leader magazine columnist Mark D. Roberts writes about what makes for a successful worship leader. Successful worship leadership facilitates successful worship. If you are a worship leader, you have led well if those who have followed your leadership have offered themselves to God genuinely. Notice what successful worship leadership…

Worship Drums: Find the Downbeat!

Back in the days of piano/organ I vividly recall playing along with a mindless organist who couldn’t find the downbeat. It was unreal – I felt like pulling out my hair because he simply couldn’t play a song with the right number of beats in the measure and I was…

Barna: Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church

Many parents and church leaders wonder how to most effectively cultivate durable faith in the lives of young people. A five-year project headed by Barna Group president David Kinnaman explores the opportunities and challenges of faith development among teens and young adults within a rapidly shifting culture. Read the six…

3 Spiritual Growth Check-Points Your Worship Team Needs

As worship leaders we can get so distracted with the nuts and bolts of the job – creating the perfect praise set, charts, rehearsals and administration tasks –  that we forget to spiritually lead our people. Jason Hatley at gives three steps for helping your worship team grow spiritually.…

Top 10 Pet Peeves About Worship Leaders

Worship leader/blogger Carlos Whittaker recently asked people to name their peeves about worship leaders. summed up the responses into the 10 top pet peeves. I’d have to agree with all of them. My two top peeves are worship leaders who order me to stand, sit and raise my hands.…

Why Your Church Is Small: Leadership

Tony Morgan is dissecting church growth – something I’ve very interested in myself. I’ve always believed the size of a church is directly proportional to the leadership in that church. In my own experience, I recall being at an exciting, growing young church only to see progress halt when the ministry became…


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