7 Church Trends to Watch in 2024

The church landscape is rapidly changing – are you keeping up? Carey Nieuwhof dives into 7 crucial trends that church leaders need to understand in 2024. Understanding these trends is essential if you want to lead a thriving, growing church instead of one that declines.

Nieuwhof first explains how the era of the “stable” church is ending – most churches today are either growing quickly or declining. Doing things the same old way won’t cut it anymore. Next, he shares how millennials have become the new core of churches, reshaping giving, serving and attendance patterns. As millennials step into leadership roles, Generation Z is also starting to make its mark, craving authentic faith rather than just a church performance.

A key trend is discipleship going digital – churches leveraging online tools and apps are seeing incredible engagement and life change. Yet many churches are still resistant to this movement. Nieuwhof warns that digital discipleship is no longer optional.

He then dives into the challenging issue of partisan extremism fueling some church growth but alienating young generations long-term. Nieuwhof advises that focusing on Jesus, not politics, is key for lasting growth. Similarly, AI is on the rise in churches which raises ethical issues that pastors must address.

Finally, Nieuwhof highlights the emergence of a new generation of millennial megachurch pastors. They prioritize consensus, community and church health over size or top-down leadership. This resonates far better with younger generations.

Churches must adapt to reach generations craving authentic faith communities. Discipleship is moving online. And while partisan politics may temporarily boost attendance, an alternative focused on Jesus is key for the long-term. Millennials and Gen Z long for a different kind of church – the question is, will you make the changes needed to engage them?

The future church Nieuwhof foresees is technologically savvy, adaptive and deeply authentic. By understanding and embracing these trends now, church leaders can move from declining to thriving. Don’t let your church get left behind – watch this video today!

Creating A Last Minute Christmas Eve Service

When I was the music director at a small church plant of around 300 (I’ve received literal hate-email over that comment – let me assure you, here in the Buckle of the Bible Belt, 300 people amounts to a small church plant LOL!) I always tried to have some sort of special “something” for a December Sunday morning. This basically amounted to my contemporary version of the old time Christmas canata that I grew up hearing in church.

My version turned the canata into a glorified praise set – a mix of my contemporary carols, original Christmas worship songs and Scripture readings. I even had a choir of about 25 people (we were typically a praise team church but I had a choir at Christmas and Easter.)

But you know how it is in a smaller church – you have to do everything yourself. In my case I wrote or arranged all the music, notated it, printed copies, made notebooks and rehearsal CDs, scheduled the choir (in the days before PlanningCenter I had to call each person!) rehearsed the choir and praise band.

And as all you bi-vocationers out there know, you can get pretty stressed trying to juggle your church work (you want it to be as good as it can be) yet still pay your bills by doing other jobs.

So I’d make it through our special Sunday, collapse after church into a long winter’s nap, awaken Monday morning and realize now I had to pull off something amazing for Christmas Eve – as easily, simply and quickly as possible. Here are some guidelines I followed:

1. Realize your resources are probably limited on Christmas Eve and act accordingly. Do the best you can with what you’ve got. Some of my best singers and players would either be out of town on Christmas Eve or simply be occupied by family gatherings. This will mean you’ll need to:

2. Lead Christmas Eve yourself or pull together a small praise team/ensemble. Since I’m not a vocalist I had to rely on lay worship leaders and other singers. And since my best singers were typically gone on Christmas Eve, one year I pulled together a small group from my Christmas choir who were in town. If you can lead the service yourself, choose your best available female/male vocalist for added harmony and let them sing a solo on a verse or lead a song for variety.

3. Use a stripped-down praise band or just piano and acoustic. One year our bass player was in town so it was me on piano and him on bass. He was a Berklee grad so this freed him up to play some pretty amazing and creative things he wouldn’t normally do with a full band. Sometimes I’d have a cellist and acoustic guitar. For an intimate Christmas Eve I actually prefer to go without drums.

4. Don’t stress out with all-new music. I made it easy for the small group from the choir – we repeated a favorite Christmas song they sang on the special Sunday morning – they didn’t have to learn anything new and sounded confident. The rest of the songs were congregational carols and didn’t require much rehearsal.

5. Change your environment. If possible, set up your room differently. The church met in a multi-purpose room with folding chairs. This allowed us to change things up by arranging the chairs “in the round” for Christmas Eve with the singers and instrumentalists in the center.

6. Rent a baby grand piano. For a few hundred bucks we had a baby grand delivered a few days before Christmas Eve. Since I normally led from a keyboard on stage the grand “in the round” added a bit of class and sonic variety to the service.

7. Get a little help from your friends. One year a professional opera singer friend of mine was in town and was willing to join us for Christmas Eve. She raised the roof on my “popera” version of “O Holy Night.”

