Church Trip: Secret to Growth

The secret to big churches isn’t brain surgery: great preaching, great music and a great location usually produces big congregations. The Chapel in Buffalo, NY is a prime example.

I was teaching at the Christian Musician Summit with the National Praise and Worship Institute this past weekend, and stayed over to attend one of their services.

Just what is going on in the spiritually dead north? The Spirit is moving and the Chapel is booming in a predominantly Catholic area (a person who attends told me a large percentage of the church is made up of former Catholics.) Their enormous building, which could probably hangar a few space shuttles, sits in a prime location right off a highway within an office park. The modern sanctuary seats 2,200. The office park provides plenty of additional parking if needed as the adjacent businesses aren’t active on the weekend. Read a news story about their new building.

Two services can’t accommodate the crowds so a simultaneous satellite service is held in their East Worship Center for overflow (seating around 450.) Satellite services with video preaching and a live band are nothing new, but the Chapel is doing something I haven’t seen before – both bands in both rooms play from the same click. This allows them to perform the neat trick of having a worship leader sing live in one room while their image and vocals are broadcast in the other room. In other words, while in the main auditorium I heard the live band accompany a worship leader in the East Worship Center while watching his image broadcast on the screen.

The music was excellent and one of the female vocalists who led was outstanding. I didn’t recognize a single song that morning – a typical problem which I addressed a few weeks ago. Even so, I had the impression that the worship wasn’t a performance but a heartfelt, spiritual experience – something I don’t feel in a lot of megachurches. Their camera jib added a professional sense of motion to their projection.

I loved the preacher. Pastor Jerry Gillis is a great communicator: he’s witty and practical yet still preaches the Word – there was no watered down message in that sermon.

I’ve always heard a new contemporary church should be no more than two turns off a major highway for easiest accessibility. The Chapel follows that rule, but the location part of their success equation is more than just their immediate position in Buffalo – I think it’s the fact that they’re even in Buffalo.

Last week I talked about church over saturation. If the Chapel had been planted in Greenville, SC, they’d probably be a tenth of their size (currently around 5,000.) Putting a contemporary-style church in a spiritually needy and unsaturated area like Buffalo is one of the fastest paths to church growth – and spreading the Gospel.

Autopsy of a Deceased Church

Dr. Thom S. Rainer on a church in decline:

I was their church consultant in 2003. The church’s peak attendance was 750 in 1975. By the time I got there the attendance had fallen to an average of 83. The large sanctuary seemed to swallow the relatively small crowd on Sunday morning.

The reality was that most of the members did not want me there. They were not about to pay a consultant to tell them what was wrong with their church. Only when a benevolent member offered to foot my entire bill did the congregation grudgingly agree to retain me.

I worked with the church for three weeks. The problems were obvious; the solutions were difficult.

On my last day, the benefactor walked me to my rental car. “What do you think, Thom?” he asked. He could see the uncertainty in my expression, so he clarified. “How long can our church survive?” I paused for a moment, and then offered the bad news. “I believe the church will close its doors in five years.”

I was wrong. The church closed just a few weeks ago. Like many dying churches, it held on to life tenaciously. This church lasted ten years after my terminal diagnosis.
My friend from the church called to tell me the news. I took no pleasure in discovering that not only was my diagnosis correct, I had mostly gotten right all the signs of the impending death of the church. Together my friend and I reviewed the past ten years. I think we were able to piece together a fairly accurate autopsy. Here are eleven things I learned.

  1. The church refused to look like the community. The community began a transition toward a lower socioeconomic class thirty years ago, but the church members had no desire to reach the new residents. The congregation thus became an island of middle-class members in a sea of lower-class residents.
  2. The church had no community-focused ministries. This part of the autopsy may seem to be stating the obvious, but I wanted to be certain. My friend affirmed my suspicions. There was no attempt to reach the community.
  3. Members became more focused on memorials. Do not hear my statement as a criticism of memorials. Indeed, I recently funded a memorial in memory of my late grandson. The memorials at the church were chairs, tables, rooms, and other places where a neat plaque could be placed. The point is that the memorials became an obsession at the church. More and more emphasis was placed on the past.

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Server Meltdown

Thanks for visiting! We had so much traffic this week we nearly blew up Godaddy’s servers.

