Finding the Right Keyboard Part 1

Purchasing the right keyboard for your worship ministry is a complicated task. With so many types available you need to analyze your needs before you visit the music store.

A keyboard performs three main roles in today’s worship:

1. Underscoring – playing softly under prayers and readings as well as connecting songs using a pad (string-type sounds) or keyboard patch. Keyboard sounds are usually acoustic piano patches or electric (Wurlitzers (Wurlys) or Rhodes.)

2. Sonic sweetening – strings, B3 organ, gurgling pads and lead synth sounds in guitar driven songs.

3. Driving – a balanced musical worship diet will include both guitar driven and keyboard driven songs. A realistic acoustic piano patch is a must for when the keyboard takes the lead.

Your worship style will dictate which keyboard you should buy. If your worship style is blended you’ll want a keyboard with a great piano sound and touch (Roland/Yamaha.) If you do modern worship you’ll want a keyboard that specializes in synthy sounds and B3 (Nord/Korg.)

Next week: I’ll tell you what to look for in a keyboard and reveal my favorite brand.

Planning Powerful Worship Sets

Worship leader Rob Still offers ideas for richer worship.

My experience is that planning worship is a mixture of practicing theology, musical artistry, and understanding human dynamics.

I’d like to add these morsels to the buffet of ideas. Bon appetite!

1) Express

Our worship must proclaim theological truth. We tell the truth of who God is and what he has done for us. That’s the vertical dimension of expression; God to man, and man to God.

But let’s not just stay there in the head, in the realm of the intellect. Let’s encourage people to connect deeply with their hearts.

Let’s rejoice in how God feels about us! God’s love and delight for his children is passionate and ever faithful.

Specifically, yes, sing songs with wonderful theology like “In Christ Alone” and “How Great Is Our God”. But let’s also include some desert to go with the meat and vegetables, songs like “Your Love Never Fails” and “How He Loves”.

A good worship diet is not only theologically solid, it is personal. Worship expresses emotion.

Continue reading.

3 Radical Worship Ideas

Doug Lawrence of offers 3 unique ideas for shaking up your service. Especially touching is the video about the end of a particular Methodist ministry.

When I was a child, I thought as a child, and had lots of ideas, but when I grew up and worked in a church, I was afraid to have an original thought of any kind. Have you ever had the feeling you’re just parroting another church instead of being a church?

Innovation on your own, however, can be deadly when it means you end up just trying something new for newness sake. I’ve met dozens of church leaders through my years of ministry who feel compelled to keep casting new vision every 30 seconds. Maybe they’re trying to defend their salaries, or impress their colleagues, or worse, divert attention away from previous failed initiatives.

Continue reading.

Church Trip: Lakewood

With all the hubbub last week over Joel Osteen’s Mormonism comments, I thought I’d visit Lakewood Church this past weekend as I was in Houston on a songwriting trip.

Lakewood had been leasing the Compaq Center arena since 2001, investing 75 million in renovations. Then, in March 2010, Lakewood announced it would purchase the arena from the city of Houston for 7.5 million. It’s the largest church in the country with 43,500 in weekly attendance.

It’s as impressive as you would imagine. You drive downtown to the ginormous building, park in a garage and trek to the church. Once inside the back entrance you’re greeted by a statue of Joel Osteen’s mother and father – the founders of Lakewood.

Riding the escalators to the main level you’re overwhelmed by the size of just the lobby which wraps around the main auditorium as most arena lobbies do.

That overwhelmed feeling is then doubled as you enter the sanctuary which seats a whopping 16,800 people. Right before the service begins the band rises up on a motorized orchestra pit in the back. Waterfalls and choirs flank the main stage. The band starts, 9 vocalists take the stage and the service begins. I recognized a few songs like Tomlin’s “Our God.” The music is led by one of the 3 worship leaders taking turns (one man and two women) with six BGVs also on stage along with the choir.

The music lasted 50 minutes with a few words of welcome from one of the Osteen clan. John Maxwell spoke as Joel and his co-pastor wife Victoria were in Washington for the Night of Hope.

During the service I posted a pic of the auditorium on my Facebook page which generated a barrage of nasty comments (and only a single nice one.) Joel Osteen and the church are certainly controversial – and with good reason.

However, I have to admit something – I genuinely felt a spirit of worship there. And it’s been a long time since I’ve experienced worship in a megachurch.

I’ve experienced great music in megachurches, but generally not that prescence-of-God feeling. In fact, a “worship” leader at one of those megachurches told me they actually discourage a worship environment since the focus of their service is the message. I know it’s all subjective, but I definitely was moved by the music. During one point in the service people were even encouraged to come forward and pray with counselors.

Walking into the Lakewood arena I noticed a small circle of ushers in a corner holding hands in prayer. If that goes on with the ushers I’d imagine it goes on backstage. If you ask God to show up, He just might.

Yep, Lakewood and Joel Osteen have their problems, but the place sure can worship. My heart was touched and after that experience I’m frankly quite fed up with the whole megachurch worshipless vibe. If God isn’t the center of your service, why bother?

Take a virtual tour of Lakewood at the WorshipIdeas Facebook Page:

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The Coming Copy Revolution

A few weeks ago I mentioned how’s Ryan Dahl and I enjoy hanging out and discussing the Internet, music and publishing. He came up with a great idea for copying music which he explains in the above video.

Osteen: Mormons Are Christians Too

Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen generated a ton of news last week with his statement that Mormons are Christians.

Here’s an interview with CBN later last week right before his “Night of Hope”

Osteen also insists Obama is a Christian. That fallacy was cleared up back in 2008 by conservative columnist Cal Thomas:

Some insight into Obama’s “Christianity” comes from an interview he gave in 2004 to Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani for her book, “The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People.”

“I’m rooted in the Christian tradition,” said Obama. He then adds something most Christians will see as universalism: “I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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