Top 10 CCLI for week ending 07-16-11

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1 Our God
Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves

2 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash

3 Mighty To Save
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan

4 How He Loves
John Mark McMillan

5 Revelation Song
Jennie Lee Riddle

6 Blessed Be Your Name
Beth Redman, Matt Redman

7 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton

8 Everlasting God
Brenton Brown, Ken Riley

9 Here I Am To Worship
Tim Hughes

10 From The Inside Out
Joel Houston

11 Forever Reign
Reuben Morgan, Jason Ingram

12 Your Grace Is Enough
Matt Maher

13 The Stand
Joel Houston

14 Holy Is The Lord
Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio

15 Hosanna
Brooke Fraser

16 How Great Thou Art
Stuart Wesley Keene Hine

17 Open The Eyes Of My Heart
Paul Baloche

18 The Heart Of Worship
Matt Redman

19 Forever
Chris Tomlin

20 Happy Day
Ben Cantelon, Tim Hughes

21 You Never Let Go
Matt Redman, Beth Redman

22 You Are My King (Amazing Love)
Billy Foote

23 In Christ Alone
Stuart Townend, Keith Getty

24 Jesus Messiah
Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash

25 I Will Follow
Reuben Morgan, Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram

Hillsong Parody Video

Wow – somebody out there doesn’t like Hillsong Church very much. This is quite the elaborate video – anybody out there know who’s behind it? Comment below if you know anything.

Update: Thanks for the info, everyone. This video is from the Australian TV show “The Chaser’s War On Everything” which I suppose is like our “Saturday Night Live.”

I find things like this, though offensive, to be very interesting. Evidently, Hillsong has reached the public consciousness in Australia where they’re being mocked by comedy shows. I’ve met Hillsong musicians Ruben Morgan and Ben Fielding and they’re great guys with great hearts for worship. But Hillsong does preach a heavy health and wealth message and that seems to be a big turn-off to the world. One commenter on the YouTube site said he lives close to Hillsong  and calls the church the “Till on the Hill.”

I remember “Saturday Night Live” doing regular sketches years ago about televangelist Jim Bakker during his scandal (complete with comedienne Jan Hooks doing a mascara-dripping version of Tammy Faye.) I don’t ever recall any comedy sketches about Billy Graham. Maybe when the world uses you for comedic fodder it’s time to re-evalute.

Crystal Cathedral Draws Catholic Interest

The Catholic Diocese of Orange said Wednesday it is looking into the possibility of trying to acquire the Crystal Cathedral complex in southern California.

The diocese said in a statement on its Web site Bishop Tod D. Brown has authorized a law firm and other lay advisers to explore whether the church should try to purchase the expansive property in Garden Grove, which is tied up in federal bankruptcy court.

Read more.

Top 10 CCLI for week ending 07-09-11

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1 Our God
Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves

2 Mighty To Save
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan

3 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash

4 Revelation Song
Jennie Lee Riddle

5 How He Loves
John Mark McMillan

6 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton

7 Blessed Be Your Name
Beth Redman, Matt Redman

8 Everlasting God
Brenton Brown, Ken Riley

9 Your Grace Is Enough
Matt Maher

10 Here I Am To Worship
Tim Hughes

Mighty to Save Authors Share Secrets to Songwriting

I had the pleasure of chatting with Hillsong’s Reuben Morgan and Ben Fielding a few weeks ago when they were on tour promoting their latest recording. These guys wrote the mega popular song “Mighty to Save” and had a few insights on the songwriting process. Isn’t it amazing how many wonderful songs have come out of this church? They have a culture of songwriting and aren’t afraid to try new songs.

Lifechurch Pastor’s Struggle with Porn

I had the chance to visit Lifechurch this past Sunday in Edmund, Oklahoma. The Oklahoman‘s Sunday edition had a story about one of Lifechurch’s campus pastors, Chris Beall, and his struggle with porn which resulted in an affair and pregnancy.

The most amazing part of the story is his wife’s determination to work through the issues to save the marriage. It’s also a great story about the rare instance of a church not shooting their wounded but rather seeking to restore a fallen brother.

Read the full article at The Oklahoman.

Watch a video of Cindy Beall’s testimony.

Top 10 CCLI for week ending 06-25-11

Sign up for the free weekly WorshipIdeas newsletter and have the top 25 songs delivered to your inbox every week.

1 Our God
Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves
Vamos Publishing/Said And Done Music/Thankyou Music/ songs/SHOUT! Publishing/sixsteps Music
2 Mighty To Save
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan
Hillsong Publishing
3 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash songs/sixsteps Music/Alletrop Music
4 Revelation Song
Jennie Lee Riddle
Gateway Create Publishing
5 Blessed Be Your Name
Beth Redman, Matt Redman
Thankyou Music
6 How He Loves
John Mark McMillan
Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
7 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton
Vamos Publishing/ songs/sixsteps Music
8 From The Inside Out
Joel Houston
Hillsong Publishing
9 Here I Am To Worship
Tim Hughes
Thankyou Music
10 Everlasting God
Brenton Brown, Ken Riley
Thankyou Music

Oprah and Jesus?

Scott Williams from gives an optimistic view of Oprah’s Jesus comment from her show’s final episode. Especially interesting are all the hate comments at the end of the article. God forbid Oprah shows any sign of embracing Christianity! Read more.


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