How to Determine When To Quit or Save a Church Ministry

There comes a time when a beloved event, ministry function, or recurring project must come to an end. Since these were birthed by the passion and time of your volunteers and church leaders, sunsetting them can be a touchy topic to approach. Wisdom shows us that everything has its time and season. Whether or not the church ministry is loved or formerly successful does not necessarily make it effective or entirely helpful. How do you pull the plug on a church ministry or know when to keep it on life support? After all, every ministry has a shelf life.

There are several questions to ask and answer before either entering the arduous process of pulling the plug or committing to propping up a dying ministry. With each question, things may become clearer. There are only so many days in the year and dollars in the budget. Our church members should be encouraged to be good stewards. However, leadership is about making their stewardship count as much as possible. If we do not lead intentionality, we might actually be sending the message that we don’t respect their time, treasure, or talent.

Does this activity still achieves its intended goals?

Some events on the calendar have been there for years. Every season, I proposes a checkup and review to rate how the actual goals are reached. I know this sounds business like, but we need to measure something, right? In business, the goals are often simply profit and loss. In ministry, people are the goal. What are the goals for each event or ministry at your church? Often, it quickly becomes clear if there are no goals. Either they have not been communicated, modeled, or accountable. If your goal is to reach seniors at a tea and no seniors show up then you are not reaching one goal of that event.

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I Like Talking About Food

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Top 10 CCLI for week ending 10/17/15

1 Good Good Father
Anthony Brown, Pat Barrett

2 Holy Spirit
Bryan Torwalt, Katie Torwalt

3 10000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)
Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman

4 This Is Amazing Grace
Jeremy Riddle, Josh Farro, Phil Wickham

5 Lord I Need You
Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher

6 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash

7 Great Are You Lord
David Leonard, Jason Ingram, Leslie Jordan

8 Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm

9 Cornerstone
Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, Reuben Morgan, William Batchelder Bradbury

10 One Thing Remains
Brian Johnson, Christa Black Gifford, Jeremy Riddle

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How Many Songs Do You Use In Worship?

How many songs do you use in your worship services? Take the poll below.

Some churches like Hillsong might have an hour of worship music. Some megachurches have a praise set of 4-5 songs with another song during the offering right before the sermon. This offering song may be more of a “special” – a CCM artist song or secular song that fits the theme of the sermon.

Other megachurches (with mega-egos of the mega-pastor) can only afford 2 or, at most, 3 songs total so there can be 45 minutes or more for that all-important sermon. (One megachurch worship leader lamented they were lately only allowed ONE song a week since the pastor was on a long-winded tear with his latest sermon series! Can you imagine paying top dollar for the best band in town… to play one song!?)

When I started years ago at a contemporary church planted by a traditional Presbyterian church we could only manage a 3 song praise set – the congregation just wasn’t acclimated to longer sets. As time went on and the congregation started getting “into” worship music we were able to do 4-5 songs each week.

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How Many Songs Do You Use During Worship?

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Thoughts On Instrumental Breaks In Worship

Bob Kauflin has seen instrumental portions of worship songs actually have an adverse effect:

A few years ago I attended the Sunday gathering of a church that primarily sang traditional hymns. The voices carried the songs and there were few, if any, instrumental breaks between verses. The congregation sang robustly and the sound was beautiful.

But at the end of the meeting I was exhausted. Not only were the hymns in higher keys than I was used to, my voice never got to rest. I knew my experience was partly due to the inherent differences between singing hymns and contemporary songs. But because there were no musical interludes, I also had less time to reflect on the truths we were singing. I was reminded that instrumental turns (or “links” as my UK friends would say) in congregational singing can be refreshing and provide an opportunity to think more deeply about the lyrics.

But as the title of this post suggests, one good turn doesn’t always deserve another. I used to think this was a minor topic, but due to the influence of popular music on the way the church sings, it’s become more significant.

Too many times I’ve seen instrumental portions of worship songs actually have an adverse effect. Congregations don’t know how to respond when the singing stops and the musicians keep playing. People who were singing their hearts out to the Lord in one moment are suddenly standing around wondering what to do. They’re transformed from participators into spectators. Some strike a “worshipful pose” and wait for the next cue. Emotions subside. Minds drift.

But this isn’t a rant against instrumental breaks. It’s an appeal to use them more intentionally and pastorally. Here are a few things I’ve found helpful to remember.

1. The turns I use don’t have to match the ones on the album.

Albums are generally recorded to be listened to, which means instrumental breaks can be creative. They can be as long or as short as we want, depending on the song, where it’s at on the album, or how it fits into the overall sound. But the 24 bar intro a band plays on the recording might not be as meaningful to the people I lead on Sundays. It’s becoming increasingly common to augment your band with tracks available from sites like or Loop Community. If you do that, the structure is usually determined for you in advance. But in many cases you can edit the tracks to better suit your setting.

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LifeChurch Changes Name, Web Address

The megachurch with multiple satellite sites known as has changed its name to Life.Church, church leaders said today.

The church, based in Edmond, made the announcement in a news release that says the change is in anticipation of the ministry’s 20th anniversary in 2016.

The church will now be known as Life.Church, which also is the ministry’s new web address —

“Over the past two decades, the church has had three other names including Life Covenant Church, Life Church, and The change to Life.Church brings both a new name and a new website address to the church,” the church’s news release stated.

“We believe the transition to Life.Church creates the opportunity to share and talk about the church in a natural way. Plus, it’s a more effective way for people to find and identify us as a church, too,” Bobby Gruenewald, Life.Church pastor-innovation leader said in the church’s statement.

The .church domain is one of hundreds of top-level domains newly approved by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN, including brand-specific domains as well as generic domains like .gifts, .movie amd .guru, the church’s news release said.

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5 Last Minute Ideas to Improve the Music’s Ministry for THIS Sunday

Mark J Martin lists some small things you can do to improve your ministry to people on Sunday:

What can you do today that will make a difference in how the music leads in worship and serves the people?

Here are a few last minute ideas to improve the ministry of the music for this Sunday:

  • Pray. I’ll be honest, I typed out the other four first, then added this one. I put it up here at the top because it should be first, but I didn’t think of it first. Don’t we do that a lot? We work and plan, but forget prayer. But nothing can replace prayer in preparing us to lead worship.
  • Think about the words to your instrumental song. Pull out the hymnal, and look at the words. Meditate on what they mean. Pray through the text. Are you communicating it accurately? Have you internalized the message (instrumentalists should do this just as much as vocalists)?

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Evaluate Your Worship With These Questions

David Manner says the foundation of our worship music must not be its style but instead its content:

Understanding foundational biblical precedents, historical practices and theological tenets of worship music will curb a random sampling of various styles based solely on their success in other places.

Consider asking the following foundational questions to begin moving the focus of your worship music away from surface style to base content.

  • Is our song text theologically sound and does it affirm scripture as central?
  • Is our congregational singing and presentational music passive or participative?
  • Do music selections regularly include a balance of familiar and new?

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Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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