Worship Run-Throughs

Those of us forging ahead into the 21st century of worship face challenges never before imagined! Gone are the days of throwing together a few hymns mere minutes before the service, then waving our arms as we lead the congregation behind the pulpit.

Those of us involved in contemporary worship (especially worship leaders in smaller churches who end up doing… everything) must coordinate a complex sequence of events – lyrics projection, praise band dynamics, song selection, vocal mix, video, sound and lighting – and we must blend these events into a smooth worship flow. With so much going on each Sunday morning, run-throughs are critical.

This simple rule saved me much pain and sorrow: we must run through our entire praise set at least one time prior to the service.

If we don’t run through every lyrics slide, one will turn up missing or misspelled during the service. The problem is caught in the run-through.

If we don’t run through the entire track a horrible glitch will erupt in the middle of the performance. (Ever see that old video clip when famous musical fraudsters Milli Vanilli’s track got stuck, repeated a phrase over and over, and the embarrassed duo ran off the stage?)

If we don’t run through tricky song transitions we’ll cause a musical train wreck and disrupt worship.

If we don’t run through… you get the idea. I know run-throughs are sometimes hard or nearly impossible to squeeze in but insist upon it.

As I found out later in my worship career as I transitioned from music director at a smaller church to a keyboardist in a larger church, the megachurches had this figured out from the get-go. Any church with a top-notch sound you’d envy doesn’t necessarily have the best players in town – they have the most well-rehearsed. Some megas I’ve played at actually have two complete run-throughs every Sunday morning – they’ll start with a short rehearsal/warm up followed by an informal music-only run-through, then after a short break they’ll have a full run-through with music/sound/tech.

Bottom Line: Complete run-throughs will drastically improve the flow of your service and the emotional well-being of your worship team.

The 10 Best Books for Worship Leaders

Worship leaders seeking to grow in their craft and calling would do well to pick up a book or two. Reading expands our perspectives, equips us with new ideas and skills, and renews our sense of purpose. This article recommends ten must-read titles covering a range of topics vital for worship leaders today.

Several books dive into foundational questions of what it means to lead worship and shepherd God’s people through song. They offer biblical principles and practical guidance for structuring services and selecting music in ways that shape souls and connect hearts with their Creator. Other recommendations speak to the personal growth of the worship leader, highlighting necessary virtues like humility while warning against the subtler dangers of ministry life.

Rounding out the list are books exploring the rich history and theology of worship itself. For worship leaders hoping to take their teams and congregations deeper, developing a robust vision of who God is and what happens when we gather to praise His name is priceless.

Each book promises powerful insights from experienced worship leaders, pastors, and theologians. Whether just starting out or looking to reinvigorate a longtime calling, this selection of titles equips worship leaders to better lead, serve, and worship for the glory of God alone!

See the full list.

4 Reasons Why Churches Become Insider-Focused

It’s rare for churches to start out insider-focused—but over time, many drift from reaching new people to solely caring for those already in the pews. This article explores four of the most common reasons churches become inwardly fixated.

Mitigating risk, clinging to old methods, over-planning, and lacking vision can all gradually shift a church’s focus inward. Each of these factors subtly erode outward mission, and author Tony Morgan provides great explanation as to why.

Throughout the article, the core theme is that insider-focused churches have lost their appetite for risk and change in pursuit of the Great Commission. Morgan warns against common pitfalls and diagnoses why vibrant vision fades over time. Church leaders concerned about drift will find this a spur to refocusing outward.

Read the full article.

7 Metrics Every Church Marketer Must Track

Metrics matter for church growth and outreach, but diving into the data can seem overwhelming for pastors. This guide breaks down seven must-know metrics into practical takeaways for ministry.

Kenny Jahng explains unique pageviews, percentage of new visitors, and other website analytics that reveal a church’s digital reach and resonance. You’ll learn metrics for gauging communication effectiveness, such as keeping track of email open rates, tracking sign-ups and leads, social media and video engagement, and more. All of it gives great insight into community interest and engagement and helps you discover what content and formats best connect with those in your community.

While the metrics may initially seem intimidating, Jahng provides simple, actionable analysis to get you going. Pastors focused on understanding their congregation’s needs and nurturing growth will find this a vital resource. By starting with these key metrics, church leaders can make data-driven decisions that bear fruit in their communities.

Read the full article.

Worship Leaders: The Power of A Smile

Can a genuine smile really transform the worship experience for your congregation?

A smile is an incredibly powerful, yet often overlooked tool for worship leaders. There is universal appeal in a smile; no matter one’s culture or language, everyone understands a smile. So put one on! They broadcast warmth and make people feel welcome; both vital for Sunday worship. A smile bridges the gap between stage and pew, creating intimacy and strengthening relationships. It also reflects the inner joy that comes from knowing God, providing a visual reminder of His love and peace.

Set an uplifting tone, boost engagement and participation, and expressing gratitude to God and the congregation; all by putting on a smile! It may seem small, but a worship leader’s smile shifts the atmosphere and opens hearts and minds to God’s presence. For any worship leader looking to deepen their impact, this article provides inspiration and insight into letting joy shine through.

Read the full article.

10 Things Every Worship Leader Needs To Work On

Worship leaders know that excellence requires constant growth and improvement. Mark Cole shares ten ways to take your leadership to the next level. You’ll learn specific tips on developing your musical skills, building your team, choosing impactful songs, strengthening your spiritual life, loving your church, prioritizing your family, and more. Get ready to be challenged to step up your game for the glory of God!

Read the full article.

The Three “I’s” of Public Scripture Reading

Many churches have a renewed interest in reading Scripture publicly within their worship services. As the quantity of Scripture has increased, the quality often has not. This video considers a simple yet effective method for training Scripture readers.

Watch the video.

10 Encouragements When Ministry Is Hard

Ministry leaders often carry heavy burdens that weigh them down and lead to burnout. But you don’t have to go it alone! Find encouragement in reminders from Scripture: Jesus wants to carry your burdens too; God’s grace, empowerment, and refuge is always there for weary ministry leaders. Discover how embracing Christ’s yoke instead of your own leads to rest and rejuvenation.

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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