4 Guidelines for Worship Team Dress Code

Kade Young dreads confronting dress code issues.

As a worship leader, you probably dread confronting dress code issues. So, you sit back and think to yourself, “Surely I won’t have to address cleavage and butt cracks on a worship team!” Well, if it hasn’t happened to you already, I can almost guarantee it will.

That dreaded day approached during my second year as a full-time worship leader. It was Sunday morning and pre-service rehearsal was in full swing with a member of our worship team members running late. So here I am, on stage, when the latecomer walks in the door with a skirt shorter than mid-thigh along with a revealing blouse (if you know what I mean). I am pretty sure that my jaw hit the floor out of pure shock, and my mind began racing, trying to find a solution to this unexpected problem.

Considering I had neglected the issue, I chose not to address it until the following Thursday rehearsal. So, if this has not happened to you yet, let me share four dress code guidelines to help keep your team in the safe-zone.

1. No Cracks, Top or Bottom

This one does not take much explaining, but it is absolutely necessary to verbalize to your team. So be plain: ‘We don’t want to see cleavage, and we don’t want to see your butt crack.’

Truth is, we live in the day of low-cut blouses and low-rise jeans. There is no excuse for cleavage, as you can still be ‘in-style’ without showing all of that. But when it comes to low-rise jeans, the best solution is to wear an undershirt and tuck it in. That way if the opportunity ever arises for your butt crack to shine, it is nicely covered.

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3 Things Every Worship Leader Needs For 2016

Russ Hutto says worship Leaders need to embrace a disciplined approach to their own worship life.

So, here we are rounding the corner on another year as we’re moving full-steam ahead through the holidays and into 2016! It’s amazing how fast years seem to go by, yet they are all exactly the same length, the same amount of minutes in every hour, day, week, and month. Here are 3 things that we believe every worship leader needs for the coming year:

1) A Simple and Sustainable Rhythm

This starts with discipline. Worship Leaders need to embrace a disciplined approach to their own worship life. It can be very easy for WLs to coast on the fumes of worship experience to experience, treating Sunday morning services and mid-week rehearsals as their personal worship time. Although, it’s GREAT to approach these times as a worshipful time in your busy schedule, it’s not a substitute for the relational richness and opportunity for growth that comes from a personal, consecrated time of worship. Just you and the Father.

Simple: don’t over complicate it. You don’t need to craft a set list or read Scripture for hours. You just need to ask for the Lord to meet you. He will! God has lots of grace to extend to us when we are weak!

Sustainable: This needs to be something that you can commit to, day in and day out. Sure, there will be exceptions, but generally speaking, depth, growth and discipleship happens in a committed and disciplined relationship. It doesn’t usually happen in a scattered and accidental approach.

They “rhythm” that we’re talking about is something that becomes second nature. It is something sustains. It doesn’t rise and crash on the ups and downs of emotion. It stays steady. You’re there when you feel like it, and when you don’t. You begin to see that part of your day as vital. It becomes like a heartbeat or a breath. You don’t have to think hard about it, it just becomes instinct.

Because of our human nature, because of our weakness and tendency to be prone to distraction, sometimes this can be tough to implement. But there is grace. There is HIS strength in our weakness.

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10 Reasons Video Should Be On Your Radar in 2016

Matthew Fridg says a well made video on your church website introduces potential guests to the pastor.

We know video is great. But why? Not to mention there are many different applications for video. Here are ten reasons (of probably hundreds) why churches should seriously consider video this upcoming year.

1. Improved SEO

Paul writes in Romans 10:14, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” I could ask the same questions about our churches. How will they hear the Word if no one told them about your church? Have you Googled your church lately? Is it on the first page of the search results? It is common knowledge that video on your website boosts your search engine results. When I teach at conferences I often ask people attending my workshops if they know what page two of Google is. After a moment I answer, “Where webpages go to die.” Are you optimizing your webpage for google? Besides Google, YouTube is the #2 search engine. Are you optimizing your video content for YouTube? Here is some info that may help get you noticed easier on the internet.

2. Better Information Retention

Most of our communication in the church is classified as oral. This means that someone talks and we all listen, and listen, and listen. However, the majority of people learn best through visual communication. Utilizing sermon bumpers, video sermon illustrations and even images in your sermons can increase the amount your congregants can retain. Check out this article I wrote on leveraging learning styles in your preaching.

3. Online Video Builds Trust

A well made video on your church website that introduces potential guests to the pastor, the environment and the style of your church can be a major relationship building catalyst. When people can see your face, hear the music you play and catch a glimpse of all the happy kids in the kids wing, they feel like they are building a relationship with you before they even step foot in the door. Your front door is no longer your website. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and other social networks are great places to upload well crafted videos that help people get to know you.

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When Your Worship Team is Small (Really Small)

In my post “Four Types of Worship Teams“, I advocated that worship leaders seek to model their worship teams after the picture of the body that Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 12. This way we avoid the traps/pitfalls/discouragements that come from teams whose members are just filling slots on a schedule, or being in a band for the sake of being in a band, or always trying to get to the top so they can be seen as contributing something important.

