5 Best Practices For Leading Worship For Christmas

Wondering how to lead worship during the Christmas season? It’s that time of year again, where we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the culmination of Advent. Here are some key practices to consider:

1. Follow Advent’s progression, creating anticipation.

2. Discover fresh versions of beloved carols that resonate with your congregation.

3. Mix up your setlist, blending old and new songs for a balanced experience.

4. Weight your sets as Christmas approaches, increasing the presence of carols.

5. Embrace tradition and don’t shy away from cherished carols—let them be a part of your worship. This Christmas, try these ideas to create a meaningful worship experience that connects with your church community.

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7 Ways to Slow Down This Christmas

As the familiar frenzy of the holidays descends once more, it meets us still shaking off the weariness of recent seasons of turmoil. Pandemic, unrest, isolation – the early 2020s extracted heavy tolls, leaving spirits longing for respite during Christmas. Yet busyness still beckons as Thanksgiving gives way to the usual crash courses in parties, baking, and shopping. Before falling prey to this seasonal sprint, we need an agreement: let’s embrace wonder instead this year.

Rather than exhausted efforts at normalcy, let’s transform frantic activity into intentional spaces that refresh our souls. Slowing down and reflecting on the timeless Christmas narrative and enjoying simple traditions with family is a great start. More than checking tasks, the goal is checking in – to emerge fully awake to the glory of Emmanuel afresh this season. As that first Christmas over 2000 years ago, making room for wonder makes way for the miracle to dwell among us.

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8 Christmas Gifts Worth Giving to Church Pastoral Staffs

Pastoral ministry can be demanding. Supportive and joyful relationships amongst church staff teams make the journey well worth it. Certain key ingredients seem to help cultivate healthy staff dynamics that bless both pastors and their congregations.

Ahead are 8 incredible gifts you can give a pastoral staff (spoiler, they’re all intangible; but hey, the best kind of gifts are). Find insights on how things like a God-sized vision and making space for fun together can further strengthen pastoral staff relationships. The foundation rests on simple building blocks – laughter, prayer, support, and thankfulness for each colleague. With gifts like these, church staffs can be equipped for more effective ministry to their congregations this Christmas season and into the future.

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Nine Updated Trends about Christmas Eve Services

The Christmas season brings packed church pews and familiar carols, even for those who rarely darken a church’s doors. And Christmas Eve services – with their traditional and spiritual focus – draw growing numbers of churched and unchurched alike. As pastors and church leaders notice this yearly uptick in attendance, they are placing more emphasis on crafting meaningful Christmas Eve experiences.

Clear trends are emerging in how churches approach candlelit services. Thom Rainer has put together a list of these trends to help you take on the season. Christmas offers churches fresh opportunities to reach people seeking timeless truths, so make sure you’re prepared on how to best serve all those new faces in your pews.

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10 Rules for Keeping Christmas Simple

The holiday season is a hectic time for church leadership. In our well-intentioned efforts to make Advent extra special, we often overextend ourselves and our teams. Is the excessive stress worth it? Jon Nicol offers practical advice – both “do’s” and “don’ts” – for keeping things simple so Christmas stays relatively stress-free for you and your team. This season, retain the feel of your normal services while adding thoughtful elements that help people connect to the gospel message of the season. Burn bright, not out.

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Christmas Eve on Sunday: The Big Opportunity

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year – don’t scale back, go bigger! With holiday-minded guests and wandering prodigals likely attending in greater numbers, this rare alignment is a pivotal chance to make welcoming hospitality your best investment. Keep services short and encouraging, solve scheduling dilemmas simply, and leverage familiar songs and traditions to help even the unchurched participate. Tone down complexity, but go bigger in your celebration of Christ’s birth!

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How A Worship Service Is Like A Meal

Think of planning a worship service like crafting a well-balanced meal – the songs are the courses, each with a unique flavor and purpose. Fill up on Christmas songs alone and you miss the main dishes of declaration and surrender. This year, limit holiday tunes to just a few per service, combined thoughtfully with meatier selections, so your congregation leaves spiritually nourished instead of stuffed with empty calories. The goal is a rich feast that satisfyingly points to Christ.

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Getting and Keeping Volunteers for Christmas

Christmas services require extra volunteers, but relying solely on your regular team may leave you shorthanded. Deborah Ike is here to help. She offers practical strategies for recruiting the helpers you’ll need, from identifying roles to personal invites and follow-ups. Feed volunteers and send handwritten notes afterwards to show appreciation. With some effort and wisdom, you can serve guests smoothly and turn one-time volunteers into regular team members who fuel future ministry.

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