7 Trends That Are Changing Contemporary Worship

Dan Wilt says the Church has a responsibility to be forward-thinking:

The following trends are those I perceive as I listen to the academic, local church, and popular voices to which I have access through social media, websites, books, and my relational networks.

I humbly offer 7 trends I see from my own limited vantage point. There may be more.

1. A Movement From Individual Experience To Individual + Community Experience

“Expressive individualism” is a term coined by sociologist Robert Bellah to describe the highest value in our culture today – that of people fully expressing their individuality without reservation (special thanks to Rich Nathan for drawing my attention to this idea).

Throwing off all shackles, the individual’s desires and preferences are god, affirmed by our celebrity creeds about personal authenticity and our constant hunger to “do our own thing.” No one should legislate any restraint that would limit any person’s self-expression (unless, of course, they are explicitly harming someone else in a way we corporately agree is unacceptable).

In the Church, I sense us waking up to how deeply this prevailing cultural view has permeated the Church, and we are being pressed to action by the Spirit of God.

Instead of continuing to host worship services where everyone feels like they are in their own personal worship cubicle with God, “doing their own thing,” the Body of Christ must reclaim our most high-participation, community-oriented practices in worship.

Singing is just one of them. The Eucharist, the passing of the peace, joining in responsive readings, and engaging in more roundtable approaches to teaching are all ways I see worship changing to confront the expressive individualism of our time.

People want to experience truly communal worship on a Sunday morning; not an educating Christian show in which they’ve been invited to sing a bit. We have work to do here.

2. A Movement From Church Rhythms To Church + Personal Rhythms

Many Christians today are realizing that weekly church services, with a few community connections in between, are not teaching Christians to be self-feeding disciples.

Almost by instinct there is a recovering of our need to develop daily rhythms and spiritual habits in our lives. These habits leverage the neuroplasticity in our brains as we partner with God in the changing of our thinking on a day by day basis.

The resurgence of hunger for daily devotionals, for the daily office, and for more ancient practices such as pauses for prayer, meditation, and thanksgiving during the day – these are all examples of an instinctive need we have for daily habits to counter our frenetic, always-on, smart phone driven, 21st century way of life.

We must stop talking about worship in weekly increments, and start talking about worship in daily increments.

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2015’s Top 5 WORST Trends in Worship Leading

I have identified five trends that have come to life this year that might be damaging to our expression of Christian worship. Some of these are connected to a tool’s application. The wonderful tools we have around us and the choices for leaders are greater than ever. Our ingenuity and cleverness has reached new heights. But, with all creativity there are two sides. Creativity as innovation solves a problem. Creativity as art tells a story. When we forget the story—basically who we are—in our desire to solve a presenting issue we lose ourselves.

These trends are based on what I have read, observations and interaction with hundreds of leadership of worship over this past year I have connected five trends that we need so discuss as we enter a new year of opportunity.

Marketing the church through music.

What brings in the crowds, or even the cash, is often what is measured these days. Being “attractional” is not an evil. But, is the goal of our weekend worship services to simply fill the seats or is it more than that? The drive of many leaders to market a ministry may come from an evangelistic heart. However, music and art is something that tells a story. Madison Avenue has known this for decades. Do we tell our story, the story of the Gospel, or connect to the people we are trying to reach? Or, do we pander to the lowest common denominator? What draws a crowd? What keeps a crowd? Maybe there are deeper questions we should ask. Is our music a tool for marketing or a tool for worship? If it is both, what comes first?

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‘Caitlyn’ Jenner Attended Houston Megachurches for ‘Photo Ops’

HOUSTON, Texas – While in Houston filming his reality TV show and making other stops, “Caitlyn” Jenner and members of his film crew attended two megachurches whose pastors had been very vocal against Houston’s proposed “bathroom ordinance.” Rev. Dave Welch of the US Pastor Council called the events at the Christmas services, “photo ops.”