This has been a busy week here at I sent the newsletter out Monday night and by Tuesday the website had vanished (of course this would happen after I had written the hugely clicked-upon article Why Your Church Isn’t Bigger… and all those clicks ended up on a blank page or a Godaddy “coming soon” placeholder.)

I received a call from Godaddy early Tuesday afternoon. The tech told me that the website had received so much traffic they had to shut it down. He told me he’d bring it back online.

A half hour later the same guy called to tell me it was still getting so much traffic they’d have to shut it down again.

I’ve been with Godaddy for the past decade on one of their shared hosting plans. This means they have one server (computer) that hosts a bunch of other websites as well as my own. has seen a spike in traffic over the past few months and when I get a lot of traffic that slows down the whole server and all the other websites.

I’ve spent many an hour with Godaddy’s tech support this past week. What I appreciate about them is there’s always someone to talk to when you need help – 24 hours a day (and I’m a night person.) I’ve really enjoyed Godaddy and to be honest, hate to leave them. Unfortunately they just don’t have any hosting plans that fit me – it’s either inexpensive hosting for the masses or expensive private servers that require a computer genius to manage.

So late in the week when I realized I’d have to leave Godaddy I did a search for WordPress hosting ( operates with WordPress – a free, easy platform to manage a website that’s also great for churches.)

I narrowed down my choices to WPengine or Synthesis. I bought a plan at both – and whoever helped me get WorshipIdeas up and running first would win my business.

Neither company offers phone support like Godaddy so I had to submit a support ticket through email. Synthesis replied very quickly while WPengine took several hours. In fact, I had WorshipIdeas up and running at Synthesis before I even heard back from WPengine! I also found the Synthesis tutorials a bit easier to follow and understand than the ones from WPengine. was set up on Synthesis within one day and went live Saturday afternoon. I can’t believe how zippy the website is now.

So thanks again for visiting. I think I’m ready for you now 🙂

Is There A Place For Performance in Worship?

Russ Hutto: What does the word perform even mean? Is it a bad word?

Growing up as a kid of the church (my dad was a youth pastor, worship leader, pastor), I’ve heard just about every church cliche you can think of. Being a youth pastor and media/music pastor myself for most of my adult life, has also led to me probably BEING some of those cliches at times.

I think one of the most misused, yet well-intentioned churchy phrases is “Worship is not a performance.” Most of the times (if not all) it’s used when talking about the quality or excellence of our worship MUSIC. I definitely agree that worship itself is not a performance. But I believe when we in the church use the cliche we’re talking about the music we use to worship (not worship itself).

For the record, I agree with the general heart behind that cliche. We don’t worship for our own glory, or for the glory of our bands, or even our church. We worship to glorify God. Period.

But I wanted to break down the idea a little bit and present a different angle.

As a trained and fairly skilled musician (almost 30 years experience on trumpet, and all of my high school and adult years on piano, drums, guitar + studied music theory & composition in college) I’m aware of what it takes to be a “good” performer. My entire “school” experience was based on practicing endlessly, then coming together to rehearse daily, and then being a part of performances, the goal of which was to be as close to perfect as possible. It was all about the performance.

Continue reading.

5 Ways to Do Church Communication on the Cheap

Joe Porter on inexpensive communication ideas:

“If I had an unlimited communications budget, then I would _______.”

I would make a pretty confident bet that no church has dedicated an unlimited amount of funds to communications. In fact, most of us operate on what we consider a limited budget. This means we have to get creative about communicating with excellence. Here are the five ways that I have been able to make my limited budget go as far as possible:

1. Dig on Vimeo for Promo Videos

If you’re looking to add more visual appeal to your advertising, you may be considering using video content. However, constantly hiring a production company may not be the most practical solution. There are countless videos on YouTube, but most of them may not meet your quality standards. Luckily, there is a solution that could save you time and money. You could search for and download freely available content from platforms like Vimeo, where many commercial animation studios openly grant access to their work. You can then use these downloaded videos and focus your budget on design and editing to create a unique and professional look for your project. Just be sure to check the licensing and usage terms before downloading and using any content.