But what about when your worship team is really small? You’re scraping by from week to week with a kind gentlemen who knows three guitar chords, a fifth grader who wants to be able to play the drums, your pastor’s wife who can sing soprano, and a high school junior who’s an excellent french horn player.

You don’t look or sound like any of the worship teams you see online or hear on albums. An electric guitar has never crossed the threshold of your sanctuary. The newest song you sing was written in 2001 (and that’s pushing it!). You would be thrilled to add more musicians to the team. You would love to have the problem of having so many musicians that they’re all clamoring to play on Sundays. You wish you had a plethora of people to fill different musical slots.

But those aren’t problems you’re in any danger of dealing with really soon. Right now, you’re discouraged and your team is small. Really small. Your main problem is trying to keep things afloat, and trying to bring together the limited amount of resources at your disposal to present something relatively cohesive from week to week. It’s not easy.

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7 Ways Satan Tries to Destroy a Church

Ron Edmondsond says Satan loves business meetings which get out of hand.

I’m not a pastor who is constantly looking for Satan behind everything which goes wrong. I concentrate my attention on Jesus and encouraging others to follow Jesus — and not to focus on the defeated one.

We are to keep “our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith”.

Yet, I’m fully aware Satan loves to destroy – or attempt to destroy – a church. Obviously, Satan is a limited being – and God’s church is secure. The gates of hell shall never overcome what God started. But, Satan certainly loves to disrupt the work of God’s church – and the work of those who love the church.

Here are 7 way Satan tries to destroy a church:

Church conflict.

Satan loves business meetings which get out of hand or when two church members have disagreements inside or outside of church. He loves when church members argue about trivial things, such as colors of the carpet or big things, such as whether to add another service. Worship style or pastoral authority – doesn’t matter to the evil one. Show him a potential argument and he’s willing to stir the fire – and these days he may use social media to do it.

Staff or volunteer burnout.

Satan loves to burn out a church volunteer, staff member, or pastor. If he can make them feel they are no longer needed, their work is not appreciated, or they no longer have anything to offer – he feels he’s winning part of the battle. He loves to spread the lies of discouragement and unworthiness.

Rumor spreading.

Satan is the stirrer of dissension. He likes to plant little seeds of a juicy story, about someone in the church or community – sometimes even the pastor or staff – and watch them quickly spread. The version, of course, usually grows to a larger portion than reality. Satan likes this too. If you’re tempted to repeat something you know you shouldn’t, the enemy will make sure you find an opportunity.

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Inside the Christian App Boom

It turns out prayer and smartphone habits go well together.

The American public is becoming less religious and less likely to attend church than in decades past, according to research like the Pew study released last month. But for Christians looking to spread the faith, there’s been a recent bright spot: apps that can put the Bible in the pockets of millions, plus open the door for new and potentially more habitual forms of prayer and meditation.

“Jesus met people where they were at and then drew them really deep into understanding the truth of God,” said Neil Ahlsten, who left Google last year to found the app Abide. “We’re creating liturgy that people can consume whenever and wherever and however works for them. It fits the modern life.” Ahlsten has heard from many users who check Abide in bed — first thing in the morning and right before they go to sleep — as many secular people do with their phones. Christians have been praying at morning and night for millennia, but it turns out the tradition fits comfortably with habitual smartphone use.

YouVersion was one of the first Christian apps and remains one of the most popular — and one of the most popular apps, period — but it almost didn’t make it into the App Store. Before it was an app, YouVersion lived online as a website created to “help people better engage with the [Bible],” said Bobby Gruenewald, the app’s founder. The site was on the verge of being shut down in 2008, when an early mobile version saw a spike in traffic with the adoption of smartphones. The team behind YouVersion put together an app for the App Store launch, and it had over 80,000 downloads the first day alone. Since then, it has been downloaded nearly 200 million times and consistently lands in the Top Charts section of the App Store.

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Remaining Effective in One Church for a Very Long Time

Dr. David Yearick has served in his church for 39 years.

Thirty-nine years is a very long time to serve in one church. However, now that the years have passed, they seem to be almost a pleasant dream, full of wonderful memories. We had our problems, of course, but the worst of them were overshadowed by God’s blessings.

Although I never prepared for a preaching ministry and never intended to be a pastor, the Lord put me in the pulpit in 1964.

There are many things that God used to enable me to have an effective ministry right up to the end of my time as senior pastor. Let me share with you just a few in the form of entreaties.

Preach the Word
A large congregation can be built with little attention given to the Word of God, but the Bible must be primary in order to build a solid fundamental church. While some pastors have more sermon ideas than they can ever develop into messages, that was not the case for me. I believe the Lord performed three miracles for me every week, for He never left me without something to give to my people. I am living proof that a pastor does not need to be a great preacher to be effective.

While I did some expository preaching, I usually felt more comfortable with topical messages. A number of university and seminary Bible professors, including some of my former teachers, were in our congregation. I used to wonder why they came, but decided it must have been that they studied such deep things of the Word during the week that they wanted something simple on Sunday. Although I preached hundreds of messages on the person and work of Christ, I believe that if I had the opportunity to do it over again, I would give even more attention to Him.

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The Best Travel Cameras of 2018 (And How to Choose One)

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Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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