Top 10 CCLI for week ending 8/13/2011

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1 Our God
Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves

2 Mighty To Save
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan

3 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash

4 Revelation Song
Jennie Lee Riddle

5 How He Loves
John Mark McMillan

6 Blessed Be Your Name
Beth Redman, Matt Redman

7 Hosanna
Brooke Fraser

8 Everlasting God
Brenton Brown, Ken Riley

9 From The Inside Out
Joel Houston

10 The Stand
Joel Houston

Building A Praise Team

by Joe Glass

I played the bass guitar in my first garage band when I was 12 years old. It was the early 70’s, and the ‘Peppermint Wave,’ as we called ourselves, was very popular at local birthday parties, picnics, and gas station openings. Our rendition of ‘Wipeout’ was truly inspirational, and we played by that one all-important rule: LOUD is good! One time, my dad suggested we play a little softer and actually listen to each other, and we thought he was crazy.

Ah, youth! Kids still like their music loud, and if you’ve got a Praise Band with young players, you might have a few volume issues yourself. With that in mind, here are some tips for Praise Band that may help you.

First of all, here are the rules:

The 100% rule. If you are the piano player and you’re the only one playing, you are at 100%. You’re playing it all. If you add a guitar, you just halved your contribution. You are 50% and the guitar is 50%. Add a drummer and a bass player, and you become 25%. What this means is that each instrumentalist plays a little less with the addition of other instruments, and no one plays ‘all out’.

Less is more. This is the 100% rule restated. Any good studio musician will tell you that what you don’t play is just as important as what you do play. Learn to play and listen at the same time. If you can’t hear the other instruments, either you’re too loud or they’re too soft. If one player is soloing between phrases, don’t play on top of him. One of my drummers used to always say, “When in doubt, don’t play.”

Don’t duplicate. If you’ve got a piano and a keyboard, have one play rhythmically and the other more sustained. Same thing for a guitar and keyboard (unless it’s a really upbeat song). Again, the key is to listen to each other and avoid playing the same thing.

Always play in tune, and always keep a steady beat. You can have a great Praise Band without having the greatest players in the world. Make sure all instruments are tuned, that they play the right notes and chords, and that they play in rhythm. I’ll take a good, solid, consistent sound over a lot of flair any day. You want people to worship with you. You don’t want to create a distraction.

Don’t overpower the worship leader and singers. Just as your band listens to each other, they should be listening to the singers as well.

Keep it simple. A basic rhythm section can do wonders for your worship without a lot of extra instrumentation. Here’s a quick overview of what you need:

Piano/keyboard provides the harmonic structure and basic accompaniment. Encourage your players to play more in the line of chords, and not so much pianistically. This is easy for me, since I play kind of a ‘rhythm piano’ anyway. Stretch your accompanists by teaching them how to read a chord chart. Some say not to play below C below Middle C, as you will double the bass guitar. During intros or interludes, try having them play their right hand an octave higher.

Acoustic Guitar, along with the piano, provides the harmonic and rhythmic foundation. Most songs are either piano or guitar-driven. Make sure your players complement each other, and not play on top of each other. Also, please make sure the guitar is in tune, and don’t overplay.

Bass Guitar – arguably the most important instrument in the combo, because it provides the solid foundation for the harmonic structure, plus doubling the rhythm of the drums. The bass player doesn’t have to be flashy–just precise. When I’ve been without another bass player, sometimes I’ve opted to play the bass instead of the acoustic guitar, just because of that bottom and drive you miss when it’s not there.

Drums – carries the rhythm and sets the groove for the song. A drummer can make or break your group. They have to, I repeat HAVE TO, play with a constant, steady beat. Ever try to sing a song with a drummer who speeds up and slows down? Kind of makes you want to stop singing, doesn’t it? The best drummers will give you that solid beat, without all the fancy fills and cymbal work.
Those are the basics, as far as I see it. Now here are some nice-to-haves:

Synthesizer – provides the sustained pad background. Have them play an electric piano, string, rock organ, or electronic pad sound to add a fullness to the group. They don’t have to play full chords themselves, as the sound will blend with the other instruments well enough. Also, have them try playing on octave higher with just the right hand, or a low string sound in slower songs. Put your most creative person on this instrument if you can, and allow them to experiment.

Electric Lead Guitar – adds to the rhythm, provides fills between phrases, and especially can add drive if they double the bass guitar with a distorted sound. Beware of this player playing full chords, as it can muddy up the overall sound.

Percussion toys – including congas, djembe, tambourine, egg shaker (my specialty), claves, cabaza, etc. A good conga player can especially add energy when he doubles the drums on a faster song. Always keep in mind: less is more.

Orchestral or band instruments – this is out of the scope of this article, but they can provide very nice solo/obbligato lines. When you do have multiple instruments, remind them to play a dynamic level below what is written, or they’ll overpower the rest of the group and the vocalists.

A final word: Don’t put inexperienced players on the platform, unless you or your experienced players have the time to work with them and develop their sense of rhythm and harmony. I’m not saying don’t develop your young players, but they need to be at a certain level before they can lead worship effectively. Mom may be proud of little Joey and his new bass guitar, but he’ll kill your sound if you put him up there before he’s ready.

A second final word: If your experience is like mine, you’ll have some wonderful volunteer players whose ministry is to support you and lead in worship. Always encourage excellence, but ease up on perfection. They don’t have to be the Maranatha Praise Band, but they can provide you with a solid sound for giving God the praise He deserves.

