Memorize Your Music

The first time I played in the band at NewSpring Church I found that they want you to play from memory. I’ve always been used to playing with charts, but since I had to memorize about a million notes for my senior piano recital many years ago I figured I was a big enough boy to handle it.

Why should you try to play your worship set from memory? Two reasons: musical and spiritual. With your mind free from the concentration required to read a chart you’re able to play more musically and you’re able to worship. Besides, praise and worship music is not brain surgery. You can do this!

There are two methods I use that have made memorization surprisingly pain free. I was happy to find that playing from memory takes very little extra preparation – you just have to >think< a little more when you’re rehearsing.

1. Analyze the music. Instead of mindlessly playing notes during rehearsal, I think about what I’m playing. How many verses are in the song? How many choruses? What’s the key? What’s the chord structure? How long is the intro? If you simply try to memorize a series of notes you’ll never do it. Instead, analyze the song by grouping all of those notes into bite-sized sections: intro, verse, chorus, midtro, bridge and ending.

As I play the song, I think of it as being broken up into these different sections. I’m thinking “okay, I’m on the first verse, now the chorus, now the midtro… etc.”

When you combine the analysis with the feel you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to play from memory. The two methods prop each other up. For instance, here’s how I prepare for rehearsal. We’ll either be given CDs for the upcoming Sunday’s music, I’ll download the songs or listen to them from a worship planning website. I’ll have fun playing through the music using the chart, often playing along with the recording. This is the “feel” – I’m getting a natural, emotional sense of the song. This takes very little time and the pre-preparation makes rehearsals so much more profitable for everyone.

Then, at rehearsal, we’ll work out exactly how we’re going to do the song. Maybe we’ll repeat the chorus again. Maybe we’ll shorten the bridge. This is where we’re analyzing the song – deciding the format of how many verses, choruses and repeats we’ll be doing. At NewSpring they get more elaborate – they’ll practice a song a few times and get their format down, record the song, then move on to the next song. At the end of rehearsal each band member gets a freshly burned CD to take home, or can listen to the songs on a worship planning website.

When I combine the feel of the song (emotional) with the analysis of the song I can play it quite easily from memory. I’ll “hear” the song in my head and naturally play it. If I lose my place for some reason I have the analysis to back it up. Maybe it’s kind of like Paul said in I Corinthians 14:15. I’ll change “pray” to “play:”

“I will play with the spirit, and I will play with the understanding also.”

2. Practice before bed. The “Four Hour Workweek” is one of my favorite books. Author Tim Ferris calls himself a “lifehacker” – he likes to find quick, maximized shortcuts to success in any field. On his TV special he talked about training to be a Japanese horseback archer. He’d practice his moves right before going to bed and a night’s rest ingrained this practice into his mind.

So every Saturday night before bed I run through the following Sunday’s music. I’ve been pleased at how well this has helped my playing from memory on Sunday morning. If you’re struggling with memorization, maybe another practice-before-bed session or two would help even more.

Then on Sunday morning I’ll keep a setlist on the top of the keyboard with a list of songs and keys to keep me straight.

Give memorization a try this week. If it’s too much, try memorizing just one song this week, two next week and three the next. Soon you’ll be familiar with your song repertoire and be chartless in no time.

Take a Seat

Often, as worship leaders, we get so wrapped up in the minutiae of the job – charts, schedules, planning, tech and everything else – we lose sight of the big picture.

When I was working at a megachurch, involved in the weekly worship grind, I once had a rare Sunday off where I got to sit in the congregation.

What a different perspective! From the congregation I could see the whole package – graphics, video, lighting, sound, choir, worship leader and band. Each group had been working to improve over the past two years and I saw the results of their labor – a wonderful worship time that was more than a performance. God showed up and you could really feel the congregation being pulled into the spirit of praise.

This is important. Without evaluation, no one or no organization can improve. If possible, take a Sunday off and attend your church like anyone else would. You’ll gain a healthy sense of accomplishment for what’s going right and you’ll be able to identify what needs work. If you feel you can’t be off one Sunday without things falling apart, have a trusted member of your team sit in the congregation and give you a report of their impressions.

Does Good Music = Growth?

I used to think that really good music grows a church. Get the hottest band and singers in town and the people will come.

I don’t think that anymore.

I love to visit churches to see what they’re doing. I’ve been to huge megachurches with thousands of people and so-so, bland music. I’ve been to tiny, struggling churches with superb, cutting edge-music.

Great music, huge churches. Lousy music, huge churches.

Small churches, great music. Small churches, lousy music.

Great music sure won’t hurt a church, but my worship algorithms are telling me that it ISN’T the music that’s primarily growing churches: it’s the preaching.

If the preacher is theoretical, boring, irrelevant and clinical, the hottest music in town isn’t going to help draw a crowd.

If the preacher is relevant, personable and preaching on spiritual issues that matter to the common man, the lousiest music in the world won’t keep the throngs away. They’ll put up with anything to hear the Word speak into their lives (or sip coffee in the church coffeeshop until the music is over, then enter the auditorium for the sermon. Yes, this does happen!)

