Cell Phones in Church!

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Burbank’s cell phone video has over 1 million views on YouTube!

Colton Dixon: ‘American Idol’ producers asked me to tone down devotion to Jesus Christ on show

“American Idol” producers have apparently warned Colton Dixon if he doesn’t tone down his overtly Christian act, he won’t have a prayer of winning the reality competition.

The 20-year-old devout Christian, though, told Today.com that he answers to a higher authority than voting viewers.

“When we first started the Twitter and Facebook stuff, they said beware of political and religious tweets,” Dixon told the site. “Just because it can turn off voters or whatever. But, you know, being a Christian is who I am. It is a part of me musically. It is what I want to do after the show — go into Christian music.”

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5 Reasons Ministers Are (More) Vulnerable to Sexual Temptation

Jeff Fisher of PorntoPurity.com writes about temptations:

Let me start off by saying, no one is immune to sexual temptation. It doesn’t matter what your job is, how old you are, or how much time you spend with Jesus each day. We all have the potential to fall sexually. Even ministers… and maybe, especially ministers.

Ministers have jobs that automatically put them in a pressure cooker. It’s not unusual to have a stressful job, but there are five unique aspects of a ministry position that make him more vulnerable to opening the door to sexual temptation.

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Free & Essential Android Apps for Worship Leaders

Indian worship leader Gangai Victor writes about Android Apps for worship leaders:

Here in India, buying an iPhone is more or less like buying a Rolls Royce. That’s why Nokia smart-phones used to sell like hot cakes – before the advent of Android that is. Android became a game changer and is quickly conquering the mobile OS space just about everywhere. Even at my blog, posts on Android apps have eventually been the most popular ones.

Worship Leaders can do quite a lot on an Android device – from Bible reading to songwriting to socializing and more.

Here’s a look at some of the most useful Android apps (many are also available for iPhone) for worship leaders that I’ve come across:

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7 Phrases a Pastor Should Regularly Say Off-Stage

Pastor and blogger Ben Reed writes about the things a pastor should regularly be in the habit of saying:

1. I’ll return that email tomorrow. There are certain things that are pressing in nature. Everything else should be relegated to email…which can be checked and responded to tomorrow. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were the problems you’re dealing with in this moment. Most of the time, your marriage isn’t going to be fixed if we wait until tomorrow. Your job crisis won’t go away before the sun comes up tomorrow. And your parenting woes can wait until later, too. It’s okay to say, “Tomorrow.”

2. No, I can’t meet on Tuesday evening. That’s my family time. Setting aside time to be with your family is vital. Letting others know that you’ve made a priority out of spending quantity and quality time with your family is highly important, because your congregation takes its cues from you. If you want them to value their family, you’ve got to value yours.

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Guidelines and Qualifications for Praise Teams

Adapted from Tom Kraeuter’s “Developing an Effective Worship Ministry” by the ExperiencingWorship.com’s staff:

1. Probationary period – There will ordinarily be a minimum of a six week probationary period during which the individual will attend practice sessions but will not play or sing with the team on Saturdays or Sundays. After such time it will be at the discretion of the Worship Pastor as to when the individual will begin singing or playing in the services.

2. Weekly practice sessions – All team members are required to attend the weekly practice sessions. Musicians and singers are required to be in the auditorium for scheduled rehearsals prior to the services for rehearsal and sound checks. If you are not able to make a rehearsal or be there for the worship service you need to contact the Worship Pastor and inform him. If you cannot make the mid-week rehearsal you will not be able to participate on the following Sunday with us. Because we are always introducing newmusic it is important that you are at the rehearsal prior to that weekend.

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