Four Stages Of Every Good Worship Service

In his book Planning Blended Worship, Robert Webber makes some key observations about the nature of worship in many churches. On one hand, he notes that some churches treat worship as a program, planning it as a series of disjointed acts. There may be some singing, a prayer, a sermon, more singing, and then dismissal, but no overarching narrative or connection between the elements.

On the other hand, Webber advocates for worship as an event, specifically centered on the narrative of Jesus Christ. In this approach, worship recounts and enacts the story of Christ’s mighty acts of salvation, looking back on his life, death, resurrection, and ascension, while also looking ahead to his promised return. Worship is thus God-oriented and Christ-focused.

To create an event-oriented flow, Webber outlines four main movements in worship: the gathering, the word, the table, and the sending. The gathering serves to assemble the church before God, directing focus to Him through songs proclaiming His nature and acknowledging His presence. This leads to the word, where God speaks through scripture and preaching, allowing intimate encounter with Him.

Next is the table, partaking in sacraments and Christ’s tangible presence, remembering his sacrifice and anticipating his return. Finally, the sending sends believers back into the world after this time with God, living as His people empowered by His Spirit. Just as we were gathered from our homes and workplaces, we are sent back to continue God’s story.

This parallels a social event like a dinner party. There is a narrative flow from welcome, to discussion, to meal, to goodbye. Worship likewise cultivates relationship and intimacy with God through Christ’s story. It is not simply a string of disjointed acts but an interconnected event uniting us with God’s presence. Evaluating our services with this lens can enrich their narrative quality. Are elements disjointed programs or do they flow to meet with Christ? Crafting an event-oriented worship emphasizes God’s narrative and equips us to live it out as we scatter once again.

How Your Church Can Have the Best Year-End Ever with Kenny Jahng

PODCAST: The last 45 days of the year present a prime opportunity for churches to encourage generosity and increase year-end giving. But with people bombarded by requests from many causes, how can your church stand out? Podcaster Rich Birch talks with expert Kenny Jahng about a strategic coaching cohort called Best Year-End Ever. It provides churches with a step-by-step process, ready-to-use templates, and weekly guidance to leverage this critical season.

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How Do You Evaluate Your Sunday Church Services?

Evaluating your church’s Sunday services can be tricky, but it’s crucial for improvement. Mark Cole shares how he developed a simple 10-question survey to get constructive feedback from church members every week. The results helped identify issues and strengthen their gatherings. Though blunt feedback isn’t for everyone, evaluation led to positive change.

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Worship Audition Fails: How to Avoid These 8 Big Blunders

Getting the right people on your worship team is crucial, but a flawed audition process can lead to disaster. Jon Nicol knows—he made every mistake in the book. A pro keyboard player seemed perfect on paper, but fast-tracking him onto the team without proper vetting led to an “epic train wreck” of a service. What are the 8 common pitfalls that allow the wrong people onto your worship team? How can you say “no” more easily to the talented but toxic?

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Five New Challenges for the “Post-Post” Pandemic Church

Thought your church had reached a “new normal” post-pandemic? Think again, warns Thom Rainer. With cultural change blurring by, he says churches are entering a new “post post-pandemic” era, bringing five fresh challenges. Assumptions about normalcy can leave you outdated, inward organizational focus distracts from outward mission, and standards for evangelism have slipped. Meanwhile, pastors face unprecedented mental health strains. And an increasingly unbiblical culture leaves churches struggling to relate. For Rainer, this era demands prescient methods, renewed evangelistic zeal, compassion for leaders, and deepened cultural understanding. But he insists that with God’s strength, we can rise to engage this new mission field.

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6 Reasons To Have A Mid-Week Worship Rehearsal

Rushed Sunday morning rehearsals got you stressed and settling for “good enough”? Alex Enfiedjian argues the case for bringing back the mid-week rehearsal. With the looming pressure of Sunday service lifted, mid-week sessions allow time for prayer, team discipleship, tightening transitions, and taking your sound to the next level. Enfiedjian shares 6 compelling reasons to reinstate this “invaluable” practice, from nurturing your team spiritually to analyzing recordings so you can fix issues before the big day. Even adding a monthly mid-week rehearsal can pay dividends.

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Drum Cage 101: They’re Not That Complicated

Store-bought drum shields may not cut it for most churches. But a custom build can run thousands and blow your budget. Have no fear – production manager Joseph Cottle says DIY drum cages are totally doable. Forget complex math and fancy tools – with simple instructions for basic box and half-circle setups, Cottle guides you through sourcing cheap materials, adding sound-proofing, and including ventilation. With tips for leveraging volunteer expertise, he makes a compelling case that homegrown cages beat name-brand for noise reduction and audio control. And at just $500-$2000 based on what you’ve got on hand, you’ll make your executive pastor happy too.

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