The quality of the music certainly does help once good preaching is in place. I can think of one megachurch that plateaued at a few thousand with a fantastic preacher and lousy music. With a new music director and a big change in the quality of music, the church has started growing again and has nearly doubled in size.

If music doesn’t grow a church then what effect does it have on a church? Your music style will attract a certain style of crowd. It’s no different from a radio station. Think of the different crowds associated with these music styles: Country. Heavy Metal. Classical. Can you picture what someone looks like who would listen to each style? How about: Cowboy hats. Long hair and tattoos. Suit & tie.

I see blended, orchestral churches attracting a “churchy” bunch in suits & ties and Sunday dresses.

Churches with cool rock bands and cutting-edge music are attracting the 20-30s.

What kind of crowd does your church attract? Who do you want to attract?

Top 10 CCLI for week ending 01-22-2011

Sign up for the free weekly WorshipIdeas newsletter and have the top 25 songs delivered to your inbox every week.

1 Our God
Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves
Vamos Publishing/Said And Done Music/Thankyou Music/ songs/SHOUT! Publishing/sixsteps Music
2 Mighty To Save
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan
Hillsong Publishing
3 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash songs/sixsteps Music/Alletrop Music
4 Revelation Song
Jennie Lee Riddle
Gateway Create Publishing
5 Blessed Be Your Name
Beth Redman, Matt Redman
Thankyou Music
6 How He Loves
John Mark McMillan
Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
7 Everlasting God
Brenton Brown, Ken Riley
Thankyou Music
8 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton
Vamos Publishing/ songs/sixsteps Music
9 I Will Follow
Reuben Morgan, Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram
Vamos Publishing/Sony/ATV Timber Publishing/ songs/SHOUT! Publishing/sixsteps Music
10 Here I Am To Worship
Tim Hughes
Thankyou Music

Worship Marketing?

What’s your new year’s resolution? Instead of making one for yourself, why not make one for your ministry?

Here’s a suggestion. Instead of reading the latest devotion/theological book, why not read a marketing book?

It sounds so crass, doesn’t it – marketing the Gospel. Okay, then let’s call it something different. How about “creatively making God’s truth relevant to our culture.”

Marketing is simply applying common sense to an issue in an effort to produce success. The Bible is filled with ideas for successful living, isn’t it?

I’ve found that reading the latest popular secular marketing book makes my mind more creative, and I’ll see parallels to my own ministry. I’ll dream up new ideas. I’ll try new things. I’ll evaluate. If the new thing fails, I’ll attempt to figure out why, then fix it or try something new.

For instance, by reading a marketing book you may discover that quality graphics are a subconscious clue for busy people to quickly evaluate the services offered by the digital advertising companies. That’s why millions are spent on logos and such. Does your website look amateurish (does your church even have a website?) Do your bulletins look like they were the product of a mimeograph from 1977? (Remember those things… with the purple ink and weird smell?) Would that send a signal to visitors that your church is amateurish and outdated?

Maybe you have trouble getting musicians to show up for rehearsals. By reading Freakonomics, I learn that many good, decent people will try to get away with anything they can. What if you decided to make a rule – if you don’t come to rehearsal, you can’t play on Sunday? Would that be enough incentive for them to rehearse?

What would happen if ministry leaders started seeing themselves as God’s entrepreneurs? Some have, and you know who they are. You don’t have to do things on a national scale, though. I get excited when I hear about a small church starting a coffee house to reach a different segment of the community. Or hearing about ministries that think outside the box and do clever things to reach their neighbors.

Just remember, successful entrepreneurs fail much more often than they succeed. They just appear more successful than the average Joe because, well, the average Joe just doesn’t try to do much. You can’t be afraid to fail, just don’t be afraid to try.

Here are a few of my favorite marketing books. To get your feet wet, I first suggest

Small Is the New Big and 183 Other Riffs, Rants, and Remarkable Business Ideas

All of marketing guru Seth Godin’s books are great, but this one is an easy start, with bite-sized essays on being remarkable. Why aren’t churches remarkable? By the way, Seth mentions WorshipIdeas in one of his ebooks along with other websites.

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Learn to trust your instincts with this best seller by Malcolm Gladwell.


The book I mentioned earlier – “A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything.”

Top 10 CCLI for week ending 01-15-2011

Sign up for the free weekly WorshipIdeas newsletter and have the top 25 songs delivered to your inbox every week.

1 Our God
Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves
Vamos Publishing/Said And Done Music/Thankyou Music/ songs/SHOUT! Publishing/sixsteps Music
2 Mighty To Save
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan
Hillsong Publishing
3 Revelation Song
Jennie Lee Riddle
Gateway Create Publishing
4 How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash songs/sixsteps Music/Alletrop Music
5 Blessed Be Your Name
Beth Redman, Matt Redman
Thankyou Music
6 Everlasting God
Brenton Brown, Ken Riley
Thankyou Music
7 How He Loves
John Mark McMillan
Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
8 I Will Follow
Reuben Morgan, Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram
Vamos Publishing/Sony/ATV Timber Publishing/ songs/SHOUT! Publishing/sixsteps Music
9 From The Inside Out
Joel Houston
Hillsong Publishing
10 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton
Vamos Publishing/ songs/sixsteps Music


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