Is There a Place for a Soloist in Church?

Clint Archer discusses the regulative principle of worship:

I enjoy being challenged to think through why we do what we do in the church worship service. Recently I was asked why our band sometimes plays a brief interlude between songs during which the congregation is silent.

To take it further: isn’t the role of the band to facilitate the whole congregation’s singing? If so, then surely it is never appropriate for a singer to perform a solo, or a musician to play an instrumental piece with no lyrics. And if the band’s role is more pliable than simply providing the tune to which we all sing along, exactly how much leeway is permitted? Why is a vocal or violin solo allowed, but not a ballet dance or a juggling act?

Furnishing a philosophy of ministry that allows some discretion while excluding extremes may prove tricky.

There is no one-size-fits-all rule. If there was, it would be in the Bible! Here are three broad approaches to the church worship service: the too tight regulative principle, the too loose liberty-in-worship approach, and the elder-adjustable elastic tailored-for-each-church view.

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10 Photos That Show There Are Two Kinds Of Girls

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Music is the mediator

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– Joe Tomas

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I don’t make music for eyes. I make music for ears

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10 Tests Of A Good Worship Leader

How are you doing as a worship leader? How do you know if you are a good worship leader? Let me suggest a few guidelines that will help to quantify your leadership.

1. Is the congregation singing with you?

When you look out at the congregation, are they singing? Do you have a way to quantify how well your congregation is participating? Can you hear the congregation from the stage? Special note: There are some people who rarely sing and that’s between them and God. But is the majority of your congregation singing?

2. Is the congregation worshiping God with you?

The Biblical actions of worship are singing, playing instruments, lifting hands, clapping, shouting, dancing, bowing down and standing. Is your congregation worshipping God in these ways in your corporate worship times?

3. Is the congregation growing in their worship of God?

Is your congregation growing? Are there more people here this year than last? Are more people participating in corporate worship this year than last? Do you get reports that the congregation senses God in the midst of your corporate worship time?

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What Every Worship Team Needs To Do This Year

This past Sunday I asked my worship team a question:

“How can we better connect with our congregation in 2016?”

After the usual sarcastic remarks of getting rid of the stage, passing out tambourines at the door, and inviting anyone on stage, the conversation became beautiful. We began to discuss what it would take for us to connect with people and for our people to connect with God.

Here are some of those insights:

  • Having conversations with people off the stage.
  • Choosing songs that connect with our demographic.
  • Stripping back and simplifying the music.
  • Allowing more space to flow.
  • Singing more familiar songs.

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A Guide for Church Front Lighting

Kade Young shares techniques.

What is front lighting?

The par can, ellipsoidal or any other fixture you use to light up the faces of those on stage is known as ‘front lighting’. It is very common for those new to front lighting to overdo it, washing out faces and overpowering background and effect lighting. I have to admit, I did this for several years before I learned better.

What fixtures and bulbs do I need?

Larger churches with more elaborate budgets would use several ellipsoidal fixtures for front lighting, but for smaller, lower-budget churches, par cans are the way to go. With so many different par cans to choose from, let me give you some information to figure out what your church needs.

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Fundamentals of Stage Design

Cliff Lambert explains why churches have started hiring creative directors in addition to worship leaders.

Over the past 15-20 years, church stage design has literally gone from a pulpit, pulpit chairs, a choir loft, a piano, an organ, artificial ficus trees and flowers to black walls, backdrops, thematic props, LED lighting, projection, rolling risers, and a hi top or lectern. We’ve transformed our church platforms into theatrical stages. We’ve gotten to the point where stage design is just as important as music selection and because of this shift, we’ve started hiring creative directors in addition to worship leaders.

Why? Because we’ve begun to understand the power of storytelling and that in a corporate worship setting, concepts are caught visually just as much as they are audibly. We’ve also begun to embrace the amount of time, energy and technology it takes to create effective storytelling environments. The bottom line is that environments influence and inspire. A quick look at God’s creation testifies to the fact that multi-sensory experiences reinforce ideas and content. Yes, over the years, we’ve battled with balance. We’ve asked ourselves, “How much it too much?” “When does stage design draw more attention to the design than the Designer?” As we look at moving toward this balance, there are some practical things a designer can do in their preparation. I’ve listed a few here.

As you look through these ideas, keep in mind that stages come in all shapes and sizes as well as do the budgets that supply stage designs. It’s OK if you can’t implement all of these things at once. Work toward it and keep dreaming.


Many churches prefer a traditional environment. Keep in mind that by implementing some of the concepts discussed in this article, you don’t have to forsake a traditional feel to create a beautiful design. If you’re working on modernizing a traditional environment, move slowly. Sometimes that simply means gradually removing pulpit furniture and artificial plants over the course of several months and adding some LED backlighting or colored lights on the back wall of your platform. Depending on the mission and vision of some modern church cultures, moving lights, lasers and neon lighting can create a “relatable” atmosphere for those who are unchurched.

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Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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