Tips On Transitioning Worship Style

Nic Cook on yesteryear’s worship wars:

So you’ve taken that new job and you’re trying to figure out how to make some much needed transitions without causing yourself or your church unnecessary “bloodshed”.

I’ve been talking to some worship minister friends of mine who are either in this phase of ministry or about to experience it. During these conversations I’ve found myself telling the story of my very first worship mentor and decided to share it with the hopes that it can be helpful even to those of us in established ministries.

I was at a church in Oklahoma City during high school through college and during that time I had sung in the high school worship band and the adult choir and gotten to know the worship minister for “big service”. His name was Josh and he was in the Air Force and was working for the church part time. Once I was in college I began leading the high school worship team and had done so for a couple of years when the worship minister asked if I would be willing to do an internship that paid a little bit weekly. As part of my internship I continued to lead worship for the high school band as well as play keyboards and sing in the adult services.

Now at this time the worship wars of the 90′s were in full swing and raging across many churches. This unfortunate problem came from a tension to either embrace fully more traditional worship that included mainly hymnody and used piano and organ as instrumentation or choose contemporary worship that consisted of choruses and recently written songs and performed with a full rock band instrumentation. Mainly there was an either/or approach where both sides tended to demonize each other and build arguments as to why their style and preferences were biblical and the only right way.

It was into this mix that I watched my mentor successfully transition the church into what many people called “blended worship” without any casualties or causing a church split.

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The Myth of the Perfect Millennial Church

Caryn Rivadeneira, Sharon Hodde Miller and Megan Hill share their perspectives on young people and the church:

As a true sign that I am getting old, Rachel Held Evans’s uber-popular CNN post Why Millennials Are Leaving the Church brought about a wistful, nostalgic response in me: Ah, to be young and turning my back on church again.

My mind traveled back to 1990, when I swore off church for good. I told God I still loved him, but his people I wasn’t so sure about. Like a good Gen-X-er, I was angry. Angry about what I saw as wrongheaded views on women in the church and a hostile stance toward the gay community. Angry because I thought the church was filled with hypocrites who cared more about sexual sins than greedy ones.

Sound familiar?

Though I did still love Jesus and read my Bible and pray and go to a Christian college and then work for a Christian publisher, I kept pretty true to my no-church word. I can probably count on my fingers the number of times I darkened a church door during my 20s. And one of those times—at Westminster Abbey, no less—I was drunk.

So while I don’t think we should ignore pieces that suggest differences in generational “needs” from church, millennial malaise about church is nothing new. Gen-Xers felt it, as did Boomers before us. And lest we forget: the U.S. was founded by disgruntled church folk!

According to Scot McKnight, statistics show that “young adults have always been less affiliated; when they get married and have children they return to their faith. Part of the life cycle is reflected in this.” That’s what happened with me. Maybe it was hormones, maybe it was the Holy Spirit, probably it was a bit of both, but five days after giving birth to my son, I was back in the pews of the church I had once sworn off. In the 11 years since, I can count on my fingers the number of Sundays we’ve missed. And never once have I shown up drunk.

Today, I love church more than I ever could’ve imagined. I love it for the things that used to drive me nuts: for the hypocrites and other messy folks who gather together every Sunday to be unified in one thing, for one hour: to worship the God who loves us regardless of our cheesiness or our rigidity, of our hostility or our mushiness, of our inclusion or exclusion.

I feel this way not because the church changed, but because God changed me, grew me up while he held tight to me as I wandered away. The welcome I received when I came back to my church family changed everything.

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Presbyterians Drop “In Christ Alone” from Hymnal

Fans of a beloved Christian hymn won’t get any satisfaction in a new church hymnal.

The committee putting together a new Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) hymnal dropped the popular modern hymn “In Christ Alone” because the song’s authors refused to change a phrase about the wrath of God.

The original lyrics say that “on that cross, as Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied.” The Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song wanted to substitute the words, “the love of God was magnified.”

The song’s authors, Stuart Townend and Nashville resident Keith Getty, objected. So the committee voted to drop the song.

Critics say the proposed change was sparked by liberals wanting to take God’s wrath out of the hymnal. The committee says there’s plenty of wrath in the new hymnal. Instead, the problem is the word “satisfied,” which the committee says refers to a specific view of theology that it rejects.

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Why Millennials Are Leaving the Church

Last week a CNN article swept through the Internet and stirred up some debate:

Armed with the latest surveys, along with personal testimonies from friends and readers, I explain how young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be too political, too exclusive, old-fashioned, unconcerned with social justice and hostile to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Here’s the original article, and here’s a response.