Hobby Lobby Billionaire Donates Ranch to Saddleback Church

Saddleback Church — headed by Pastor Rick Warren — has been given a 170-acre ranch in San Juan Capistrano from an Oklahoma City arts and crafts billionaire to help further Christian values by training pastors.

Hobby Lobby, with more than 485 arts and crafts stores, has been leasing the Rancho Capistrano retreat property — nestled in the hills adjacent to the I-5 Freeway — to Saddleback Church for a nominal payment since last May when the Lake Forest mega-church had struck a deal to lease the ranchland from the crafts retailer. Hobby Lobby purchased the property a month before that from the then already-faltering Crystal Cathedral Ministries. Continue reading.

Top 10 CCLI for week ending 8/6/2011

Sign up for the free weekly WorshipIdeas newsletter and have the top 25 songs delivered to your inbox every week.

1 Our God
Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves

2 Mighty To Save
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan

3 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash

4 Revelation Song
Jennie Lee Riddle

5 Blessed Be Your Name
Beth Redman, Matt Redman

6 How He Loves
John Mark McMillan

7 Everlasting God
Brenton Brown, Ken Riley

8 From The Inside Out
Joel Houston

9 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton

10 The Stand
Joel Houston

Lakewood First USA Church To Average Over 30,000

Best selling author and evangelist Joel Olsteen presides over America’s largest church, the Lakewood Church, in Houston, TX. The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) reports that Lakewood recently became the first church in the United States to average more than 30,000 worshipers weekly, and estimates that over seven million tune-in weekly to listen to Osteen’s message.

The church recently moved to the Houston Compaq Center, which has a seating capacity of 16,000. The facility was filled to capacity on July 19 during the grand opening, broadcast by TBN.

According to TBN, Osteen asked his congregation, “How do you like our new home?” The crowd responded with a thunderous roar of applause. An elated Osteen replied, “It looks pretty good doesn’t it? This is a dream come true.”

Governor Rick Perry of Texas was struck by the church’s new look, according to TBN. “This is nothing short of amazing,” said Perry during a brief welcoming address to the congregation and other VIPs in attendance. “It is so great to look across this crowd and see the wonderful diversity of this great state we call Texas. As lawmakers we do a lot of things, but only the church can teach people to love.”

Church Trip: Elevation Church

WorshipIdeas correspondent Alex Workman visits the famous Elevation Church led by pastor Steven Furtick in Charlotte, NC and shares his impressions.

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Blakeney Campus of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Pastor Steven Furtick planted Elevation in February of 2006 and in just over five years, they have reached over 8,000 people in their weekly attendance, earning them multiple spots on Outreach Magazine’s “Fastest Growing Churches” list

First Impressions: Elevation Church, without a doubt, had the best first time visitor experience that I have ever encountered at a church. As I pulled onto the property, there were signs directing new visitors to turn on their hazard lights. As soon as I did, I was directed to a special section of parking in the front row. Walking into the building, I was greeted and handed a CD with music from the Elevation worship team, as well as a message from Pastor Steven. They even gave me an Elevation Church t-shirt just for visiting.

Atmosphere: The lobby was full of life. There were walls of flat screen displays that showed all sorts of information about the church. The worship center had stadium seating with blue LEDs everywhere to mark walkways. The room was dark, but the stage was anything but unlit. The stage had lights everywhere; LEDs, intelligence lights, and a backdrop that was an illuminated cargo net filled with lights. There was even a pre-service DJ playing as the countdown was shown on the screens.

Sermon: The week I attended was the last week of their “Summer Concert Series.” The guest speaker was Lysa Terkhurst, who is the best selling author of “Made to Crave” and founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries. The sermon was entitled “Reaction Determines Reach” and was taught out of 2 Chronicles 20.

Worship: Elevation Church has four different bands on each of their campuses, with the same set list on any given weekend. The band at the Blakeney campus consisted of three worship leaders, who lead without instruments, two electric guitars, bass, keys and drums. Let me tell you, it was loud! So loud in fact, that they offered ear plugs at the doors of the worship center.

Over the past few years, Elevation Worship has released a number of albums containing original music. A few of these contain songs that I love in my own personal worship, as well as some that I am excited to teach at my church. Their program was incredible from a technical standpoint, as well. There never seemed to be a break in the service, as each element seamlessly transitioned into the next. Their set that weekend was:

Go – Hillsong
God Be Praised – Elevation Worship
One Thing Remains – Brian Johnson
‘Tis So Sweet – Traditional hymn
Offering/Sermon Series Trailer
Kingdom Come – Elevation Worship

Their arrangement of Tis So Sweet was probably one of the best arrangements I have heard. They used this as a time of reflection, with passages of Scripture shown on the screens, and pastors and leaders praying with those in need. They ended the service with an original song that is an anthem of the church and definitely had me leaving quite pumped up!

Bottom Line: Elevation Church is definitely reaching a specific demographic in Charlotte and they are not afraid to say that Elevation is not for everybody. Their program was extremely well excited, their worship was loud and very well done, engaging the crowd from the front row to the back, and the message was rooted in and taught directly from scripture. If you are ever in the Charlotte, stop by Elevation Church as they are a great resource for modern worship teams.

Photos from Elevation Church:

Nancy Beach: The Role of the Arts in Worship

Nancy Beach, programming director for Willow Creek Community Church for over 20 years, talks about the role of the arts in worship:

“We come to church to learn about truth, but also to be inspired, to be lifted, and to be moved. And the arts move us! Our goal should be to prepare artistic elements that have the potential to become transcendent moments – moments which the Holy Spirit has unmistakably anointed and which can lead to life transformation.”

Read more.


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