“How do you identify and find high caliber leaders, particularly from the next generation? Too many churches wait for young leaders to be trained in other places instead of raising them up from within their church. Listen as Brad shares how The Journey is raising up young leaders and providing opportunities for them to develop both character and competency.”
[PODCAST] Developing the Platform Presence of Your Worship Team
Would you love to see your worship team improve at expressing their worship more freely? Do you want them to engage the congregation with more confidence? The Worship Workshop podcast is here to help in their episode all about platform presence. Get your congregation more involved through the influence of visual leadership!
American Idol 2024 Tribute To Mandisa
Former American Idols Danny Gokey, Melinda Doolittle and Colton Dixon perform “Shackles (Praise You)” in a moving tribute to their late friend Mandisa.
Do You Have a Worship Backup?
by Don Chapman
Just as I was about to do a final track render for my latest Hymncharts arrangement, my computer crashed and would no longer boot. It had been acting weird for a few weeks so I knew a problem was afoot.
After determining that the hard drive was indeed dead, I spent all of last week buying, then installing a new one and restoring my backup. Thank goodness for backups!
Do you have a worship backup?
Worship leaders, maybe you’ve been there. You’ve got your amazing praise set all planned out, the band is rehearsed, the slides are ready to go… and then YIKES! Life happens. You’re hit with a sudden illness, a family emergency, or some other crisis that takes you out of commission.
This is why you need a backup plan. Somebody who can step in and lead worship when you can’t. Maybe it’s that eager guitarist who knows all the songs by heart. Or the keyboardist who’s been itching for a chance to lead.
But what if you don’t have a musical “jack of all trades” waiting in the wings? Here are a few ideas:
- Start now and mentor a volunteer worship leader. Let them shadow you, learn the ropes. Pour into them during the week. Let them lead a song or two. If you need to bow out, they can take the reins.
- Make friends with local worship leaders. Be ready to help fill in for each other in a pinch. This musical camaraderie can be a real lifesaver.
- Have your setlists, charts and tracks organized. If you’re suddenly out of commission, your backup can grab your materials and avoid the last-minute scramble.
At one church where I was the worship leader, I had a simple backup set list prepared with charts, tracks, etc. of our congregation’s most loved (and most known) songs. Anyone on our team could easily fill in at the last minute with the least amount of stress as possible – it was worship plug and play! And if all else failed, our pastor was a fine vocalist who had no problem stepping in if needed.
With a little planning, your church won’t even know you’re gone. And that’s the mark of a great worship leader – it’s not about you. It’s about facilitating the congregation’s encounter with the living God, with or without you.
Bottom Line: Take a cue from my crashed computer. Make sure you’ve got a backup in place. Your team (and your church) will be glad you did.
10 Service Ideas for the Creative Church
Does your church service feel stuck in a rut? Same old routine week after week? It’s time to shake things up and engage your congregation in fresh, innovative ways! Find 10 brilliant ideas to breathe new life into your worship experience. From mini-movies and powerful testimonies to themed worship media and student-led services, discover creative elements that will captivate your community and communicate the gospel with renewed relevance. Take your church’s creativity to the next level and make an unforgettable impact; start planning your most engaging services yet.
How to Lead Worship Gracefully When Things Go Wrong
Flubbed lyrics? Mic cuts out? Band falls apart? Every worship leader has been there – those cringe-worthy moments when things go horribly wrong in the middle of leading. Don’t let the next inevitable mishap throw you into a panic! You’ve gotta learn to gracefully navigate those worship snafus.
Find vital tips like staying outwardly calm, making seamless verbal and musical cues to your team, and covering mistakes without stopping the flow. Plus, smart strategies for prepping backup plans, refocusing the congregation with humor when needed, and learning from failures.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or newbie worship leader, the advice in this piece will build your confidence for rolling with the punches. Get ready to handle those unpredictable moments like a pro, guiding your church through mishaps while keeping eyes focused on worship. No more awkward train wrecks – just smooth sailing; even when things go off the rails.
[PODCAST] Where Modern Worship Comes From (And Why It Matters)
Episode 13 of the Worship Workshop Podcast.
“Today we dive into where modern worship comes from—and why it matters—with Dr. Lester Ruth. During the discussion, we also discuss the fourfold order of worship—the history of it and why it’s still critical for today.”
A Case for Clarifying and Amplifying Technology in Worship
Does technology in your worship services actually clarify the gospel or muddy the waters? Take a deep dive into how the tools we embrace in church – from lighting rigs to livestreams – inevitably shape our habits and mindsets as disciples, often in subtle ways we don’t realize.
As worship leaders, we can’t afford to be oblivious to technology’s profound influence. You’ll wrestle with tough questions like: Are livestreams truly connecting your community or inadvertently fragmenting it? Are mic setups and screen graphics enhancing or distracting from authentic communion?
Rethink assumptions and intentionally consider who you’re becoming through the tools you use. From the philosophical to the practical, you’ll gain insight into mindfully approaching technologies in a way that clarifies the gospel message and amplifies genuine worship.
Get ready for an eye-opening look at worshiping faithfully in our era of relentless technological change. This article will convict you to be more thoughtful about allowing technology to form (or deform) your community as Jesus followers.
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