2. Download Existing Designs for Marketing

It might surprise you to know how many large and growing churches use pre-existing designs, templates and other shared media. If you have a limited staff and budget, you probably should not be spending 10 hours working on a custom graphic for your men’s banquet or hiring a designer to do it. An example of a website that facilitates this inexpensive design sharing: CreationSwap. Most graphics are free and can be downloaded as a source graphic (i.e. Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)

3. Target Market with Facebook Ads

If you are bummed that you don’t have the budget to do a mail drop to the 20,000 people in your market, then this will comfort you. You can reach an exponentially larger and more targeted audience for much less money by harnessing the amazing power of Facebook ads. For example: We ran a simple five-day ad on Facebook to promote our Easter web page. It targeted those who are friends with someone already connected to our Facebook page (approximately 1,800 followers at the time) who also live in a 10 mile radius from our church. The results?

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Good Friday Service Recap & Ideas

Chris Vacher describes his Good Friday service:

At Compass we do a Good Friday service where we focus squarely on the crucifixion of Christ and what it means for us. Good Friday is a holiday in Canada and most people are able to attend a daytime service. Good Friday becomes an event on the spiritual calendar with a significant amount of anticipation in our own church community as we approach the weekend.

As a worship leader I find the challenge of Good Friday is to keep the focus on the cross. Yes, we live in the reality of the resurrection. Yes, the cross is not the end of the story. Yes, Jesus is alive, hallelujah! Yet the death of Christ is so significant and carries so much weight, bringing the focus of this service to the cross and leaving people there is completely acceptable but also a significant challenge.

Romans 5 speaks so clearly of the importance of the death of Jesus yet we tend to fall into the trap of making it significant but not significant enough. We’ll give it the focus and the attention it deserves but move quickly to celebrating (which we should do!) the resurrection. Good Friday is an invitation to worship God under the weight of the cross, the reality of our own sin and the sacrifice of Jesus. What an opportunity.

Here’s what our Good Friday service looked like: Continue reading.

Pastors and Pay: A How-To Guide for Negotiating Your Salary

Matthew Hoskinson on ministry salaries:

It seems awfully unspiritual to talk about pastoral remuneration, especially during the candidating process.

After all, if the Lord wants you to minister somewhere, hasn’t he promised to provide for you? And didn’t George Mueller pray meals to the front door of his orphanage? Why waste time on the temporal?

That’s a good question with a surprisingly simple answer: If you do not provide for your family, you cannot be a pastor.

That’s not my opinion, but the word of God through Paul.

“If someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?” (1Tim 3.5)

“If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1Tim 5.8)

Of course we must bear other texts in mind, such as Titus 1.7 (“he must not be .. .greedy for gain”) and 1Timothy 3.3 (“not a lover of money”). These verses may explain our awkwardness in discussing salary packages and benefits. We recognize that we are servants of the Lord and are often amazed that we have the privilege of being pastors.

But our rejection of greediness does not constitute a vow of poverty.

It is true that, if the Lord wants you to minister somewhere, he will provide for you. It is also true that one way the Lord confirms whether he wants you to minister somewhere is whether the provision is adequate for you and your family.

It may be the Lord’s will for you to serve as a pastor for XYZ Church, but it is the Lord’s will for you to provide for your family. If you cannot do the first without accomplishing the second, XYZ Church is not the Lord’s will for you.

Continue reading.

How to Change the Perception of Christianity in the Culture

Phil Cooke on the new show “The Moment” for the USA Network:

Our team at Cooke Pictures recently spent a few days in San Jose working with Grace Hill Media shooting a promo for NFL great Kurt Warner’s new show “The Moment” for the USA Network. It’s a program that gives people a second chance at achieving their dream. Whatever it was that derailed their plans, Kurt and his team will help them get a second chance at making it happen. We shot the segments at Cathedral of Faith Church in San Jose because it’s a church that’s become synonymous with giving people second chances. Their food pantry is one of the best in the Bay Area, and provides food for thousands every week. Their charter school is graduating inner city kids who end up in Ivy League colleges and universities, and they have a home makeover program to help those in financial need fix up their houses for free. They even have a remarkable “dental outreach” that does free dentistry (and serious procedures) for those who can’t afford a visit.

As our crew was shooting the USA Network segments with host Kurt Warner and Ken Foreman, pastor of Cathedral of Faith, the thought occurred to me that if every church in America did these types of ministry outreaches – at whatever level they could afford – it would change the culture’s perception of Christianity.

Continue reading.


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