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Worship Leader Memes!

Wikipedia explains an Internet meme is an idea, style or action which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet, as with imitating the concept. Here are a few worship leader-themed memes to hit the ‘net:


Learning the Solo




the stand

Lincon Brewster

Who Can Fill Your Shoes?

Summer is a great time for worship leaders to take a Sunday off here and there to recharge their batteries. But here’s the problem: is there anyone you can trust to lead your congregation while you’re gone?

At one ministry where I worked, a church plant that started in a school auditorium, I went a solid two years without missing a Sunday – not because I was some super warrior of the Faith, but because there was absolutely nobody to lead the music if I was gone. This is definitely a recipe for burnout!

As time went on and the church grew, I became friends with local worship leaders who could fill in when I took a vacation (I paid them a small honorarium) and we eventually got to the place where people groomed on the praise team could lead in my absence.

If you’re considering a guest worship leader to fill your shoes, look for someone with a similar theological, denominational and musical background. A Baptist church might be freaked out by a charismatic worship leader who starts singing in the spirit at the end of a chorus. A conservative worship leader friend of mine recently told me how he felt like a fish out of water when he was asked to lead worship at a church with Gospel style music.

If you want your fill-in to come from your own congregation, choose someone from your worship team who’s been tested. It’s a good idea to be training others all year long so if you need a week off your replacement already knows the drill. Give others on your team a chance to grow by letting them step out occasionally and lead a song or pray. Your vacation substitute may actually be two substitutes – one person may just feel comfortable as lead singer while another would just feel comfortable leading the congregation in prayer while singing background vocals.

If budget allows, a “professional” worship leader/Christian artist can fill in and perhaps help take your worship to another level. This professional, used to leading worship in churches all over the country, can quickly size up a congregation and challenge the people in ways that the resident worship leader can’t.

Bottom Line: a carefully selected substitute worship leader can give a much needed break to overworked music directors.

5 Tips For Preventing Burnout In Ministry

Scott Sidusky on burnout:

One of the first major lessons I learned in ministry is the importance of remaining intentional about preventing burnout and maintaining a balance between family, work and ministry.

This is a lesson, unfortunately, that I had to learn the hard way. A few years ago, I ended up having to leave a pastoral staff position at a church, because I was not intentional about striking a balance between being a full-time undergraduate student, work, family and ministry. I said ‘yes’ to almost everything at church. It left me very little to no time for my family. My relationship with my wife began to suffer. I burned out – BIG TIME! And it left me feeling hardly any passion for ministry (or anything else for that matter). Everything was a chore. It was terrible.

As hard as it was for us to leave this church, my wife and I knew that it needed to happen. I needed to step back from a pastoral role until I finished school. I plugged into another church, but in a volunteer role, helping where and when I could. I graduated with my ministry degree, and was shortly thereafter brought on staff, first as the youth pastor/midweek service worship pastor, and then to my current role as the creative arts/midweek service worship pastor.

I learned from my past mistakes and I am much more aware and intentional about keeping things as balanced as I can.

Here are some things that I have incorporated into my life to help me keep a healthy balance between my various responsibilities and to maintain my passion for God, family and ministry/work.

Sabbath – Be intentional about taking one day per week to rest. Use this time to spend with God, family, friends. During this time practice being and not doing.

Practice the Presence of God – Don’t limit your time with God to just a specific, scheduled time during the day, but also practice being in his presence throughout your day, no matter what you are doing. Set your phone, watch or whatever to alert you to pause, take a deep breath, and meditate on God for a few moments. You can set these alerts on an hourly basis or at least a few times per day. Doing so, will help keep you oriented in the right direction – towards God! I found it to be an excellent stress reliever as well! =)

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Buying Drums for Worship Part 2

Last week worship drummer Jon Skaggs discussed real vs. electric drums. This week he shares his favorite brands for churches:

Here are some quality drums and cymbals that I prefer. The price range can depend on how many pieces you add on. We’ll base the ranges on the standard 4-5 piece configurations (not including hardware or cymbals)

Higher Budgets ( If you have a large budget for drums)

Craviotto: $7k – 9k. Boutique cream of the crop drums that can be bought at select drum shops or online. These are my dream drums and I love the way they sound but they’re pricey. They’re loud and are perfect for big stages and churches.

C&C: $2k – 4k. Great sounding, top of the line drums for the price. Can be found at select drum shops or online. I’ve never heard a bad sounding C&C kit and they’re gaining popularity beyond the Boutique drum community.

