Church Trip: Salvation Army Church

The most I’ve thought of the Salvation Army is around Christmastime when you see people ringing a bell in front of department stores to raise money. The Salvation Army is considered a denomination, started by William Booth in 1865 in the UK. They’re now in 125 countries with the mission to “preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.”

In addition to helping those in need, every “corp” of the Salvation Army has a church with weekly services (throughout the years I’d have Salvation Army subscribers to my HymnCharts website and wondered why they’d need music, now I know.)

Last Sunday I visited the Salvation Army Church in Anaheim, CA. It appeared to be like any contemporary church you’d visit in the country – praise band, modern music and lighting – but I’d say the worship was actually a few steps above most churches. The volunteer musicians were excellent and I heard great congregational singing and good worship flow (Lauren Flores, wife of worship leader Aaron Flores, has an exceptional Christy Knocklesque voice every music director would want on their team.)

Singing is a good indication of the spiritual health of your congregation. The people attending the Salvation Army Church sing loudly – many have been saved from addictions or are currently struggling. Their worship was passionate and contagious.

What we can learn from the Salvation Army Church:

Tailor music to your community: I told Aaron I noticed many of the songs spoke to our brokeness and dependence on God. He explained how he’s shifted his thinking from merely picking songs he likes to picking songs his congregation needs. He’s using music from Bethel Church in Redding, CA (Jeremy Riddle.)

Encourage acapella singing: Even though I’d rank the Salvation Army Church praise band up with the most contemporary churches in America they do a hefty amount of acapella singing at the end of songs. The congregation’s unaccompanied voice is a beautiful sound – especially at the end of a rocking tune. Variety is the spice of your worship life and acapella singing is one way of obtaining it.

Aaron and Lauren’s new recording comes out today on iTunes – check it out.

Flores website.

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First Impressions Are Virtual

Evan Courtney helps you view your church as a first time visitor:

Last summer my family went on vacation with my in-laws to Branson, Mo. When Sunday rolled around it was defaulted to me, being the pastor in the family, to pick a church to attend. I didn’t know anything about churches in the area so I resorted to Googling “Branson church.”

I found myself looking through about 30 websites spending on average only 15 seconds at each website. These 15 seconds were first impressions. First impressions are no longer physical but virtual. Before someone pulls into your parking lot or shakes a greeter’s hand at the front doors, visitors have already visited the church online.

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Grammar Rules for Worship Slides

Nate Ragan talks about proper formatting on your slides:

It’s often assumed that the ministry of onscreen multimedia in a church is merely a task of sharing information. Announcements, sermon points, song lyrics—make them large enough to read, spellcheck your work and, if possible, make it look pretty. But what if there’s something more? A deeper calling we’ve been given to tell a better story?

As a visual worship leader, I see the role of delivering onscreen multimedia similar to the role of other worship leaders or teaching pastors. We’re helping to shape a communal experience where we share God’s story in creative, multisensory ways that impact us in body, mind and soul. We are the sacred visual artists of our day, echoing the role played by cave carvings, stained-glass windows, icons and tapestries, revealing the story of our faith to both the seeker and the learned.

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This Sunday, Oct. 7, is World Communion Sunday

This coming October 7, congregations around the globe will celebrate World Communion Sunday.

Most of us have heard about World Communion Sunday but may not know much about where the celebration originated. According to the website of the National Council of Churches, World Communion Sunday began in 1936 in the Presbyterian Church and was adopted by the Federal Council of Churches (predecessor of the NCC) in 1940. Since then, the celebration has grown into an international ecumenical celebration of Christian unity.

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Rick Warren Returns Home After Brief Hospitalization

Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, who was hospitalized Tuesday after experiencing pain in his arms and numbness in his fingers, is back home.

The Orange County Register on Thursday quoted Warren’s wife, Kay, as saying he is fine and back home.

The Southern California pastor “attended the Anaheim Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast this morning,” Anne Krumm, a Saddleback Church official, told the Register. Warren was released from the hospital on Wednesday.

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Help Worship Flow With Proper Song Keys

Sometime when I visit famous megachurches I expect to be wowed by their expertise – that doesn’t necessarily happen.

On several occasions I’ve sat in a congregation of thousands only to see the worship leader and band sing a song, come to a complete, dead stop, then start another random song, come to another complete stop, sing another random song, etc. What?!

Don’t think megachurches have the corner on the music excellence. With planning and leadership, ANY church, no matter what size, can create a meaningful worship experience that will touch people’s hearts and lead them into God’s presence. The principles of worship flow apply to everyone, whether you have a full orchestra, a rocking band or just a piano and acoustic guitar. Quality is what counts, not quantity.

I was talking to a worship leader recently about his praise set. He had a song in Db and followed it with a song in G. I asked him why he didn’t do the Db song in D. His reply was that Db is the original key.

You don’t have to do songs in the original key! In fact, I would advise not doing songs in the original key. In this artist-driven world of contemporary worship, the artist, typically a tenor worship leader, will record the song in a key that best fits his voice. That key is usually not a good congregational key.

As for the Db song, the flow would improve greatly by changing it to D since D and G are related keys. And do you know any guitarists who like playing in Db?

“Related keys” at Wikipedia.

Here’s a set list from another church:

Marvelous Light in B
Awesome Is the Lord Most High in G
Made to Worship in A

Tomlin originally recorded Made to Worship in C. Somehow their chart made it to A. The worship leader has a nice tenor voice and can sing the song with no problem, but I suggested they do it in G. It’s a friendlier key for the average person, the worship leader still sounds great on it as it’s only a step lower, plus worship flow is helped because they can now flow smoothly from Awesome in G to Made to Worship in G.

This week, take a look at your praise set. Can better flow be achieved by changing the keys of the songs? Balance these three things:

Playability – is it in a hard key for guitarists to play?

Range – can the average person in the congregation sing it?

Flow – are the songs in the same or related keys to help smooth transitions?

The Myth of Seeker-Sensitive Worship

Worship leader David Walker on seeker worship:

There are legitimate “seekers” of the Truth out there, but when it comes to musical worship, we’ve defined “seeker” as someone who wants a show, who we don’t want to offend. We do this in an attempt to lead them to make a decision for Jesus through our musical worship simply being the holster for the message.

Somehow, we’ve watered down our expression of worship in order to give them a sport to spectate instead of an expression that leads them to participate. Whether you’re attractional, missional, in-between, charismatic, liturgical…and the list goes on…the Church has got to start processing through the worship of our King and the people the Church would define as seekers.

I think for a lot of us, we’ve decided to react to this issue instead of respond. In our generation, more than any other form of expression found in the Church is music. It’s a centerpiece of our culture at large that we gather around.

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