Top Stage Designs Of 2015 (Under $50)

Josh Blakenship loves to design church stage environments on a budget:

Another year has come and gone. As 2015 comes to a close I started to look through all the graphics, videos and pictures I have taken this year at my church. I came across a few things I loved and a few things I liked a little (or a lot) less.

Designing stage environments is one of my favorite things to do. I love being able to totally transform our stage every series. I love being able to connect people with the message of Jesus by simply changing the look and feel of the environment.

If you follow this blog, you know the church I serve at is not exactly swimming in tons of money. My guess is that you are also working on a tight budget. The good news that it can be done. All of these designs cost me less than $50 to make. Hopefully you’ll be able to take these ideas and create your own!

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Hillsong’s Silent Night Shenanigans

UPDATE 12-21-15: Very interesting! I created this page early afternoon on 12-21-15 and later that evening YouTube had taken the video down. Hillsong does not want this video to be seen lol! Another YouTube user tried to post it and it was also removed, but he provided this dropbox link: WATCH THE HILLSONG VIDEO. I’ll open a dropbox video player in your browser, and you can also instantly download the video to your own dropbox account.

This has been a banner year for Hillsong Church: worship leader Joel Houston was caught clubbing with Bieber, they were plagued with a gay controversy, defended their “hurts like hell” “worship” song and now have released this heart-warming rendition of Silent Night. What’s up with Hillsong?

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Los Angeles Churches Make Worship… Hip?

Just before 10 a.m. on a sunny Sunday in November, a crowd gathered in front of a white modernist building here on Hollywood Boulevard. An inscription on its side, “H/N,” short for “Here and Now,” stood out from a block away.

Twenty- and 30-somethings spilled onto the steps and the lawn, dressed in crop tops, moto jackets, and jeans torn deliberately at the knees.

“How was your party last night?” a young woman in a shirt dress and bootees asked a guy in aviator sunglasses and a swath of chains. “I heard it was amazing.” He replied: “Girl, can you stop losing weight? You’re going to disappear.”

They sought not physical but spiritual nourishment. The building? Mosaic, a church that counts thousands of young people among its congregants, offering sermons rife with pop-culture references, musical performances that look like and a brand cultivated for social media. (Church events are advertised on Instagram; there’s a “text to donate” number).

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Top 25 CCLI for week ending 12/12/15

1 O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
C.Frederick Oakeley, John Francis Wade

2 Joy To The World
George Frideric Handel, Isaac Watts

3 Hark The Herald Angels Sing
Charles Wesley, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

4 Silent Night (Stille Nacht)
Franz Xaver Gruber, John Freeman Young, Joseph Mohr

5 Joy To The World (Unspeakable Joy)
Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, George Frideric Handel, Isaac Watts, Matt Gilder

6 O Holy Night
Adolphe Charles Adam, John Sullivan Dwight, Placide Cappeau

7 Angels We Have Heard On High (Gloria)
Edward Shippen Barnes, James Chadwick

8 Go Tell It On The Mountain
John W. Work Jr.

9 The First Noel
Public Domain

10 O Come O Come Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel)
John Mason Neale, Thomas Helmore

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The spring of love becomes hidden and soon filled up

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Five tips for leading worship when tragedy strikes

Paul Baloche shares tips for troubled times:

These days it seems like every other week there’s a breaking news crisis that sends shocking images to the front pages, spreads fear like a virus and gives us all pause for thought. So what do you do when tragedy strikes in the very week that you’re on the rota to lead? We asked Paul Baloche for his top tips.

1. Use Your Words… Sometimes all it takes is for you to say something at the start to help people join with you. I might talk about how good it is to gather and remember God, how we can lift our prayers to Him in song even though our hearts might be heavy. Sometimes people need to be reminded that we can stand in proxy for our brothers and sisters who are grieving and living in fear. We can stand in the gap, asking God to pour out His spirit on others, to dispel fear with faith and continue to cause justice to rise up.

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We Need More Seeker-Friendly Churches

Paul Rezkalla challenges the idea that unbelievers will come to church when we make church less “churchy.”

The day has finally arrived for us to not only entertain the idea of the “seeker-friendly” church, but also to embrace it. This move isn’t made in order to capitulate to culture; rather, it flows from a proper understanding of the gospel.

The New Testament endorses the seeker-friendly church. Jesus was a big fan, as was Paul. Peter and the other apostles avidly promoted it too, as evidenced in their letters to all the seeker-friendly churches they planted. Because it was the model in the first century, the 21st-century church should also be radically seeker-friendly.

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Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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