DW: $1.5k – 7k. DW Drums have been a very popular and solid drum kit for a long time. I always ask for them when I do fly dates with artists and I need to rent a kit. They sound great and have a distinct sound. They do tend to detune in the lug system at times but that’s about the only problem I’ve encountered. You can find them at about every Guitar Center, drum shop, or online store for affordable prices.

Gretsch: $1k – 5k. Gretsch are great drums for the range of price. I once set up a Gretsch Renown kit for Vinnie Colaiuta and sat behind him while he played it. Needless to say the kit sounded amazing (Vinnie can make anything sound good) and I was hooked on Gretsch after that. They’re solid high end drums for the price.

Ludwig: $1k – 4k. Ludwig has really stepped up their game in the last 5 years with their higher end drums and they look and sound great. Ludwig was one of the first drum kits manufactured and have been around a long time. Some of the greatest drummers choose Ludwig. I am frequently asked when doing session work if I have any vintage Ludwig drums and usually rent them for studio work because of their coveted antique sound. If you don’t want to pay for the new ones then you can often find the vintage Ludwig kits on Craigslist or Ebay. The vintage Ludwig kits are high in demand and sound great. It’s up to you how retro you want to look and sound for your church service.

Lower Budgets (But you still want a kit that sounds good)

Yamaha: $500 – 5k. Yamaha makes the entry level Stage Custom all the way to high end Maple Customs – Yamaha is known for that tight and punchy sound and have been the choice of many drummers for many years. I think Yamaha is great and they have their own distinct sound. You can find Yamaha Drums about everywhere.

Pacific PDP: $300 – 1.5k. DW makes Pacific PDP drums and I think they are the best midlevel drums for the price and quality. I recommend them to many worship leaders who don’t want to spend a lot of money but still want good drums. Guitar Center usually carries a Pacific PDP kit.

Mapex: $300 – 3k. I have to give Mapex recognition because they were the first drums I ever owned. They have always made great kits and great drummers like Gregg Bissonette and Russ Miller swear by them. And like the other drum kits in this category you can usually find them at a Guitar Center.


You really can’t scrimp on cymbal quality. The cheaper or lower line cymbal you buy will give you that “trash can” effect. Lower line cymbals are usually heavy and not hammered. The hammering done by the manufacturer takes time and creates the tone of the cymbal. The different cymbal makers in the drum community also create cymbals from bright to dark to trashy to splashy. It’s important to understand the qualities of each cymbal line and not just pick any cymbal before knowing what will sound best in your church.

Cymbals are the loudest and the hardest thing to control on your kit even behind a drum shield. Over the years it seems the darker cymbals work better the in a church environment than brighter cymbals. They aren’t as shimmery and reflective as a bright cymbal. The cymbal line that has usually been the most successful in this regard has been the Zildjian K line. The Zildjian K’s are made to be a darker overtone and have recently released the Hybrid Zildjian Ks to blend the bright with the dark.

I personally have always used Paiste Signature and Traditionals for years. The Paiste Signature line are beautiful and bright. They are very loud and I started using them for Studio work to have cymbals that cut through a rock ‘n roll mix. Drummers like John Bonham and Alex Van Halen are some of the most famous Paiste users using the 2002 and Signature lines for rock. The Paiste Traditional and Dark Energy lines are the opposite of the Signature and 2002s in that they are definitely darker and a little softer. They are a great answer to bright and loud.

Most churches benefit going to the darker lines of cymbal before using a Zildjian A or Paiste Signature line which are brighter and loud. You want a cymbal that doesn’t take over the stage and be a hassle for your sound man. Most cymbals bleed right into vocal mics and make a sound man have to use gates on overheads and vocal mics just to control the bleed. So usually darker has been, in my experience, better. The frequency and natural softness are easier to maintain in a church setting and you’ll probably save your sound man a lot of headaches.

I think a great and practical cymbal setup are a pair of 14″ Hi Hats – 18″ Crash – Another 16 – 20″ Crash – A 20 – 22″ Ride (All cymbals will usually range from $250 – $600 within the diameters I mentioned above)

Here are some cymbals I suggest:

Paiste – Traditional, Signature Dark Energy

Zildjian – K, K Custom, Constantinople

Bosphorus – Any

Istanbul – Any

Meinl – Byzance Traditional, Byzance Dark

If you want or need louder/brighter cymbals look to Paiste Signature or 2002s or Zildjian A Customs.

Jon Skaggs has played drums for Christian artists like Brandon Heath, Chris Sligh and Nichole Nordeman, is a music producer, clinician, and author of the Worship Drums Guide. Visit his website at


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