8. Use a talented kid or teen. A children’s choir was too much for me to manage in a small church on Christmas Eve (although I used one when I worked at a megachurch with more resources) so instead I had a talented elementary school girl with an amazing voice sing a short, popular Christmas song. One year I had a talented high school boy sing.

10. Light candles during “Silent Night.” No Christmas Eve service is complete without lighting candles while singing “Silent Night.” Keep candles under each seat and invite your congregation to light them at the end of the service during the song (ushers will get the whole thing going, lighting candles at the end of rows.) Make sure you do one verse acapella. This tradition will be talked about and remembered by your congregation for years. Try having a young person (like the one I’ve recorded on my demo) sing the first verse of “Silent Night” as the congregation lights their candles.

11. Let music tie your service together. Listen to my Christmas Service Guides to get an idea of how this works – a capable keyboard player is crucial for worship flow in a stripped-down setting. If your keyboardist isn’t comfortable improvising under Scripture readings or prayer, have him or her simply play softly through the upcoming song – you’ll be in the right key and feel, and ready to sing when the reading/prayer is finished.

Yes, even small churches can have a memorable Christmas Eve. In fact, a simpler service better serves this special night, and can give an unsaved visitor space to pause and reflect.

The Intersection of Ego and Under-Appreciation

Have you ever worked tirelessly behind the scenes only to see someone else receive all the praise and recognition? This feeling of frustration is common among church tech team members. We pour our hearts into supporting church services and events, yet the applause typically goes to those on stage.

In this article, John Spicer wrestles with why this lack of acknowledgment bothers us so much. Shouldn’t we expect our work to go unseen? After reflecting on his recent interactions with a vibrant yet struggling friend, John concludes we must regain the proper context and motivation for service. Our role is not about ego or recognition from others in the church. Rather, we serve to offer hope to hurting people who attend anonymously. Everything we do is seen by God, who will never forget our service done in His name. Let those in the limelight have their day; we serve an audience of One.

Read the full article.

5 Best Practices For Leading Worship For Christmas

Wondering how to lead worship during the Christmas season? It’s that time of year again, where we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the culmination of Advent. Here are some key practices to consider:

1. Follow Advent’s progression, creating anticipation.

2. Discover fresh versions of beloved carols that resonate with your congregation.

3. Mix up your setlist, blending old and new songs for a balanced experience.

4. Weight your sets as Christmas approaches, increasing the presence of carols.

5. Embrace tradition and don’t shy away from cherished carols—let them be a part of your worship. This Christmas, try these ideas to create a meaningful worship experience that connects with your church community.

Read the full article.

7 Ways to Slow Down This Christmas

As the familiar frenzy of the holidays descends once more, it meets us still shaking off the weariness of recent seasons of turmoil. Pandemic, unrest, isolation – the early 2020s extracted heavy tolls, leaving spirits longing for respite during Christmas. Yet busyness still beckons as Thanksgiving gives way to the usual crash courses in parties, baking, and shopping. Before falling prey to this seasonal sprint, we need an agreement: let’s embrace wonder instead this year.

Rather than exhausted efforts at normalcy, let’s transform frantic activity into intentional spaces that refresh our souls. Slowing down and reflecting on the timeless Christmas narrative and enjoying simple traditions with family is a great start. More than checking tasks, the goal is checking in – to emerge fully awake to the glory of Emmanuel afresh this season. As that first Christmas over 2000 years ago, making room for wonder makes way for the miracle to dwell among us.

Read the full article.

8 Christmas Gifts Worth Giving to Church Pastoral Staffs

Pastoral ministry can be demanding. Supportive and joyful relationships amongst church staff teams make the journey well worth it. Certain key ingredients seem to help cultivate healthy staff dynamics that bless both pastors and their congregations.

Ahead are 8 incredible gifts you can give a pastoral staff (spoiler, they’re all intangible; but hey, the best kind of gifts are). Find insights on how things like a God-sized vision and making space for fun together can further strengthen pastoral staff relationships. The foundation rests on simple building blocks – laughter, prayer, support, and thankfulness for each colleague. With gifts like these, church staffs can be equipped for more effective ministry to their congregations this Christmas season and into the future.

Read the full article.

Nine Updated Trends about Christmas Eve Services

The Christmas season brings packed church pews and familiar carols, even for those who rarely darken a church’s doors. And Christmas Eve services – with their traditional and spiritual focus – draw growing numbers of churched and unchurched alike. As pastors and church leaders notice this yearly uptick in attendance, they are placing more emphasis on crafting meaningful Christmas Eve experiences.

Clear trends are emerging in how churches approach candlelit services. Thom Rainer has put together a list of these trends to help you take on the season. Christmas offers churches fresh opportunities to reach people seeking timeless truths, so make sure you’re prepared on how to best serve all those new faces in your pews.

Read the full article.


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