Jenner and members of his TV crew attended a Christmas show for children at a megachurch, Houston’s Second Baptist Church’s location on Woodway.

After the show, Jenner spoke and prayed with Baptist minister, Dr. Ed Young, who was a vocal opponent of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Cameras recorded their time together.

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10 Reasons Why I’m Traveling by Bicycle

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Great Script For A Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Mark Cole shares his Christmas Eve service plans:

Pastors and Worship Leaders: Are you looking for a script that really works for a one hour Christmas Eve Service(s)? Here’s one that I developed and have used successfully. You are free to copy and use it. I’ve also added links to the songs and media.

Apple Cider in the foyer (with Christmas music playing)

(In auditorium) Christmas Music Playing with
Video loop: ‘Christmas Tree Snow Loop’

(5 min. before) Christmas Around the World Video count-down

Screen Background Bethlehem small star:

(Stage lights up)

Worship Leader: Greeting and welcome

(House lights down)

3 Singers: 5 Piece Band: 3 Narrators (Stage Left):

Congregational Song: Joy The World/Unspeakable Joy

Congregational Song: Away In A Manger

(Narrator 1 standing with music stand & light w/spotlight)

Narrator 1: Scripture readings: The Birth Of Jesus (all scripture readings are on the screen: Bethlehem small star background)

(While this is read: Mary & Joseph & baby (played by kids) come to the manger)

(Luke 2:1-7)

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Small Town Worship

Travis Stephens asks you to rate your worship:

If I were to ask you what’s the one area in your church that could use the most help, what would you say? If you pastor in a small town like I do, I’m betting you would say worship.

I know worship can have many meanings, but for the sake of our discussion here, I’m talking about the singing that happens during service.

If you were being honest, how would you rate your worship?

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Top 20 Worship Songs of 2015

Worship Leader Magazine’s picks:

Picking the top worship songs for the year is a heavy task—one we take very seriously. Of course, this list is not the “right” one. It is, simply, our list. We chose the songs that we saw making an impact this year, and songs we see as exemplars because of their prayer essence and congregational focus—these are simply our favorites as well. Certainly there were songs released in previous years that impacted the Church this year, but this list only represents tracks that were new and on releases in 2015. We encourage you to take a listen to the following offerings, maybe bring a few into your service of worship, and also let us know which new songs made a difference for you this past year.

20. “Jesus Is Alive”
Songwriters: Jonathan Smith, Fellowship Church
Performed by: Fellowship Creative
As heard on: Alive in Us

19. “New Again”
Songwriters: Brooks Ritter, Mike Cosper
Performed by: Sojourn Music
As heard on: New Again

18. “Ever Be”
Songwriters: Bobby Strand, Chris Greely, Gabriel Wilson, Kalley Heiligenthal
Performed by: Bethel Music
As heard on: We Will Not Be Shaken

17. “Can’t Stop Your Love”
Songwriters: Ben Cantelon, Jason Ingram, Nick Herbert
Performed by: One Sonic Society
As heard on: Make a Way

16. “Grace That Won’t Let Go (Grace Amazing)”
Songwriters: Mark Harris, Thomas Miller
Performed by: Gateway Worship
As heard on: Walls

15. “My Anchor”
Songwriters: Christy Nockels, Jason Ingram
Performed by: Christy Nockels
As heard on: Let It Be Jesus

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Three Common Lyric Slide Mistakes

Mike Sessler sees a lot of mistakes when it comes to laying out lyric slides.

While I may be an audio guy at heart, I got my start in this business doing large-scale speaker support presentations for very large companies like Stouffer Foods and Nestlé USA. Those years of having to get text formatted correctly on screen—which back then meant getting it right on the 35mm slide—formed the basis for how I treat all lyric support to this day.

Perhaps because so few people are actually educated on this topic (yes, educated; it’s different from being “trained”), I see a lot of mistakes when it comes to laying out lyric slides. Today, I’m going to hit the top three I see all the time. Each is very simple to fix and requires almost no extra time to do correctly.

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Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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